产品特点 工具钢的特性:工具钢制成工具经热处理后具有足够高的硬度,如用于金属切削加工的工具一般在HRC60以上。工具在高的切削速度和加工硬材料所产生高温的受热条件下,仍能保持高的硬度和良好的红硬性。碳素工具钢和合金工具钢一般在180℃~250℃、高速工具钢在600℃左右的工作温度下,仍能保持较高的硬度。红硬性对热变形模具和高速切削刀具用钢是非常重要的性能。工具钢具有良好的耐磨性,即抵抗磨损的能力。工具在承受相当大的压力和摩擦力的条件下,仍能保持其形状和尺寸不变。工具钢具有一定的强度和韧性,使工具在工作中能够承受负荷、冲击、震动和弯曲等复杂的应力,以保证工具的正常使用。由于各种工具的工作条件不同,工具用钢还具有一些其他性能,如模具用钢还应具有一定的高温力学性能、热疲劳性、导热性和耐磨腐蚀性能等。我公司为了满足广大用户的特殊需要,特别引进进口工具钢种类有:碳素工具钢、合金工具钢、高速工具钢、合金结构钢、模具工具钢等10多个系列。常备标准件及各种各样非标准件有:工具钢长条、工具钢板块、工具钢钢管、工具钢精磨棒、工具钢薄板、工具钢厚板、工具钢圆棒、工具钢板材、工具钢棒材。所有材料均红过HIP處理,除去合金组织內部应力,且增加、改善合金抗弯強度等机械性能,使品質完全确保。
ASTM-A36合金钢 ASTM-A36高强度钢 ASTM-A36钢材 ASTM-A36材料性能介绍
东莞市茂腾金属材料有限公司是一家冷拉钢,方钢,圆钢,热作模具钢、冷作模具钢,镜面模具钢,机械用钢、工具钢,结构钢,碳素钢、中碳钢,粉末钢,高速钢,钨钢、硬质合金钢、铬钢,铬钼合金钢,耐热钢、不锈钢,拉力钢,弹簧钢,合金工具钢、轴承钢、因瓦合金、高温合金、电工纯铁畅销消费者市场。我公司为了满足广大用户的特殊需要,特别引进进口铜材有:无氧铜、紫铜、磷脱氧铜、红铜、黄铜、铅黄铜、锡黄铜、铁黄铜、铝黄铜、锰黄铜、硅黄铜、镍黄铜、锡青铜、锡磷青铜、铝青铜、铍青铜、铬青铜、锆青铜、铬锆青铜、铁青铜、镍硅青铜、镉青铜、镁青铜、硅青铜、锌白铜、铁白铜、铝白铜、锰白铜等50多个系列。常备各种各样规格:铜材长条、铜管材、铜棒材、铜薄板、铜厚板、铜板材、铜带材.Foreign trade department:Dongguan Maoteng Metal Co., Ltd. was established in year 2005. We have been exporting a wide range of metal inclusive of stainless steel, aluminium, alloy, copper and many more products to worldwide market like North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia countries. The industries we support cover household, electronic and electrical appliances making, building renovation and decoration, die cast steel application, furniture part, lighting, automotive and many more. By understanding the needs of the international market and industrial application, we are always ready to play our role to support the buyers with proven quality, on time delivery, and competitive cost to earn the market share and establish our capability and reputation. In addition to strengthen our position in the market, we do strive our best to support the scarce metal product or custom made order to assist our customer in their special application. We are always looking forward to building long term supply demand relationship with overseas customer to develop a better product with lower cost and high pace of product revision. Together, we make dreams come trueContact Detail Contact Person: ChengContact # : 008613925596264Telephone: 0086769 81871072Email add : 3075565702@qq.comMetal Supplied: Carbon structural steel, High carbon steel, mild steel, Carbon tool steel, Medium carbon steel, high strength steel, manganese steel, pring steel, Bearing steel, Cold drawn steel, Cold rolled steel, Hot rolled steel, Die steel, high speed steel, environmental protection steel, Free Cutting Steel, Alloy tool steel, Cast steel, Cold heading steel, Annealed steel, chilled steel, Temper steel, Carburizing steel, forge steel, Cr Mo steel,Mn steel, free machining steel, ESR ,Tensile strength steel, constructional steels ,pure copper, Electrolytic copper, Oxygen free copper, Phosphorus copper, Aluminum bronze, Beryllium bronze, Tin bronze, Phosphor bronze, Silicon bronze, Cast bronze, Cadmium bronze, Chrome bronze , Lead brass (PB- brass), Bismuth brass, Copper zinc alloy, Manganese brass, Aluminum brass, Silicon brass, nickel brass, Tin brass, Cast brass