您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4
低价格现货供应,欢迎前来选购【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司客服热:400 9910 197/021-6034 8496网站:www.qiyibio.com
甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4 英文名称:Glycerokinase 规格:生物技术级,150u/mg 包装:1KU 储存条件: 保存-20℃
α-突触核蛋白, E46K突变体 Alpha-Synuclein, E46K mutant 1.0mg
β-突触核蛋白 Beta-Synuclein 0.5mg
β-突触核蛋白 Beta-Synuclein 1.0mg
15N,α-突触核蛋白 15N, Alpha-Synuclein, Uniform Label 0.5mg
15N,α-突触核蛋白 15N, Alpha-Synuclein, Uniform Label 1.0mg
γ-突触核蛋白 Gamma-Synuclein 0.5mg
γ-突触核蛋白 Gamma-Synuclein 1.0mg
α-突触核蛋白, δ NAC Alpha-Synuclein, Delta NAC 0.5mg
α-突触核蛋白, 112 (NACP 112) Alpha-Synuclein, 112 (NACP 112) 0.5mg
QPH00121 Recombinant Human beta-NGF Peprotech 5ug/20ug/
QPH00122 Recombinant Murine β-NGF Peprotech 5ug/20ug/
QPH00123 Recombinant Human BMP-2 Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00124 Recombinant Murine EGF Peprotech 100ug/500ug/ 【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】
QPH00125 Recombinant Human EGF Peprotech 100ug/500ug/
QPH00126 Recombinant Human FGF-acidic Peprotech 50ug/1mg
QPH00127 Recombinant Human FGF-acidic Peprotech 10ug/50ug/
QPH00128 Recombinant Murine FGF-acidic Peprotech 10ug/50ug/
QPH00129 Recombinant Human FGF-basic Peprotech 50ug/1mg
QPH00130 Recombinant Human FGF-basic Peprotech 10ug/50ug/
QPH00131 Recombinant Murine FGF-basic Peprotech 10ug/50ug/
QPH00132 Recombinant Murine G-CSF Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00133 Recombinant Human G-CSF Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00134 Recombinant Human GM-CSF Peprotech 10ug/1mg/
QPH00135 Recombinant Human GM-CSF Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00136 Recombinant Murine GM-CSF Peprotech 10ug/1mg/
QPH00137 Recombinant Murine GM-CSF Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00138 Recombinant Human HGF Peprotech 2ug/10ug/
QPH00139 Recombinant Human IFN-r Peprotech 20ug/100ug/
QPH00140 Recombinant Murine IFN-r Peprotech 20ug/100ug/ 【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】
QPH00141 Recombinant Human IGF-1 Peprotech 100ug/1mg
QPH00142 Recombinant Human IGF-1 Peprotech 20ug/100ug/
QPH00143 Recombinant Murine IGF-1 Peprotech 10ug/50ug/
QPH00144 Recombinant Human KGF Peprotech 10ug/1mg/
9018086 Cooling adapter, EMT, Qsym CNY
9017825 Syringe, 1 ml, QIAC CNY
9017822 Module, pipettor, complete, QIAC CNY 【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】
9017819 Display, complete, QIAC CNY
9017793 Belt, Z-drive, gripper, QIAC CNY
9017698 Maintenance Kit, MultiFlow, BR UNIV CNY
9017800 Cover, tip check sensor, QIAC CNY
9017786 Board, driver, QIAC CNY
9017762 IQ/OQ documentation, EZ1 CNY
9017717 Installation Kit, Cabinet, BR8RD CNY
9015234 Upgrade Kit, QIAsoft 3 Includes: QIAsoft 3.0 Plus Build 12, User Manual as well as the QIAsoft Plus for BR9600. Please note that this does not include installation of the software. It is recommended that a QIAGEN Specialist installs the software, please contact our QIAGEN instrument Service Department to get a quotation for this. CNY
218423 Rat miScript Assay 96 SetVXX.X(20) CNY
9018298 EZ1 Advanced DNA Paraffin Section Card CNY
9018295 EZ1 Advanced DNA Tissue Card CNY
800352 Setup, HT CNY
9015300 Motor, Z, M48 CNY
63181 DyeEx 96 Kit (4) 4 DyeEx 96 Plates; 4 Collection Plates, 48-Well CNY
9019451 Switch incl. 2K2 resistor, P/R, HS CNY
9019446 Memory card 32MB SDl w/S/W CNY 【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】
9014419 Computer system, Standard 1 W2000 CNY
9019917 PCB, pinch valve, C18 CNY
9019903 Gasket - VPT Cover, PyroQ96VW CNY
9018172 Supply, light/uv, portal, Qsym CNY
9018130 Belt, z, extractor Qsym CNY
9018121 Set, X-rings (10), QIAC CNY
9018092 Cooling adapter, RG strip tubes 72, Qsym CNY
9018073 Waste Drawer Liner CNY
9017804 Body, front panel, QIAC CNY
9017788 Belt, X-drive, QIAC CNY
9018133 Sensor, rodcover, extractor Qsym CNY
9018125 Magnet plate, extractor, Qsym CNY
9018122 Set, fuses F1, F2, F3, mainboard, QIAC CNY
9017834 Module, shaker, complete, QIAC CNY
9017816 Motor, rotary, gripper, QIAC CNY
9017791 Motor, Z-drive, gripper, complete, QIAC CNY 【甘油激酶CAS:9030-66-4】
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