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德国Brand/普兰德有机型瓶口分液器4730351 4630351

德国Brand/普兰德有机型瓶口分液器4730351 4630351

  • 价 格: 4150元
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:109次
  • 发布日期:2016/9/22(更新日期:2023/10/7)


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德国Brand/普兰德有机型瓶口分液器4730351 4630351,
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 Dispensette® III 
Dispensette® Organic
Dispensette® TA 
Dispensette® 系列瓶口分液器已经在全世界广泛的实际应用中证明了自己。十几年来,我们不断地进行更新及改进、以满足实验室日益增长的操作需求。
Dispensette® TA 能够出色地完成精确移取痕量分析中使用的高纯度试剂的工作。特别适用于移取酸,碱与过氧化氢。同样适用于氢氟酸。 移取液体中痕量金属的浓度通常低至ppb级别, 甚至, 根据应用, 可达ppt级别。如需移取氢氟酸 (HF),我们推荐使用带有铂-铱合金阀门弹簧类型的。
Dispensette® III Analog-adjustableClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4700100Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,05-0,5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR--
4700101Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,05-0,5 ml, w.SafetyPR--
--4600100Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,1-1 ml, w/o.RCV
--4600101Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,1-1 ml, w.RCV
4700120Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,2-2 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600120Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,2-2 ml, w/o.RCV
4700121Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,2-2 ml, w.SafetyPR4600121Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,2-2 ml, w.RCV
4700130Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600130Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w/o.RCV
4700131Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w.SafetyPR4600131Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w.RCV
4700140Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600140Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4700141Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4600141Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w.RCV
4700150Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600150Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w/o.RCV
4700151Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w.SafetyPR4600151Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w.RCV
4700160Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600160Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w/o.RCV
4700161Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w.SafetyPR.4600161Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w.RCV
4700170Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600170Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w/o.RCV
4700171Dispensette® III Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w.SafetyPR4600171Dispensette® S Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w.RCV
Dispensette® III Fixed-volumeClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4700210Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 1 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600210Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 1 ml, w/o.RCV
4700211Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 1 ml, w.SafetyPR4600211Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 1 ml, w.RCV
4700220Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 2 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600220Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 2 ml, w/o.RCV
4700221Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 2 ml, w.SafetyPR4600221Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 2 ml, w.RCV
4700230Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600230Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w/o.RCV
4700231Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w.SafetyPR4600231Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w.RCV
4700240Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600240Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w/o.RCV
4700241Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w.SafetyPR4600241Dispensette® S Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w.RCV
4700290Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., vol.to choice, w/o.SPR4600290Dispensette® S Fixed-vol.to choice, w/o.RCV
4700291Dispensette® III Fixed-vol., vol.to choice, w.SPR4600291Dispensette® S Fixed-vol.to choice, w.RCV
Dispensette® III Digital, Easy CalibrationClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
--4600310Dispensette® S Digital, 0,1-1 ml, w/o.RCV
--4600311Dispensette® S Digital, 0,1-1 ml, w.RCV
4700320Dispensette® III Digital, 0,2-2 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600320Dispensette® S Digital, 0,2-2 ml, w/o.RCV
4700321Dispensette® III Digital, 0,2-2 ml, w.SafetyPR4600321Dispensette® S Digital, 0,2-2 ml, w.RCV
4700330Dispensette® III Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600330Dispensette® S Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w/o.RCV
4700331Dispensette® III Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w.SafetyPR4600331Dispensette® S Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w.RCV
4700340Dispensette® III Digital, 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600340Dispensette® S Digital, 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4700341Dispensette® III Digital, 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4600341Dispensette® S Digital, 1-10 ml, w.RCV
4700350Dispensette® III Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600350Dispensette® S Digital, 2,5-25 ml, oRCV
4700351Dispensette® III Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w.SafetyPR4600351Dispensette® S Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w.RCV
4700360Dispensette® III Digital, 5-50 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4600360Dispensette® S Digital, 5-50 ml, w/o.RCV
4700361Dispensette® III Digital, 5-50 ml, w.SafetyPR.4600361Dispensette® S Digital, 5-50 ml, w.RCV
Dispensette® Organic, Analog-adjustableClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4730130Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630130Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w/o.RCV
4730131Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w.SafetyPR4630131Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 0,5-5 ml, w.RCV
4730140Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630140Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4730141Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4630141Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 1-10 ml, w.RCV
4730150Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630150Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w/o.RCV
4730151Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w.SafetyPR4630151Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 2,5-25 ml, w.RCV
4730160Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630160Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w/o.RCV
4730161Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w.SafetyPR4630161Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 5-50 ml, w.RCV
4730170Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w/o.SPR4630170Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w/o.RCV
4730171Dispensette® Org. Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w.SPR4630171Dispensette® S Org. Anal.adj. 10-100 ml, w.RCV
Dispensette® Organic, Fixed-volumeClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4730230Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630230Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w/o.RCV
4730231Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w.SafetyPR4630231Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol., 5 ml, w.RCV
4730240Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630240Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w/o.RCV
4730241Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w.SafetyPR4630241Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol., 10 ml, w.RCV
4730290Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol.to choice, w/o.SPR4630290Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol.to choice, w/o.RCV
4730291Dispensette® Org. Fixed-vol.to choice, w.SPR4630291Dispensette® S Org. Fixed-vol.to choice, w.RCV
Dispensette® Organic, Digital, Easy CalibrationClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4730330Dispensette® Org. Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630330Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w/o.RCV
4730331Dispensette® Org. Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w.SafetyPR4630331Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 0,5-5 ml, w.RCV
4730340Dispensette® Org. Digital, 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630340Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4730341Dispensette® Org. Digital, 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4630341Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 1-10 ml, w.RCV
4730350Dispensette® Org. Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630350Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 2,5-25 ml, oRCV
4730351Dispensette® Org. Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w.SafetyPR4630351Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 2,5-25 ml, w.RCV
4730360Dispensette® Org. Digital, 5-50 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4630360Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 5-50 ml, w/o.RCV
4730361Dispensette® Org. Digital, 5-50 ml, w.SafetyPR4630361Dispensette® S Org. Digital, 5-50 ml, w.RCV
Dispensette® TA / Trace AnalysisClick Cat.No. below to see details of the newer product:
4740040Dispensette® TA, PT/IR, 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4640040Dispensette® S Tr.An.,PT/IR, 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4740041Dispensette® TA, PT/IR, 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4640041Dispensette® S Tr.An.,PT/IR, 1-10 ml, w.RCV
4740240Dispensette® TA, Tantal, 1-10 ml, w/o.SafetyPR4640240Dispensette® S Tr.An.,Tantal, 1-10 ml, w/o.RCV
4740241Dispensette® TA, Tantal, 1-10 ml, w.SafetyPR4640241Dispensette® S Tr.An.,Tantal, 1-10 ml, w.RCV



