您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9
齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品原装产品,正品原装质量,货期短价格优惠!欢迎前来选购【苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司客服热:400 9910 197/021-6034 8496网站:http://www.qiyibio.com
苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9 英文名称:Bis(cyclopentadienyl)tetracarbonyl Diiron 规格:BR,99% 包装:1克 储存条件: RT
5000-1257 X Optical Sensor CMPLT, DML2 CNY
9232670 Valve, solenoid, 8-fold, 2 CNY
9232666 Holder, external bottle, square CNY
9238795 Rectangular bucket CNY
9238789 Angle rotor 8 x 50 ml CNY
9017112 Kit, Service Prot. Plasticware, BR8 RD CNY
9017091 Uprade kit, RoboVac base BR8 RD v4.2 CNY
9232335 Cable, pump, DISU, BR8000 CNY
9238771 Mission Pack Includes 6 working days (on-site or off-site work) by a QIAGEN Instrumentation Service Specialist, valid for 1 year. These days can be used for writing and/or optimization of protocols or for training. It includes all travel and labor charges. Parts, consumable chemistries, and accessories are not included. Custom protocols are the sole responsibility of the customer and neither warrantied nor guaranteed CNY
9238919 Tooth belt 330mm, BS15 CNY
9238910 Disc tray, BS96 CNY
9238700 Front panel w. keyboard foil (Zent2) CNY
9238693 Voltage regulator 7805 DC, 15 V CNY 【苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9】
9232099 Front blind for size 120 CNY
9230968 Holder, X-drive motor, BR8000 CNY
9014724 DISU Retraction Mechanism BRMDx,complete CNY
9014723 Scanner, Complete, SamTrack, BR8 RD CNY
9014580 Vacuum Manifold, SBS CNY
9014525 Modules, DISU, BR8 RD v1.0 CNY
9022576 Strut assembly, Hood, AS, right, Qsym CNY
9022338 DVD, System Restore, DCU CNY
9021982 Gas strut, door, QXA CNY
9021614 Kit, upgrade QSAS Cabinet, Qsym CNY
9021282 Drop catcher, waste chute, v1, Qsym CNY
9238177 QIAplate Holder, silver CNY
9240647 Internal BCR, MS-3 CCD, AP196/98 CNY
9240637 UPS, 240 Volt, AP CNY
9240629 Supplemental Fuse Pack, AP196/98 CNY
9240618 Fuse, TE5, 1.6A, PCB, AP96/196 CNY 【苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9】
9240598 Brake Cylinder, AP96/196 CNY
9240588 Vacuum Switch Assy, Capper, AP96 CNY
9240578 Vacuum Switch Assy, Elevator, AP96 CNY
9240563 Fuse,PCB, 630, Eppendorf, AP196/98 CNY
QY-25280 羊 IgG 蛋白抗原 50mg 480
QY-25281 羊 IgG 蛋白抗原 100mg 870
QY-25282 羊 IgG 蛋白抗原 1000mg 7395
QY-25283 羊 IgG( 液体 ) 蛋白抗原 10mg/ml 112.5
QY-25284 羊 IgG( 液体 ) 蛋白抗原 50mg/2-3ml 465
QY-25285 羊 IgG( 液体 ) 蛋白抗原 100mg/ml 825
QY-25286 小鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 10mg 180
QY-25287 小鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 50mg 810 【苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9】
QY-25288 小鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 100mg 1530
QY-25289 小鼠 IgG (液体-Ph 7.2 PBS)蛋白抗原 10mg/ml 172.5
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QY-25293 大鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 100mg 1650
QY-25294 大鼠 IgG(液体-Ph 7.2 PBS)蛋白抗原 10mg/ml 195
QY-25295 大鼠 IgG(液体-Ph 7.3 PBS)蛋白抗原 50mg/2-3ml 810
QY-25296 豚鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 10mg 270
QY-25297 豚鼠 IgG 蛋白抗原 50mg 1080
QY-25298 豚鼠 IgG (液体-Ph 7.2 PBS)蛋白抗原 10mg/ml 255
QY-25299 豚鼠 IgG (液体-Ph 7.2 PBS)蛋白抗原 50mg/2-3ml 1020
QY-25300 猪 IgG蛋白抗原 10mg 120
QY-25301 猪 IgG 蛋白抗原 50mg 480
QY-25302 猪 IgG 蛋白抗原 100mg 870
QY-25303 猪 IgG 蛋白抗原 1000mg 7395 【苯甲酰基二羰基CAS:12154-95-9】
QY-25304 猪 IgG( 液体-Ph 7.2 PBS ) 蛋白抗原 10mg/ml 112.5
QY-25305 猪 IgG( 液体-Ph 7.3 PBS )蛋白抗原 50mg/2-3ml 465
QY-25306 猪 IgG( 液体-Ph 7.4 PBS )蛋白抗原 100mg/2-5ml 825
QY-25307 牛 IgG 蛋白抗原 10mg 120
QY-25308 牛 IgG 蛋白抗原 50mg 480
QY-25309 牛 IgG 蛋白抗原 100mg 870
QY-25310 牛 IgG 蛋白抗原 1000mg 7395
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