Hong Jin company Tel 189--169--0372 Li, our company is mainly engaged in copper scrap wire row recovery; recovery; copper cable recovery; scrap metal recycling, in order to meet the present for the majority of the factories and construction units and enterprises to acquire a large number of copper and aluminum scrap metal production needs, including all kinds of pure copper, zinc copper, tin copper, scrap copper motor, enameled wire, wire, welding wire, alloy copper, 59 brass, 62 brass, 633 brass, 65 brass, 70 brass, scrap wire, burning wire, cable engineering, power cables, electrical cables, power cables, mining cables, cable, electric cable, transformer cabinet mechanical cable, aluminum board Aluminum Alloy, aluminum, aluminum, metal materials etc..
河北金宏金属回收公司是废电缆废铜的专业回收公司,具有废旧物资经营回收资格。企业立足市场经营,各种营业证照齐全,专业上门回收废电缆,废变压器,废铜铝等废旧物资,以及倒闭企业仓库等有色金属等。 由于每天废铜价格变动较大,本着诚信为本的精神,本公司的废电缆和废铜价格都是随着现货价格变动,欢迎您的来电垂询常见的有废电线、废电缆线、电源线、网络线、宽带线、通信电缆线、地下电缆线、电缆头、电缆铜、厂线回收、电脑线回收、高压电缆线回收、变压器电缆线、报废电缆线、工地电缆线、太阳牌平电线、杂线、废线、电话线、有线电视天线、电器废线、机台电线、环保电机线、工厂电线头尾、叉车电源线、电子厂电线头、网线等电线电缆主要包括裸线、电磁线及电机电器用绝缘电线、电力电缆、通信电缆与光缆等,我们常见的废电线是指家用为主,电缆是工业用的,没什么大的区别。 公司凭借雄厚的经济实力、恪守成信为本、重信誉、守承诺、价格合理、热情周到的服务及良好的商业信誉赢得了众多客户的信赖。公司24小时随时准备竭诚为每位客户提供快速、高效、热情周到的服务。