您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货
Linco 公司主要致力于糖尿病与肥胖症研究及相关领域的新产品研发,以为广大研究人员提供值得信赖的高品质产品而自豪。在Luminex技术基础上开发出的LINCOplexTM系列产品,可以在一份25ul的样品中同时定量检测多种蛋白质分子。该系列包括人、小鼠和大鼠细胞因子检测试剂盒、apolipoproteins检测试剂盒和内分泌检测试剂盒,其中的细胞因子检测试剂盒可以根据客户的研究需要灵活提供(最少3种细胞因子)。Linco公司还在不断努力,为该系列试剂盒提供更多的检测指标。
Molecular Probes,作为Invitrogen的全资子公司,是全球最主要的用于先进的生物医药和其他科学研究的荧光检测产品的供货商,应用于基因组学,蛋白质组学及细胞生物学标记等方面,服务于全球顶级的商业机构和科学实验室。自1975年成立以来,作为荧光技术的先锋,已经实现了基于持续的革新、卓越的服务和客户高满意度之上的高速增长。Molecular Probes已建立了多达3000种的荧光探针和生物化学品的生产线,使得在诸如分子和细胞生物、免疫学、生物化学和神经科学等不同领域的领先研究项目成为可能。
【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】MBL 成立于1969年,是日本第一家抗体生产商。
公司早期致力于研究生产血浆蛋白质抗体,是抗体研究、发展和生产的先锋者。现在,公司提供3000多种细胞骨架、致癌基因产品和信号转导蛋白质抗体。MBL的自身免疫性疾病的诊断剂对医药界贡献非常大,该公司产品在自身免疫性疾病方面占据了日本国内市场80%的份额,在海外市场也同样受到欢迎。近年来,MBL大力引进重组DNA细胞和细胞融合技术来开发用于疾病诊断和疗效观察的诊断试剂。另外,公司开发了大量分子生物学和细胞生物学研究的产品,包括抗体和可溶性Fas ELISA试剂盒。
Merck 是生命科学领域的旗舰企业,拥有以下品牌:
Calbiochem corp. 为全球最大的信号转导类产品供应商。
Stratagene Cloning System. Stratagene产品涉及到分子生物学、蛋白质组学、药物研发等领域。
Oncogen 产品集中在细胞凋亡及周期研究领域,产品专而精。
Novagen 产品线从上游的基因及蛋白分离到表达、分析、纯化,覆盖面宽。
【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】Millipore 产品以纯水以及过滤相关产品为主,是目前纯水市场上的绝对领导者。2006年,Millipore又合并了生物试剂的知名公司Serologicals,从而获得了其旗下Upstate(信号转导、药物筛选专家)、Chemicon(干细胞和神经生物学专家)以及Linco(内分泌检测专家)的全部产品和技术等。从而成为生物界更全而有实力的供应商。
Miltenyi (美天妮) 德国美天旎公司是一个以细胞分选技术为主、拥有多样化产品的生物技术公司。主要开发研制并销售世界上先进的细胞分选、细胞生物学、相关分子生物学产品和技术,尤其在干细胞分选、DC细胞分选与分析、细胞因子分泌细胞分选与分析、免疫治疗、再生医学方面占有极大的优势。CD133、BDCA-2(CD303)、BDCA-4(CD304)单抗均为其专利产品。
NEB (New England Biolabs, Inc.)成立于20世纪70年代,致力于生化酶类及其它相关试剂的研发和生产。经过20多年的不懈努力, NEB凭借其高品质的产品、一流的专业服务,已成为限制性内切酶及相关产品最佳供应商之一。到目前为止,NEB可提供210多种内切酶,其中有130多种内切酶为重组酶。克隆及重组技术的运用,使NEB能在提高内切酶的纯度及品质的同时,极大地削减生产费用,从而为用户提供价格更合理、品质更优良的产品。NEB将通过不懈努力,在内切酶及相关领域继续保持领先地位,为客户提供更多更好的产品和更专业的服务。
【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】Novus 位于美国科罗拉多州,是一家著名的抗体公司。公司的愿景是提供优质的产品,完善的客户服务以帮助客户快速找到最适合的抗体产品。通过全球代理商和网络提供10000多种研究级抗体,涉及生命科学的各个领域。
PeproTech 位于英国, 在美国也有公司。成立12年来,公司已开发了200种以上的重组细胞因子和相关抗体.所有产品以冻干形式提供,以方便运输和储存.目前公司正在扩大产品线,生产抗原亲和多抗及其生物素标记物,ELISA试剂盒和新型抗体。主要以小包装的细胞因子受广大研究生客户喜爱。【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】
PhytoTech lab 美国著名的植物培养基供应商,公司集研发、生产、销售为一体,产品主要覆盖植物组织培养、植物生物技术与植物科学等领域。特色产品有优质 MURASHIGE & SKOOG (MS) 基础培养基、植物凝胶、琼脂粉、植物生长调节因子、抗生素等。
5025-1011 Expand 4 Pipettor 240V CNY 【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9240747 Belt, Reagent Pump 117 groove, AP CNY
9240720 Cable Carrier, Tubing, Dispense Head, AP CNY
9240700 Tubing, Waste, 1 1\4", AP CNY
9243690 DML Luminometer, Repair Fee DML Repair Fee covers Regional Repair Center service for non-service agreement covered DML 2000 and DML 3000 units. Includes labor, parts and shipping materials. CNY
9243652 Comprehen Valid., QuantiPlex/QP Hyres """The Comprehensive Validation Support plan specific to a laboratory's needs will incorporate all of the requirements for the internal validation guidelines from the FBI's Quality Assurance Standards (QAS).
