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〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .ProSpec进口蛋白、美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. 〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗欢迎咨询电话:400-9910-197;021-6034 8467 QQ:741653262
9238693 Voltage regulator 7805 DC, 15 V CNY
9232099 Front blind for size 120 CNY
9230968 Holder, X-drive motor, BR8000 CNY
9014724 DISU Retraction Mechanism BRMDx,complete CNY
9014723 Scanner, Complete, SamTrack, BR8 RD CNY
9014580 Vacuum Manifold, SBS CNY
9014525 Modules, DISU, BR8 RD v1.0 CNY
9022576 Strut assembly, Hood, AS, right, Qsym CNY
9022338 DVD, System Restore, DCU CNY
9021982 Gas strut, door, QXA CNY
9021614 Kit, upgrade QSAS Cabinet, Qsym CNY 〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗
9021282 Drop catcher, waste chute, v1, Qsym CNY
9238177 QIAplate Holder, silver CNY
9240647 Internal BCR, MS-3 CCD, AP196/98 CNY
9240637 UPS, 240 Volt, AP CNY
9240629 Supplemental Fuse Pack, AP196/98 CNY
9240618 Fuse, TE5, 1.6A, PCB, AP96/196 CNY
9240598 Brake Cylinder, AP96/196 CNY
9240588 Vacuum Switch Assy, Capper, AP96 CNY
9240578 Vacuum Switch Assy, Elevator, AP96 CNY
9240563 Fuse,PCB, 630, Eppendorf, AP196/98 CNY
9240526 Cable, Motor Axis #3, Capper I/O, AP98 CNY
9240500 Fluidic Valve, Reagent Pump, AP CNY
9240240 Collet nut, TR CNY
9240099 #Re-Installation, BR M48 The Re-Installation, BR M48 facilitates quick implementation of system back into lab routine by minimizing instrument set-up phase. It covers hardware and software check of instrument and provides user with operator refesher overview. Re-installation includes labor and travel costs. Re-installation performance process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document. CNY
9239855 Compressor, v2.0 CNY
9019494 Measurement Gauge Kit, RCS CNY
9238863 LiquiChip, Premium Agreement The Premium Cover Agreement LiquiChip provides full service coverage for the LiquiChip workstation. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day). CNY
5000-1251 Motor Control PCB, DML2 CNY
5000-1513 H-Spring, DML2 CNY
6000-3119 Plate Washer I - Rinse Cap Assembly CNY
5000-1417 Overlay 099A, VTX2 CNY
5050-1078 LIS Information Package CNY
9240717 Lead Screw Assy, Axis 5, TR, AP CNY
9240703 O-Ring, Valve, Reagent Pump, AP CNY
9020806 Rotor Timing Calibration Dye, RGQ CNY 〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗
338134 Microbial DNA Positive Control CNY
288105 bactotype Mycoplasma Mg/Ms PCR Kit (96) CNY
275002 flocktype NDV Ab (2) CNY
285515 cador C. burnetii PCR Reagent (96) CNY
285115 cador TKP PCR Reagent (96) CNY
9001901 #QIAgility (PC) Priority QIAgility (PC) Priority includes the QIAgility instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One on-site pipetting head service is included for each year of the warranty; 2 pipetting head services in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with an on site service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
800331 PCR Amplification CNY
9019544 ZLV Skirt, low raw white 2427, CASx CNY
9019580 ZLV Reed Switch assembly, C34 CNY
9020583 X-Belt, DML3000 185 Teeth CNY
9020592 Optical Head Assembly, DML 3000 CNY
9021015 Encoder, Z Axis, VR, DCU CNY
9013209 Cabling kit, 5V/24V, BR8000 CNY
9013189 Wheel, retractable tubing, dispenser, BR CNY
9011757 Reagent holder, 1-trough 20 ml Holder for accommodating a single disposable trough (20 ml) on the worktable; must be used with the reagent holder tray CNY
132632 NeXtal Stock Potassium formate (50) 10M Potassium formate - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube) CNY
761125 PAXgene Blood DNA Tube (100) 100 PAXgene Blood DNA Tubes CNY
679291 ipsogen MLL-ELL e8e2 Standards CNY
QTR-943 猪肺炎支原体ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-944 猪细小病毒iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-945 猪细小病毒ELISA抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-946 猪传染性胃肠炎/猪冠状病毒检测试剂盒(Porcine Coronavirus(PRCV/TGEV))
QTR-947 猪传染性胃肠炎和冠状病毒二联抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-948 猪冠状病毒ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-949 猪传染性胃肠炎ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-950 双抗原位点识别法PRRSV抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-951 PRRSV抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-952 猪轮状病毒iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-953 牛白血病(Bovine Leukosis (BLV))
QTR-954 牛白血病c ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-955 牛白血病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-956 牛呼吸道合胞体病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-957 牛布病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-958 牛布病琼脂扩散试剂盒
QTR-959 牛布病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-960 羊OVIS种布鲁氏菌病检测试剂盒
QTR-961 反刍动物蓝舌病抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-962 蓝舌病iELISA抗体检测试剂盒(牛奶) 〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗
QTR-963 蓝舌病病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-964 双抗夹心法BTV抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-965 蓝舌病抗体检测试纸条
QTR-966 "梅迪维斯纳病(SmallRuminants Lentivirus)
QTR-967 iELSIA检测血清中梅迪维纳斯病抗体
QTR-968 牛病毒性腹泻抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-969 牛病毒性腹泻c ELISA检测试剂盒
QTR-970 IBR抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-971 IBR阻断ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-972 牛轮状病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-973 裂谷热抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-974 新孢子虫ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-975 施马伦贝格病毒阻断ELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-976 非洲马瘟抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-977 非洲马瘟抗体检测试纸条
QTR-978 非洲马瘟抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-979 马传贫抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-980 马传贫抗体检测试纸条
QTR-981 马传染性动脉炎iELISA抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-982 马疱疹病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-983 西尼罗河热IgM抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-984 兔粘液瘤病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-985 兔出血病病毒抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-986 兔出血病病毒抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-987 伯氏疏螺旋体抗体检测试纸条
QTR-988 犬冠状病毒抗体检测试剂盒 〖【GRO g】重组人生长调节致癌基因γ(CXCL3)〗
QTR-989 犬瘟热IgG检测试剂盒
QTR-990 犬瘟热IgM检测试剂盒
QTR-991 犬细小IgM检测试剂盒
QTR-992 犬细小抗体检测试剂盒
QTR-993 犬细小抗原检测试剂盒
QTR-994 犬细小抗原检测试纸条
QTR-995 犬艾利希体抗体检测试剂盒
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