您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家
【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司Elisa试剂盒 是一种敏感性高,特异性强,重复性好的实验诊断方法。齐一生物试剂盒稳定高、易保存,操作简便,已广泛应用在免疫学检验的各领域中.并于高校研究院长期合作. 齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9239498 V-Housing, LX100 CNY 【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9239490 EX Laser Driver, Uniphase CNY
9239390 PCR Plate Adapter, M96 CNY
9236510 BR 3000, PM Service The Overhaul covers all travel and labor costs plus all necessary parts to perform a Preventative Maintenance,. The instrument will also be thoroughly checked and inspected to determine if any additional parts are required to get the instrument running to its optimal performance. There will be an additional charge for any such parts if any are needed. CNY
9232764 Disposable Troughs, 20 / 30 ml (10) Troughs holding up to 20 ml of liquid; pack of 10 CNY
9236472 BR 9600, Full Agreement The Full Agreement 9600 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot 9600. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days). CNY
9236443 BR, Installation The Installation, BR Universal facilitates the quick implementation of the BioRobot into the lab routine by minimizing the instrument start-up phase. It covers the hardware and software installation of the BioRobot Universal instrument and provides the user with an introductory training on operation and user maintenance. The installation includes labor and travel costs. The performance of the installation process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document. CNY
9239155 Assembly, vertical axis, TWI CNY
9239108 Assy, Sample Needle, Actuator linkage CNY
9232693 MTP-Plate Holder 2.01 CNY
9232629 Bottle, 500-ml, yellow fitting CNY
9232602 Vacuum manifold, plate holder bottomless CNY
9232579 Cooling block, 1,5ml CNY
9238951 Locking lever, BS15 CNY
9238798 Rectangular bucket, sealable with cap CNY
9238794 Angle rotor 6 x 250 ml CNY
9016913 Tubing, press relief valve inlet DISU v2 CNY 【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9238942 Keyboard-Display assembly, BS15 CNY
9238753 Screwdriver, hex2mm, z-drive BR8 CNY
9238916 Power supply 40W, BS96 CNY
9238748 Coupling, CPC, screw, male, V2 CNY
9238716 Seal for lid, 1350 mm CNY
9238898 Front panel, BS15 CNY
9238699 Frontpanel w. keyboard foil (Zent1) CNY
9231793 Motor, gripper, handler, BR8000 CNY
9238690 Computer board Zent2, no Eprom CNY
9231434 Probe, 0,4mm, ceramic coated for PK80 CNY
9020071 Keypad, TLyser CNY
9020070 Controller 100-120V/200-240V, TLyser CNY
9014996 Shaker, Highspeed Unit, BR8 RD CNY
9014870 X-Motor, BR8 CNY
9014790 Tip Disposal Bags MDx Autoclavable bags for collection and disposal of used disposable tips, pack of 15 CNY
QR20-110 Rosetta(DE3)感受态细胞 10 x 100μl
QR20-111 Rosetta(DE3)感受态细胞 20 x 100μl
QR20-112 BCA蛋白定量试剂盒 200次 【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
QR20-113 蛋白标准溶液-BSA 5x1ml
QR20-114 SDS-PAGE凝胶制备试剂盒 1 kit
QR20-115 ProteinShow-G250蛋白快速染色试剂 250ml
QR20-116 30%丙烯酰胺-甲叉双丙烯酰胺溶液(29:1) 100ml
QR20-117 SDS-PAGE浓缩胶缓冲液(4x) 50ml
QR20-118 SDS-PAGE浓缩胶缓冲液(4x) 200ml
QR20-119 SDS-PAGE分离胶缓冲液(4x) 100ml
QR20-120 SDS-PAGE分离胶缓冲液(4x) 500ml
QR20-121 SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer (变性,5x) 5ml
QR20-122 SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer (非变性,5x) 5ml
QR20-123 10%SDS溶液 100ml
QR20-124 PBS 500ml
QR20-125 PBST 500ml
QR20-126 TBS 500ml
QR20-127 TBST 500ml
QR20-128 Tris-Glycine 500ml 【兔子白介素1β(IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
QR20-129 Tris-Glycine SDS 500ml
QR20-130 1.5M Tris-Cl(pH8.8) 500ml
QR20-131 0.5M Tris-Cl(pH6.8) 500ml
QR20-132 超纯dNTP(2.5mM each) 0.5ml
QR20-133 超纯dNTP(2.5mM each) 1ml
QR20-134 超纯dNTP(10mM each) 250μl
QR20-135 超纯dNTP(10mM each) 500μl
QR20-136 超纯dATP(100mM) 0.5ml
QR20-137 超纯dGTP(100mM) 0.5ml
QR20-138 超纯dCTP(100mM) 0.5ml
QR20-139 超纯dTTP(100mM) 0.5ml
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