The Comprehensive Validation Support service includes all travel and labor charges for up to 20 days by the QIAGEN Validation Team. Typically, one week will be required to extract, quantify, and amplify the validation study samples and may require multiple individuals. Usually, two weeks is required to analyze the data and one week to write the final report. The expected time period to complete the Comprehensive Validation is six weeks. The actual time may vary depending on resource availability, including laboratory time dedicated to validation activities.
Lab Work – The QIAGEN specialist(s) will travel to the laboratory to conduct the on-site validation lab work. The QIAGEN specialist team will perform and complete all extractions, quantifications, amplfications, and capillary electrophoresis. The laboratory is responsible for providing systems/protocols that may be needed (generally laboratory SOPs, ex. interpretation guidelines). Additionally, the laboratory staff may be required to provide additional data needed for interpretation (ex. quantification/amplification/CE results) during the data review phase of the validation.
Once the final scope of the validation is determined, QIAGEN will provide a quote for all consumables required for the validation. Non-QIAGEN chemistry and accessories are not included and should be purchased to cover the validation experimental design including qPCR, STR, NIST standards, required samples types (blood, semen, buccal samples) and required substrates (swabs, materials, etc). For planning purposes and to ensure a smooth process, the Customer is expected to have all materials on-hand and inventoried one (1) week prior to the validation start date.
Data Analysis – The Comprehensive Validation Support plan encompasses data collection (quants, amps, CE) during the on-site visit. The laboratory may be responsible for sharing (typically electronically via e-mail) any validation data requested after the on-site visit. A QIAGEN specialist will complete all of the data analysis produced from the validation study design. This includes qPCR (quant) and STR (amp) analysis and linkage to starting samples.
Validation data CD/flashdrive – QIAGEN will review the validation data and draft a validation summary document, ensuring compliance with the FBI's QAS requirements/standards. QIAGEN will send validation data in an electronic format (email/CD/flashdrive) to the laboratory. The laboratory is responsible for final compilation, any format change preferences, review and signoff of the validation report. The documentation provided by QIAGEN will aide in demonstrating compliance with all accreditation guidelines during laboratory audits. Should a hard copy of the validation study be preferred, the laboratory is required to specify prior to the onset of the validation.
