产品型号:SWRCH20K、SWRCH25K、SWRCH35K、SWRCH40K、SWRCH45K、SWRCH50K产品规格:φ5.5~42mm执行标准: Q/XG 114使用范围:适用于生产8.8-10.9级螺栓、螺母、法兰螺栓、内六角螺栓。应用领域:普通零部件铁路扣件紧固件用钢普通紧固件紧固件用钢建筑用紧固件用钢产品介绍:SWRCH20K-50K是生产6.8-10.9级高强度标准件的常用钢种,产品具有成分稳定、有害元素低、钢质纯净度高、脱碳层小,表面缺陷少等优点,使用时易进行球化退火、冷镦开裂率低,热处理质量稳定、淬透性好,广泛应用于汽车、机械等各个行业。SWRCH35K获得2007年度冶金产品实物质量金杯奖。SWRCH35K盘条开发获得2006年度邢台市科技进步二等奖。SWRCH35K产品已销往江浙、广东、上海、江苏、天津、山东、重庆、东北等多个区域,被国内部分知名的标准件生产厂家加工使用,反馈线材产品质量稳定。Products Grade: SWRCH20K,SWRCH25K,SWRCH35K,SWRCH40K,SWRCH45K,SWRCH50K,SWRCH50KSpecifications: φ5.5~42mmApplied Standard: Q/XG 114Characteristics: The wire rod of SWRCH35K, SWRCH40K and SWRCH45K is mainly for the manufacture of fasteners of class 8.8 to 10.9.Applications: Common partsFastener steelRailway fastenerFastener steelCommon fastenerconstruction fastener steelUse of Products: SWRCH20K-50K,which have the characteristics of uniform-chemical composition, low percentage of harmful elements, high purity, slight decarburisation, good surface quality,are commen steel grade for manufacturing fasteners of class 6.8 to 10.9. After spheroidize annealing, this product has characteristics of good cold heading properties ,stable heat-treatment properties, good hardenability and applied in the fields of automobile and mechanic and so on.SWRCH35K won the gold-cup award of metallurgical products’ quality in 2007。And the development of wire rod of SWRCH35K was granted the second class award of scientific and technological improvement by Xingtai city。The product of SWRCH35K , which has been used satisfactorily by some famous consumer, is very popular among the regions of Zhejiang, Jiangsu,Guangdong,Shangdong province, Tianjin,Chongqing,Shanghai city and northeast China.

产品型号:SWRCH20K、SWRCH25K、SWRCH35K、SWRCH40K、SWRCH45K、SWRCH50K产品规格:φ5.5~42mm执行标准: Q/XG 114使用范围:适用于生产8.8-10.9级螺栓、螺母、法兰螺栓、内六角螺栓。应用领域:普通零部件铁路扣件紧固件用钢普通紧固件紧固件用钢建筑用紧固件用钢产品介绍:SWRCH20K-50K是生产6.8-10.9级高强度标准件的常用钢种,产品具有成分稳定、有害元素低、钢质纯净度高、脱碳层小,表面缺陷少等优点,使用时易进行球化退火、冷镦开裂率低,热处理质量稳定、淬透性好,广泛应用于汽车、机械等各个行业。SWRCH35K获得2007年度冶金产品实物质量金杯奖。SWRCH35K盘条开发获得2006年度邢台市科技进步二等奖。SWRCH35K产品已销往江浙、广东、上海、江苏、天津、山东、重庆、东北等多个区域,被国内部分知名的标准件生产厂家加工使用,反馈线材产品质量稳定。Products Grade: SWRCH20K,SWRCH25K,SWRCH35K,SWRCH40K,SWRCH45K,SWRCH50K,SWRCH50KSpecifications: φ5.5~42mmApplied Standard: Q/XG 114Characteristics: The wire rod of SWRCH35K, SWRCH40K and SWRCH45K is mainly for the manufacture of fasteners of class 8.8 to 10.9.Applications: Common partsFastener steelRailway fastenerFastener steelCommon fastenerconstruction fastener steelUse of Products: SWRCH20K-50K,which have the characteristics of uniform-chemical composition, low percentage of harmful elements, high purity, slight decarburisation, good surface quality,are commen steel grade for manufacturing fasteners of class 6.8 to 10.9. After spheroidize annealing, this product has characteristics of good cold heading properties ,stable heat-treatment properties, good hardenability and applied in the fields of automobile and mechanic and so on.SWRCH35K won the gold-cup award of metallurgical products’ quality in 2007。And the development of wire rod of SWRCH35K was granted the second class award of scientific and technological improvement by Xingtai city。The product of SWRCH35K , which has been used satisfactorily by some famous consumer, is very popular among the regions of Zhejiang, Jiangsu,Guangdong,Shangdong province, Tianjin,Chongqing,Shanghai city and northeast China.