您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 电子测量仪器 > 信号发生器 > 信号发生器SMG罗德&施瓦茨
r&s 频率范围:0.1 - 1ghz
·8种固定频率调制发生器; 易于操作。
rongesmg 100khz to 1000 mhz
resolution 1hz
setting time <15ms
frequency drift f <0.5*10-9+errorof reference
reference frequency standard ocxooscillator
aging (after 30 daysof operation 2*10-6/year <*10-9/day
temperature effect 2.5*10-6/
0 to 50℃ <2*10-9/℃
input/output for external/internal referencefrequency 5 or 10 mhz,se-lectable
range -140to +13dbm(smg,)
underrange and overrange withoutguarantee of specs -140 to +16dbm(smg)
accuracyofr levels>-127 dbm(smg) ±1.5db
frequency response at 0 dbm output level 1db (typ.0.3dbm)
character isticimpedance 50ω
vswr <1.5for level≤0 dbm (smg)
settingtime <25ms
non-interruptinglevel setting 0 to 20 db
overloadprotection(maximum permissiblerf power) 50w
spectral purity
harmonicw <-30 dbc(smgl:≤27dbm)
subharmonics smg none
resieual am ,rms(0.03 to 20mhz) <0.02%
nonharmonic spurious signals at >5 khzfrom carrier see line a in table below
residual fm,rms0.3 to 3 khz(ccitt) seeline b in table below ssb phasenoise carier offset 20khz
1hz bandwidth,typical seeline c in table below
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 mhz
a< -70 -80 -80 -80 -76 -70 -64 dbc
b< 2 1 1 1 2 4 8 hz
c -139 -148 -142 -136 -130 -124 -118 dbc
amplitude modulation
modes int,extac,ext dc,two-tone
modulationdepth 0 to 99%
am distortion at 1 khz 0to 30am <1%
am ext ac(dc) 10 hz (dc) to 50 khz
am int 40/150/300/400hz/
1/3/6/15khz±3% am int with option smg-b210 hz to 100 khz (smg)
modes int,ext ac,extdc,two-tone
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 mhz
max,dev. 200 50 100 200 400 800 1600 khz
fm eistortion at 1 khz and 50%of maximum deviation <0.5%(typ.0.%)
modulation frequency
fmext ac(dc) 10 hz(dc) to 100khz
fmint 40/150/300/400hz/1/3/6/15khz±3%
fm int with option smg-b2 10 hz to 100 khz
frequency irift with fm dc,carrier frequency offset
whenswitching on fm dc for fcarrier ≥31.25 mhz 1%of deviation +1*10^-6*fcarrier
phasemodulation modulation int,extac,two-tone
f< 31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 mhz max,dev. 20 5 10 20 40 80 160 rad
phase modulation distortion at 1khz and 50% of max.deviation <0.5%(typ.0.1%) modulation frequency фmext 10 hz to 10 khz фm int 40/150/300/400/hz/1/3/6khz±3% фm int with option smg-b2 10hz to 10 khz pulse modulation mode external on/offration >70db (typ.>80 db) rise/fall tiome(10/90%) f>200mhz typ.20ns pulse repetition frequency 0 to 10 mhz modulation signal ttllevels af synthesizer(option smg-b2) frequnecy 10 hz to100 khz readout 3 digits frequency drift <4*10^5 level error at 1khz <3%(typ.0.03%) phase-continuous frequency change,responsetime betwween setting command and frequency change <10ms rf sweep,af sweep(af sweep with option smg-b2) digitalstart-stop sweepin discrete steps modes automaticfollowing ramp function,single-shot,manual control via spinwheel,linear or logarithmic sweep range user=se-lectable over entirefrequency range step size user-seletable time perstep 10 ms to 10s x output(with option smg-b3) xoutput 0 to 10v staircase ramp,max.1000 steps remote control iec625-1(ieee488)
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