您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1
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"L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1 英文名称:L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous 规格:BR,99%,具刺激性 包装:25克 熔点: 180°C
储存条件: RT,避光
介绍: 强酸味,无臭,仅有痕量亚硫酸盐气味。它在动植物体内是各组织细胞用来防御有害物质和增加活力的一种氨基酸,也是组成蛋白质的20多种氨基酸之一,并且是唯一具有活性巯基(-SH)的氨基酸。"
QY-L0749 3,5,6,7,8,3’,4’-七甲氧基黄酮 5,6,7,8,3,4-heptemthoxyflavone 20mg
QY-L0750 漆黄素528-48-3 Fisetin 528-48-3 20mg
QY-L0751 芹菜素520-36-5 Apigenin 520-36-5 20mg
QY-L0752 肉桂醛104-55-2 Cinnamaldehyde 104-55-2 20mg
QY-L0753 肉桂醇104-54-1 Cinnamyl alcohol 104-54-1 20mg
QY-L0754 肉桂酸621-82-9 Cinnamic acid 621-82-9 20mg
QY-L0755 拟人参皂苷F1169884-00-0 "Pseudoginsenoside F11
" 69884-00-0 20mg
QY-L0756 拟人参皂苷RT598474-78-3 Pseudoginsenoside RT5 98474-78-3 20mg
QY-L0757 人参皂苷RC11021-14-0 Ginsenoside Rc 11021-14-0 20mg
QY-L0758 人参皂苷RD52705-93-8 Ginsenoside Rd 52705-93-8 20mg
QY-L0759 人参皂苷Rb141753-43-9 Ginsenoside Rb1 41753-43-9 20mg
QY-L0760 人参皂苷Rb211021-13-9 Ginsenoside Rb2 11021-13-9 20mg
QY-L0761 人参皂苷Rb368406-26-8 Ginsenoside Rb3 68406-26-8 20mg
QY-L0762 人参皂苷Rg1 22427-39-0 Ginsenoside Rg1 22427-39-0 20mg
QY-L0763 (S型)人参皂苷Rg252286-74-5 Ginsenoside Rg2 52286-74-5 20mg 【L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1】
QY-L0764 (R型)人参皂苷Rg2 (R)-Ginsenoside Rg2 20mg
QY-L0765 人参皂苷Rg314197-60-5 Ginsenoside Rg3 14197-60-5 20mg
QY-L0766 20(R)人参皂苷Rg3 20(R)Ginsenoside Rg3 20mg
QY-L0767 人参皂苷Rh163223-86-9 Ginsenoside Rh1 63223-86-9 20mg
QY-L0768 人参皂苷Rh278214-33-2 Ginsenoside Rh2 78214-33-2 20mg
QY-L0769 人参皂苷Rh3105558-26-7 Ginsenoside Rh3 105558-26-7 20mg
QY-L0770 人参皂苷Re51542-56-4 Ginsenoside Re 51542-56-4 20mg
QY-L0771 人参皂苷Rf52286-58-5 Ginsenoside Rf 52286-58-5 20mg
QY-L0772 25-羟基原人参二醇 25-OH-PPD 20mg
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QY-L0775 人参皂苷F153963-43-2 Ginsenoside F1 53963-43-2 20mg
QY-L0776 人参皂苷F262025-49-4 Ginsenoside F2 62025-49-4 20mg
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QY-L0779 (R型)原人参二醇 20(R)Protopanaxdiol 20mg 【L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1】
19112 Buffer MTL (54 ml) CNY
19046 Plasmid Buffer Set Buffers P1, P2, P3, QBT, QC, QF, RNase A; for 100 plasmid mini-, 25 midi-, or 10 maxipreps CNY
16191 QIAwell 96 Ultra Plasmid Kit (4) For 4 x 96 ultrapure plasmid minipreps, 4 each: QIAfilter 96, QIAwell 96, and QIAprep 96 Plates; Reagents, Buffers, Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml), Caps CNY
12991 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Giga Kit (5) QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits enable ultrafast, large-scale plasmid purification of pure plasmid DNA. The use of a vacuum manifold allows purification of up to 12 (Mega and Giga) or up to 24 (Midi and Maxi) samples in parallel with low hands-on needs. Low elution volumes yield highly concentrated plasmid DNA for direct use without ethanol precipitation. QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits also feature a novel wash buffer for endotoxin reduction. CNY
12863 CompactPrep Plasmid Maxi Kit (25) "For ultrafast purification of up to 200 µg or 750 µg Molecular Biology Grade plasmid or cosmid DNA for standard applications
CompactPrep Plasmid Kits enable fast, large-scale plasmid purification in a miniprep format. The use of a vacuum manifold allows 24 samples to be purified in parallel on a single workbench" CNY
133281 NeXtalStock TRICINE pH 8.5 (200) CNY
133275 NeXtalStock Spermidine (200) CNY
337611 qBiomarker SYBR Green Mastermix (8) CNY
4501303 artus EBV QS-RGQ Kit (24) RUO CNY
4500363 artus HSV-1/2 QS-RGQ Kit (24) CE CNY
949006 Autopure Cell Lysis Solution (3800 ml) CNY
949002 Autopure Glycogen Solution (5 ml) CNY
336313 SureSilencing shRNA Plasmid, Neomycin CNY
990382 Sample Tubes CB (2ml) CNY
937255 QIAsymphony DSP DNA Midi Kit CNY 【L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1】
9010815 Cable, card-X to bar-code camera BL180 CNY
330619 RT² SYBR Green Fluor FAST Mastermix 25ml CNY
133245 NeXtalStock Sodium malonate pH 7.0 (200) CNY
929703 QX 0.2 ml 12-Tube Strip (80) CNY
330512 RT² SYBR Green Fluor qPCR Mastermix (12) CNY
330141 Custom RT² PreAMP Primer Mix CNY
9010603 Anschlagleiste fuer Samtrak P7xxx (9194) CNY
67563 MagAttract HMW DNA Kit (48) CNY
63183 DyeEx 96 Kit (24) 24 DyeEx 96 Plates; 4 Collection Plates, 48-Well CNY
9012750 Syringe pump outlet tubing (5.7 m) CNY
9010347 Cable, flat, 342mm, Z1-PCB to Z2-PCB CNY
9010292 X-Abdeckung oben P3xx1 (9194) CNY
311812 BioMag Protein G (10 ml) BioMag Protein G suspension (5 mg/ml) CNY
59844 EpiTect Fast FFPE Bisulfite Kit (50) CNY
9001810 HC2 Laser Printer, 220V CNY
206403 QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit (250) For 250 PCR rxns a 50 µl: Enzyme Mix (Taq and Proofreading Enzyme, (5 u/µl), 10 x PCR Buffer for increased fidelity (contains dNTP´s), 25 mM MgCl2, 5 x Q-Solution CNY 【L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐无水物CAS:52-89-1】
9012732 Plate stacker (dark) 4 plates CNY
9012724 Syrinbe pump inlet tubing for Plato CNY
og1>П�p��span>VacValves (24) For processing QIAamp mini spin columns on QIAvac 24 or QIAvace 24 Plus: 24 VacValves. Should be orded in conjunction with VacConnectors (500) - Catalog No. 19407. CNY 【DL-半胱氨酸盐酸盐一水物CAS:96998-61-7】
19201 Collection Tubes (2-ml) 1000 Collection Tubes (2 ml) CNY
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