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BirA Biotin-Protein Ligase Kit (BirA-500) Enzyme Specificati

BirA Biotin-Protein Ligase Kit (BirA-500) Enzyme Specificati

  • 价 格: 3700元
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:123次
  • 发布日期:2016/11/22(更新日期:2023/10/7)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

The BirA biotin-protein ligase adds d-biotin covalently to biotin-acceptor peptides/proteins via an ATP
intermediate (biotinyl 5’-adenylate) in a highly efficient and targeted manner.
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The BirA  biotin-protein ligase  adds d-biotin  covalently to  biotin-acceptor peptides/proteins  via an ATP

intermediate (biotinyl 5’-adenylate) in a highly efficient and targeted  manner. The protein is encoded by

the birA gene  and is purified using traditional  methods. The molecular weight of  the BirA biotin-protein

ligase is 33,500 Daltons.

Other  names  for   this  enzyme  include:   biotin  ligase;  biotin  operon   repressor  protein;  birA;   biotin

holoenzyme  synthetase;  biotin-[acetyl-CoA   carboxylase]  synthetase;


ligase;  biotin-[acetyl-CoA carboxylase]  synthetase;  acetyl CoA  holocarboxylase  synthetase; acetyl  CoA

holocarboxylase synthetase; biotin:apocarboxylase ligase; biotin holoenzyme synthetase; HCS.

Source: E. coli

Enzyme Storage buffer: 50mM imidazole (pH 6.8), 50mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 5mM dithiothreitol (DTT).

Storage conditions: The BirA-500 biotin-protein ligase kit  arrives on dry ice (or, in rare cases, ice brix)  via

overnight delivery and  should be immediately  stored at -80°C. After  an enzyme vial is  thawed it should

be stored  at 4°C if  it is to  be re-used  in the near  future. For long-term  storage keep  at -80°C. A  vial of

thawed enzyme can be re-frozen by dropping into liquid nitrogen before storing again at -80°C.

The other  kit components, BiomixA,  BiomixB and  BIO-200, can be  stored long term  at -20°C.  For short

term storage 4°C  is fine for  the BiomixA and BIO-200.  The BiomixB should  always be stored at  -20°C or

colder and thawed immediately before use.  There is no problem in thawing and re-freezing any of  these

mixtures repeatedly.

Stability: BirA  biotin-protein ligase retains  >80% of its  activity when stored  for one month  at 4°C.  Long

term  storage should  be  at -80°C.  Refreezing  the  enzyme is  possible  but will  reduce  its activity  upon

thawing  again  by 10%  each  time.  Therefore  we  don’t recommend  repeated  thawing  and  refreezing

cycles with the BirA.

Concentration: 1.0 mg/mL by A280 (Extinction coefficient; 1.349AU at 280nm λ=1mg/mL BirA).

Purity: >99% by Coomassie staining.

Activity: a minimum of 5,000 Units/µg of BirA

Definition  of  Activity:  One  (1)  Unit  is  the  amount  of  enzyme  that  will  biotinylate  1pmol  of  biotin-

acceptor  peptide  substrate*  in  30  minutes  at  30°C  using  the  reaction  buffers  provided  and  40μM

peptide substrate final concentration.

* The peptide  substrate used in the enzyme  assays is a 15-mer  variant of sequence #85  identified by P.

Schatz (1).

Contaminating proteases: <0.01% as chymotrypsin-like activity.


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3.美国kimble 蓝盖瓶、匀浆器、离心管,巴氏吸管等玻璃仪器;                 

4.加拿大Labplas 的无菌采样袋、均值袋; 

5.美国Nalgene 过滤装置、塑料广口瓶、放水桶、低温冰盒、低温标签、记号笔、离心管、冻存管、便携液氮罐、无菌培养基瓶、手动真空泵等。 

6.美国ABI  PCR板、PCR管、PCR盖子、八连排管、膜等。  

7.德国Brand  移液器,电动移液器,瓶口分配等

8.德国艾本德eppendorf  移液器、分配器等     

9.法国Hyphen Biomed 的出血、凝血类试剂

10. 德国Chemvck 防腐隔膜泵、无油泵、真空泵、蠕动泵等

11. 瑞士Keller 小型快速玻璃珠灭菌器、玻璃珠等

12. 美国Millpore 细胞电阻仪、超滤管、膜、针头滤器等

13. 美国 BioSpec研磨珠均质器、手持匀浆机等

14. 自产镍洛合金接种环、接种针、核酸染料、通用水试剂培养基等。





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