您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家
【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】凡购买齐一生物目录任何一种检测试剂盒,您只需将需要检测的动物种类和检测指标及标本数量(48T/96T)通知公司业务员即可.在接到客户标本当日起,现货产品一周内将检测报告交到客户手中!齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490;【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
QY-x921 人食管鳞癌KYSE 450
QY-x922 人食管鳞癌KYSE30
QY-x923 人食管鳞癌KYSE70
QY-x924 人食管癌细胞KYSR450
QY-x925 人食管癌细胞KYSE510
QY-x926 人胃癌细胞系HS-746T
QY-x927 人胃癌细胞BSG823
QY-x928 人胃粘膜细胞GES-1
QY-x929 人胃腺癌细胞MGC-803
QY-x930 人胃腺癌细胞MCG803
QY-x931 人低分化胃癌细胞BGC-823
QY-x932 人低分化胃癌细胞SGC7901
QY-x933 人耐VCR胃腺癌细胞SGC-7901/VCR
QY-x934 人低分化胃癌细胞MKN-45
QY-x935 人未分化胃癌细胞HGC-27 【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
QY-x936 人胃腺癌细胞AGS
QY-x937 人胃腺癌细胞NCI-N87
QY-x938 人胃癌细胞MKN-28
QY-x939 人胃癌细胞(+)9811
QY-x940 人胃癌细胞9811C11
QY-x941 绿色荧光蛋白标记人胃癌细胞MGC803-GFP
QY-x942 人胃癌细胞BGC-803
QY-x943 人胃癌顺铂耐药株SGC7901/DDP
QY-x944 人结肠癌细胞CRL-2780
QY-x945 人胚胎肠粘膜细胞CCC-HIE-2
QY-x946 人结肠癌细胞CACO-2
QY-x947 人结肠癌细胞Colo205
QY-x948 人结肠癌细胞Colo320DM
QY-x949 人结直肠癌细胞HCT116
QY-x950 人结肠腺癌细胞HCT-8
QY-x951 耐长春新碱结肠癌细胞系HCT-8/VCR 【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9238858 Basic Cover Agreement Plato7, 1yr The Basic Cover Agreement Plato7 provides full service coverage for the Plato 7 platform. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days. CNY
9241233 User Manual, QIAxcel FA 01/08 (WW) CNY
9241227 ZLV, Handscanner, Qsym CNY
9241180 Motor, Z, QX CNY
9019473 Loading guide, 52 well sharkstooth, GSC CNY
9019462 Switch, micro, HS CNY
9019457 Fans (2), 5V, 30mm, HS CNY
9237172 Cable USB CNY
9233169 Board, YZ-CPU, BR8000 CNY 【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9237163 Bezel LiquiChip CNY
9237162 Shipping Plug XYP CNY
9237135 #Twister I, Full Agreement, no PM The Full Agreement BR Twister I provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Twister I. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days). CNY
9237109 Protocol Dev./Opt., on-site (5-days) The QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Protocol Development/Optimization On-Site Visit includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 5 days by a QIAGEN Instrumentation Service Specialist to write and/or opimize protocols for the BioRobot System. Parts, consumable chemistries, and accessories not included. Custom protocols are the sole responsibility of the customer and neither warrantied nor guaranteed. CNY
9237102 Upgrade, BR plus 2 ext. devices Upgrade BioRobot with two approved integration devices CNY
9232974 Card, x-main, peristaltic XPUPG CNY
9232972 YZ 96 CPU Board/Driver Unit CNY
9232947 Springcontact, RoboVac, BR8000 CNY
9236408 Storage Platform TW I, deep well CNY
9232918 Board, PCON, auto vac, BR8000 CNY
9236334 Green LSR CNY
9236324 Fan, LiquiChip CNY
9236151 Locator Plate, 96 well,pos 2,BR RP CNY
9230820 Rack for reagents, Universal (zig-zag) CNY
9230718 Predilution-Rack 320x2ml Rose-80 CNY
9230365 Cable,Interface,flat,(Syr.)-Incub.-Read. CNY 【大鼠脂蛋白磷脂酶A2(Lp-PL-A2)ELISA试剂盒厂家】
9021284 Safety lock, waste drawer, v1, Qsym CNY
9238611 Rubber seal, centrifuge motor CNY
9238477 Tubing, OLF pump head, RapidPlate CNY
9238245 Tray for Reaction CNY
9238191 Upgrade App., DirectPrep 96 CNY
9237721 EZ1, Full Agreement The Full Agreement EZ1 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot EZ1. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days). CNY
9240676 Bimba Cylinder, Latch Lock, AP98 CNY
9240668 Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Blue, AP CNY
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