您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 水表 > 欧米茄售后服务点【中国区售后维修(OMEGA)】北京上海广州深圳
method: a silica gel drying agent
accidentally case in water, can be called a silica particulate matter and have water watch together into a closed container, a few hours later, remove the watch, the water will disappear. This method is simple and economic, precision and life to watch without any damage. Has been a number of water after the silica gel, can be dry for several hours at 120 degrees, the water absorption capacity of renewable, but also repeated use.
如果进水不严重,只是表玻璃内有层雾气,这时可用几层卫生纸或易吸潮的绒布将表包严,在距 40瓦电灯泡15厘米处烘烤约30分钟,即可消除水气。切忌将腕表表蒙靠近火直接烘烤,以免使表蒙受热变形。
method two: use the electric light bulb heat to bake
if water is not serious, just a glass table mist, when available, several layers of toilet paper or hygroscopic cloth wrap table Yan, at a distance of 15 cm 40 Watt light bulb bake for about 30 minutes, you can eliminate moisture. Should the watch watch near the fire directly baking, so as not to watch the heat deformation.
method three: anti wearing watches
can be directly used gauze will be a small piece of calcium chloride (Figure 1) package, and then put the watch cover out, will be wrapped with gauze wrapped in calcium chloride and electronic table sealed into a plastic bag and box. After waiting for half a day, you can take the watch out, then you can see the disappearance of the electronic watch. If the watch water is more serious can be placed a day's time.
method four: send table shop rub oil
above the 3 methods can not remove the water vapor, it should be immediately sent to the store to wipe the oil, remove the movement of water, in order to avoid the parts rust.
watch water maintenance method: watch for water only good: is the watch cover open, the movement in the table to do a deal, then give each oiling machine parts. Therefore watch the water, the table will be the movement of parts dipped in water, resulting in damage to parts of the harm. So, watch water maintenance, not only to clear the steam in the table, but also the opponent in the table movement to do maintenance, to prevent harm parts of rust.
watch the water treatment methods are known it is usually more careful, try not to let the beloved watch water.
江诗丹顿手表修理【中国区售后维修(VACHERON CONSTANTIN)】北京上海广州深圳
百达翡丽售后维修中心【中国区售后维修(PATEK PHILIPPE)】北京上海广州深圳
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