AV1 Characterizable Electro-Pneumatic Positioners
Type AV Characterizable Pneumatic Positioners are control devices that satisfy a wide range of applications. They provide fast, sensitive, and accurate positioning of pneumatic signal or double-acting, linear or rotary motion actuators. A mechanical connection from the actuator to a position feedback cam in the positioner establishes actual position. Three characterized segments on one cam provide application flexibility by establishing various relationships between input signal and actuator position. The relationships provided by the segments are square foot, linear, and square.
· Compact rugged design
· High vibration and shock environments
· Fast, accurate calibration
· Single or double-acting without additional hardware
· Vent design allows natural gas operation
· Available with explosion-proof I/P converter
AV2 & AV3 Characterizable Electro-Pneumatic Positioners
Type AV2 & AV3 Characterizable Electro-Pneumatic Positioners are control devices that satisfy a wide range of applications. They provide fast, sensitive, and accurate positioning of pneumatic signal or double-acting, linear or rotary motion actuators. A mehanical connection from the actuator to a position feedback cam in the positioner establishes actual position. Three characterized segments on one cam provide application flexibility by establishing various relationships between input signal and actuator position. The relationships provided by the segments are square foot, linear, and square.
· Compact rugged design
· High vibration and shock environments
· Fast, accurate calibration
· Single or double-acting without additional hardware
· Vent design allows natural gas operation
· Available with explosion-proof I/P converter
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