2.美国Wheaton 匀浆器、组织研磨器、双侧壁细胞培养瓶、悬浮细胞培养瓶、细胞用搅拌器、安培瓶等玻璃仪器、培养箱,搅拌器等。

3.美国kimble 蓝盖瓶、匀浆器、离心管,巴氏吸管等玻璃仪器;                 

4.加拿大Labplas 的无菌采样袋、均值袋; 

5.美国Nalgene 过滤装置、塑料广口瓶、放水桶、低温冰盒、低温标签、记号笔、离心管、冻存管、便携液氮罐、无菌培养基瓶、手动真空泵等。 

6.美国ABI  PCR板、PCR管、PCR盖子、八连排管、膜等。  

7.德国Brand  移液器,电动移液器,瓶口分配等

8.德国艾本德eppendorf  移液器、分配器等     

9.法国Hyphen Biomed 的出血、凝血类试剂

10. 德国Chemvck 防腐隔膜泵、无油泵、真空泵、蠕动泵等

11. 瑞士Keller 小型快速玻璃珠灭菌器、玻璃珠等

12. 美国Millpore 细胞电阻仪、超滤管、膜、针头滤器等

13. 美国 BioSpec研磨珠均质器、手持匀浆机等

14. 自产镍洛合金接种环、接种针、核酸染料、通用水试剂培养基等。





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