您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 小动物行为活动记录分析系统 Video Tracking System
在传统的视频行为分析系统中,被识别的是动物的重心(the center of gravity oftheanimal)。
1. Morris 水迷宫池
2. Y迷宫实验箱
3. T迷宫实验箱
4. 辐射迷宫实验箱
5. “O”迷宫
6. 避暗箱
7. 自发活动实验箱
8. 旷场实验箱
9. 跳台实验箱
10. 饮食及位置偏好实验箱
11. 高架十字迷宫
12. 穿梭箱
13. 转圈实验
VideoMot2is aversatilevideo tracking system for automatically recordingandanalyzinganimal activity, movementbehavior. Whether youareworkingwith an open field, an elevated plus maze or a radialmaze-VideoMot2 is a flexible tool suitable for a varietyofbehavioraltests that can be adapted to meetyourindividualrequirements.
The VideoMot2 system isundergoingcontinuousdevelopment in cooperation with our end-usersand newfunctions arebeing added at frequent intervals. Anewcolor-tracking version willsoon be finished that allows up to8differently colored animals inone arena to bemonitoredsimultaneously!
Basic Functions:
Animal identification isperformedviacontrast detection according to user-definedobjectfiltersincluding an adjustable contrast thresholdandintegratedautomatic background correction. Up to 6 camerasfeeddata to onecomputer in order to switch between setupsinseconds!
Multiple arenas each housing uptotwoanimals can be observed with one camera. The trialdesignisfeatured by a search for objects in experimental regionsdrawnbythe user with tools provided.
Zones of interest with any desiredshapeandmarked with a namea color can be easily generatedinsidetheseareas to perform spatial analyses. Regions may also acttocontroldata acquisition, e.g. terminate, pause or restart atrialdependingon the experimental paradigm.
Experiments can be started byaremotecontrol at a distance from the computer. In contrasttoothersystems the video source is displayed on the screenduringthetrial - no second monitor is therefore required!Coordinatesarecollected with up to 13Hz sampling rate duringthe"live"experiment or offline using videotaped material.
Use the built-in keyboardrecorderduringtracking to record up to 10 different behavioralevents thatcannotbe identified automatically e.g. rearing orgrooming.Series ofexperiments may be performed one after the otherandstored in asingle file for com-fortable group analysis.
Evaluation is designed to bemodular.Choosebetween a variety of analysis packages calculatingspecificresultsparameters. Count the entries into zonesoutputvisitlatency,differentiate between time restingtimemoving,calculatedistance traveled or locomotory speed. Quantifycontactbehaviorbetween 2 animals moving about in one arena orcreatepartialanalysis protocols by calculating results for selectedtimewindows!The track pattern can be plotted at variable speed foranytimeintervalbitmap files are generated by a mouseclick.
Track pattern shown fordifferenthardwareconfigurations:
Screen showing the track pattern of2animalsmonitored in parallel:
The printouts include all informationontheexperimental design including descriptive variables enteredinthepreparation stage. Export files in ASCII formatcontainingallresults parameters are provided for statisticalevaluation.
VideoMot2 gives complete access totherawdata allowing individual calculations to be performed. Rawdatacanbe reanalyzed as often as is required to evaluatedifferentaspectsof animal movement thus saving valuable time lostin othersystemsby replaying the video tape.
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