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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:10次
  • 发布日期:2016/8/17(更新日期:2016/8/17)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家 货号QY-H11473 规格48T/96T 样本血清,血浆,尿液,胸腹水,脑脊液,细胞培养上清,组织匀浆等 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
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 人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

eBioscience (成立于1999年,位于美国圣地亚哥,专注在人和小鼠的CD系列/细胞因子相关试剂流式抗体) 以其高品质的产品,良好的服务及实惠的价格赢得了多家世界顶尖实验室和科研机构的青睐。






Fermentas (MBI) 是一家经过ISO9002认证的来自立陶宛的生物技术公司,是世界第二大工具酶和分子生物学试剂盒生产商。该公司优势产品包括限制性内切酶、PCR产品、逆转录产品、核酸及蛋白质Marker等。向研究者提供质优价廉的科研产品,产品极具性价比。其客户遍及欧美地区,产品质量备受各地用户的赞誉和推崇。现在,Fermentas为了更好服务中国市场,推出一系列新产品,包括实时定量PCR试剂盒等。


人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家GE Healthcare Bioscience/GE医疗集团生命科学部门 GE医疗集团属下一个年销售额30亿美元的部门。其业务主要包括医学诊断、药物开发和蛋白质分离系统。


GIBCO 作为细胞培养的金字招牌,是在此领域的领导者,现在是Invitrogen的一部分。Gibco可以提供最为广泛的品种以满足用户不同的需求,每一种产品都通过最为严格的品质管理。同时,Gibco也可按客户的要求对培养基的配方进行改动,或完全按客户的配方进行生产。


Hyclone 各种细胞培养用动物血清,胎牛血清及替代品,固体细胞培养基,液体细胞培养基,平衡盐溶液,普通培养用试剂,无血清无蛋白培养,超纯注射用水等。目前被Thermo-Fisher收购,成为旗下重要的品牌。


Invitrogen 是全球领先的生命技术公司,公司创立于1987年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德。主要为全球从事生命科学研究的学术、政府研究机构、医药和生物技术公司提供生物技术产品和服务。Invitrogen将研发力量集中在包括功能基因组、蛋白组学、生物信息学和细胞生物学等生命科学研究领域内的突破性创新,向全球各主要实验室提供在研究中所需要的新技术、新产品及服务。Invitrogen旗下包括InvitrogenGibcoMolecular ProbesDynalBiosourceCaltagZymedPanveraInforMaxBioReliance等众多行业顶尖品牌。为分子生物、疾病研究,药物研发和生物制品生产等提供全面的技术和服务。


人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家J&K (百灵威) 以欧洲和中国为基地,以先进的化学技术、医学技术为专业主体,集研发、生产、经营于一体,是一支具有专业背景、朝气蓬勃、有高度创造天赋的团队。

丰富的产品 百灵威经营的专业产品有:有机试剂、无机试剂、生化试剂、溶剂、特殊化学品、精细化工原料、医药中间体、原料药、化工中间体、功能高分子材料、催化剂、标 样、标准物质以及特种润滑脂等。百灵威的注册商标有: J&KCHEMICA J&KMEDICA 和伟伦。

专业化经营 除了提供百灵威制造的特殊化学品、中间体和生物化学品之外,百灵威与各国著名化学公司形成了紧密的合作关系,联合提供多达 100,000 种的化学试剂和大包装精细化学品,可立即供应的常备库存达三万种以上!能够满足科学研究、工业研发直至生产各个阶段的综合需求。


人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. 专业致力于亲合纯化的第二抗体和纯化的 免疫球蛋白的生产和偶联。其产品深受广大研究人员的认可,销售范围遍布全球, 领域包括植物,动物和生物医学研究。公司成立于1982年,公司创业者具有深厚的 专业背景:细胞生物学,蛋白化学,微生物学,免疫学。公司自创立初,就将为其 他研究人员提供最新最全的二抗作为公司的持续发展目标。


KPL 美国最早实现亲和素纯化二抗商业化的生物公司,同时也是世界上最大的二抗和底物显色系统生产商。产品有:亲和纯化的抗体, WB IHC ELISA底物及Kit ,蛋白检测和纯化试剂盒,核酸标记和检测等试剂。为全球科研与诊断试剂生产厂商持续提供最优质的产品。人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家


51331     QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit (5)         CNY                           

74171     RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5)           CNY                           

180994    GeneRead Adapter L Set 12-plex (72)          CNY                           

9002140  careHPV test Luminometer           CNY                           

9230355  Washstation P1xxx        CNY                           

9235295  Sound absorber (muffler)             CNY                           

9235277  Board, HS shaker, BR8000           CNY                           

9230202  Safety shield for size1           CNY                           

9234858  Toubing coupling piece (washer tubing)              CNY                           

9238675  Operating mechanism,  left mech. lock              CNY                           

9238655  Computer board cable, 3-channel         CNY                            【人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家】

9238633  Grey wedge (long) " This is a thin plastic sheet with a printed gradient of dots that is held by a bracket on the motor so that it is situated in the u shape of the sensor.



