
联系人:俞逸帆 联系电话:17706217308 微信:17706217308
Purchase equipment for production and service, but if the choice is not good products or is choice of inappropriate models, it will cause maintenance personnel frequently for equipment and services, because daily through the equipment of logistics vehicles will be affected and complain, which requires timely maintenance to meet the normal requirements.
SERANG to achieve energy saving through two key technology. First, door and door interlock greatly shortens the cycle of open the door, for the clean room, open cycle shortened can reduce the loss of indoor air, improve heat preservation ability. In addition, a double column internal Xilang fast door sealing brush PVC encryption type, base card design, convenient installation and replacement.
西朗门业是一家充满活力和快速成长的工业门品牌供应商,专注于工业门领域产品的技术开发、设计制造、销售安装以及售后服务。西朗门业为世界知名的DoorHan(道瀚)工业门集团旗下在华分支机构。集团在全球范围拥有4个主要生产基地:俄罗斯莫斯科、乌克兰、欧洲捷克共和国和中国苏州,销售网络已覆盖全球12个时区。作为世界一流的 工业化装备生产企业,生产的 所有产品完全符合欧洲标准,满足各种气候条件的使用。