2017年埃塞俄比亚建筑建材及机械展览会BUILDEXPO Ethiopia
展会地点:Millennium Hall,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia
主办单位: 埃塞俄比亚建筑承包商协会Point Expo 展览集团
Buildexpo Africa is the only show with the widest range of the latest technology in construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. After 19 successful editions of Buildexpo in Kenya and Tanzania, East Africa's largest building and construction fair now ventures into the Ethiopian market. The first edition of Buildexpo in Ethiopia will provide international business platform by enabling global investment opportunities.
Ethiopia has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The country has been registering a double digit growth for the last twelve consecutive years. Located in the region of the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is the 2nd most populated country in Africa. Ethiopia's construction sector has outgrown that of its neighbors. The construction sector will grow at an annual average growth of 11.6% and will be fueled by a swell in infrastructure investments in the region. Ethiopian government reduced customs tariff significantly in the framework of creating economic liberalization. The maximum tariff came down from 230% to 35% and the minimum is 5%. The average tariff is reduced from 41.6% to 17.5%. Ethiopia has also several agreements that grant duty free access to many countries, including European countries and the USA. Business friendly climate, duty free access and competitive labour costs have successfully created new investments and employment opportunities. Ethiopia is also a member of COMESA which has an access to 20 African countries.
Buildexpo will bring you exhibitors from over 28 countries that are the finest in infrastructure development, with over hundreds of products, equipment and machinery on display.
182.1074.0356(微信号) 010-5326.9801
北京宏联中企商务会展有限公司位于中国首都北京,是专业代理国际知名展览会,组团我国企、事业单位,特别是中小企业参加国际专业展会的商务会展服务机构。公司以加强国际技术交流,促进企业国际发展为精神,本着“合作共赢 服务至上”的原则,为企业增加世界各国出口贸易额度、获取出口商机搭建商务平台、提供商旅服务。公司构成:公司设有办公室、财务部、展览业务部、后期操作部等部门,同时在河北石家庄设立了办事处,在为全国的参展企业提供参展服务外,特别加强了华北地区与意向参展企业之间的面对面互动沟通机遇。公司品牌:北京宏联中企商务会展有限公司凭借丰富的人脉及行业影响力,短时间内便与全球20个以上主办机构以及30多个展会项目建立了直接的合作并签订了代理组展协议,项目覆盖美国、德国、法国、意大利、俄罗斯、乌克兰、波兰、越南、泰国、印尼、澳大利亚、埃及、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、安哥拉、阿尔及利亚、巴西、阿根廷、智利、秘鲁、迪拜、土耳其等地,公司运作规范,分工明确,公司将针对企业自身贸易特征和产品特点,为企业提供参展咨询、展会报名、展位分配、会刊登录、摊位设计装修、展品运输、人员邀请、签证辅导、境外安排等全套细致、周到的一条龙服务。在参展客户从参展咨询到成功参展的整个过程中,每个环节精心把关,细细操作;致力打造中国出境展览服务机构的优秀品牌。团队力量:公司主要负责人在国际展览行业从事工作超过10年,带领的团队骨干力量从事该行业亦有3年以上。是一批专业化的展览人才,熟知展览行业,经验丰富,作风严谨,为人正直。公司团队将竭诚为中国企业开拓国际贸易提供专业化的服务。良好关系:宏联中企通过自身对出境展览的全面了解,为客户提供国际市场分析,结合企业产品推荐有效的国际展会,使企业在主力开拓自己业务的同时花费较小的精力筛选展会,投入国际市场,打开国际市场,做充分和必要的宣传,扩大外贸交易。宏联中企与各个国家的驻华使馆、签证中心、地面接待营运商、各大航空公司等均有良好直接的合作关系,为企业的顺利参展出行提供高效、便捷、强有力的后勤服务。