SIGMA sensor"      CNY                           

9238622  Main board Zent3, no Eprom (>SN85353)          CNY                           

9241891  QIArent&go - Rent out fee Rotor-Gene              CNY                           

9241823  Pyro Q96 ID, Full Agreement       The Full Cover Agreement, PyM provides full service coverage for the PyroMark instrument. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one on-site inspection service, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a response time of 2 working days.       CNY                           

9241816  Pyro Q96 MD, PM Agreement             CNY                           

9241807  Pyro Q96 ID, Installation      Installation and Introductory Training PyroMark is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the installation and commissioning of the instrument and the handling of the PyroMark systems hardware. It trains the user on the operation of the PyroMark software and the setup and execution of a pyrosequencing run. After the training the user will be able to prepare samples, set-up and run the instrument, analyse the results and design new assays as well as troubleshoot new assays and perform basic maintenance on the sample preparation tool and instrument. All travel and labor costs and well as material for the demonstration run are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements       CNY                           

9241125  Thermal Joint Compound             CNY                           

9240978  PCB, connector, sample tracking, Qsym             CNY                           

9240947  Encoder, x, portal, Qsym             CNY                           

9234821  Manual, user, QS 4.0, US             CNY                           

9240785  Reagent #1 Manifold Update, AP98              CNY                           

9241784  QIAxcel, Training   "The Training, QIAxcel is a 2 days on-site service for up to four QIAxcel users, conducted by a QIAGEN Field Service Specialist. It includes an introduction to operation of the QIAxcel system hardware and the usage of the BioCalculator software. It covers the preparation of sample material, run preparation, data acquisition, and data evaluation. The training is performed using standardized sample material; customer samples may be processed upon request.

All travel and labor costs are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements. Training certificates for participants can be issued upon request."     CNY                           

9243544  Autopure, PM Service    "

Service response time (repair): not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY                           

9242713  Add. Unit, Validation Support, 2d   Each additional instrument (EZ1, QIAgility, QIAsymphony, QIAcube, Rotor-Gene Q) to be included in the Guided or Accelerated validation service catalog no(s). Scope of work defined from the primary unit utilized in "Guided Validation Support" or "Accelerated Validation Support".  Refer to the primary part number for additional information. Quantity of additional units is defined by the number of instruments undergoing a Performance Check study to the primary unit utilized in validation.   CNY                           

9242545  Quick Disconnect O-ring set, LC         CNY                           

9242337  Tool, calibration, AS, Qsym          CNY                            【人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家】

5000-1303      Potentiometer Speed, SKR1          CNY                           

5000-1283      DML 2000 - Power Cord, 220V B Type (IT)              CNY                           

5000-1279      Led Assembly, DML2           CNY                           

5000-1269      Optical Sensor New STY, DML2         CNY                           

5000-1267      Power Transformer, DML2          CNY                           

5000-1263      PMT Housing W IRIS PCB, DML2             CNY                           

HRPTEpiC      人肾小管上皮细胞       Human Renal Proximal Tubular Epithelial Cells     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HRCEpiC 人肾皮质上皮细胞       Human Renal Cortical Epithelial Cells    5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HREpiC   人肾脏上皮细胞    Human Renal Epithelial Cells  5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HRMC    人肾系膜细胞       Human Renal Mesangial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HBlMEC  人膀胱微血管内皮细胞       Human Bladder Microvascular Endothelial Cells   5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HBlSMC  人膀胱平滑肌细胞       Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cells    5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HUC       人尿道上皮细胞    Human Urothelial Cells   5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HBlSF     人膀胱基质成纤维细胞       Human Bladder Stromal Fibroblasts      5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HPrMEC 人前列腺微血管内皮细胞    Human Prostate Microvascular Endothelial Cells  5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HPrEpiC  人前列腺上皮细胞       Human Prostate Epithelial Cells     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HPSMC        人前列腺平滑肌细胞    Human Prostate Smooth Muscle Cells   5x 10^5 cells/vial                        

HPrF       人前列腺成纤维细胞    Human Prostate Fibroblasts   5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HSVMEC       人精囊微血管内皮细胞       Human Seminal Vesicle Microvascular Endothelial Cells    5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HSVEpiC 人精囊上皮细胞    Human Seminal Vesicle Epithelial Cells       5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HSVF      人精囊成纤维细胞       Human Seminal Vesicle Fibroblasts     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HCO       人颅骨成骨细胞    Human Calvarial Osteoblast   5 x 10^5 cells/vial                        【人假定蛋白LOC677168ELISA试剂盒厂家】

HO-f       人股骨成骨细胞    Human Osteoblasts- femural  5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HC-a       人关节软骨细胞    Human Chondrocytes- articular     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HS   人滑膜细胞    Human Synoviocytes     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HNPC     人髓核细胞    Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HAPC     人脊髓纤维环细胞       Human Anulus Pulposus Cells       5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HHSEC   人肝窦内皮细胞    Human Hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells  5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HIBEpiC  人肝内胆管上皮细胞    Human Intrahepatic Biliary Epithelial Cells    5 x 10^5 cells/vial   无货                    

HH   人肝细胞       Human Hepatocytes       1 x 10^6 cells/vial                       

HH   人肝细胞       Human Hepatocytes       2 x 10^6 cells/vial                       

HHSteC   人肝星形细胞       Human Hepatic Stellate Cells  5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HGBF     人胆囊成纤维细胞       Human Gallbladder Fibroblasts      5 x 10^5 cells per 1ml                        

HSEC      人脾血管内皮细胞       Human Splenic Endothelial Cells    5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HSF 人脾成纤维细胞    Human Splenic Fibroblasts    5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HCMEC  人心脏微血管内皮细胞       Human Cardiac Microvascular Endothelial Cells   5 x 10^5 cells/vial                       

HCAEC   人冠状动脉内皮细胞    Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells     5 x 10^5 cells/vial                        






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