Post-validation QIAGEN-to-Laboratory Transfer – Following completion of the validation and generation of the draft validation summary document, a designated member of the QIAGEN validation team will review the validation with the Lab Manager and the Technical Leader. Following sign off on the validation report, training of the laboratory DNA staff will occur. Refer to the Post-validation Competency Training for additional information. """ CNY
6000-3101 Rapid Capture System CNY
19134 QIAGEN Proteinase K CNY
614033 careHPV Test, SFDA (24-test) CNY
274203 flocktype IBDV Ab (5) CNY
270803 cattletype MAP Ab (5) CNY
280303 cador BVDV RT-PCR Kit (24) CNY
282303 virotype PRRSV RT-PCR Kit (24) CNY
282305 virotype PRRSV RT-PCR Kit (96) CNY
280443 virotype BTV pan/8 RT-PCR Kit (24) CNY
939012 Buffer N2 (2 x 10 ml) CNY
871105 EGFR PCR Kit (100) CNY 【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】
800382 Restriction Map CNY
871005 KRAS PCR Kit (100) CNY
9020586 Power Supply, 24V 60W, DML 3000 CNY
9013314 Shaker adapter, 192-tube, 5 ml CNY
9013211 Cabling kit, data, BR8000 CNY
9011747 Worktable left, BR8000 v1.01 CNY
132568 NeXtal Stock Methoxy-PEG 5000 (50) 30% w/v Methoxypolyethylene glycol 5000 - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
800311 Custom Primer CNY
766134 PAXgene Tissue miRNA Kit (50) CNY
203443 HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit (250) "3 x 0.85 ml HotStarTaq Master Mix* containing 250 units HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase total, 2 x 1.7 ml distilled water
- premixed solution for high PCR specificity
- HotStarTaq Master Mix, HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, several kit sizes from 250 u up to 2500 u available" CNY
201901 dNTP Mix, PCR Grade, 10mM, 4x200µl "dNTP Mix contains dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP in water (pH 7.5), 10mM each.
for 800 reactions based on 50ul PCR (0.2uM each dNTP)" CNY
201209 Taq DNA Polymerase (25000) "100 x 250 units Taq DNA Polymerase, 100 x 1.2ml PCR Buffer, 100 x 2.0ml Q-Solution, 100 x 1.2ml MgCl2
NEW! Now with 100 x 1,2 ml CoralLoad PCR Buffer
Taq DNA Polymerase is now supplied with CoralLoad PCR Buffer, which has all of the advantages of QIAGEN PCR Buffer but can also be used to directly load the PCR reaction onto an agarose gel without the need to add a gel loading buffer. CoralLoad PCR Buffer provides the same high PCR specificity and minimal reaction optimization as conventional QIAGEN PCR Buffer. Additionally, it contains two marker dyes: an orange dye and a red dye, that facilitate estimation of DNA migration distance and optimization of agarose gel run time." CNY
200203 TopTaq DNA Polymerase (250) "1 x 250U TopTaq DNA Polymerase, 10x TopTaq PCR Buffer, 1x CoralLoad Concentrate, 5x Q-solutions, 25mM MgCl2
For highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivalled ease-of-use
The first fridge storage enzyme" CNY
180462 GeneRead DNA Library L Core Kit (12) CNY
159916 Generation Capture Column Kit (300) CNY
└ 脑微血管内皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 人脑成纤维细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 晶状体上皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 角膜上皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 视网膜色素上皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 视网膜微血管内皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 角膜成纤维细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 小梁网细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 视网膜muller细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 角膜内皮细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 脉络膜微血管细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug) 【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】
└ 食道肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 胃肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 肝肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 结肠肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 直肠肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 肺肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 胆道肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 肾肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 膀胱肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 胰腺肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 甲状腺肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 前列腺肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 乳腺肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 卵巢肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 子宫肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 宫颈肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug) 【大鼠同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)ELISA试剂盒现货】
└ 皮肤组织肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 胶质肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 髓母细胞肿瘤组织源性原代细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
└ 胃癌组织源性原代成纤维细胞总DNA 1μg/1μl(10μg/20ug/50ug)
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