您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 其他试验机 > 耐水试验机
1:可调式水压流量设计,一般约为10cm/h 之落雨量,最大可符合未来二十年之最大降雨量35mm/m。
3:R ,S 分开控制,无需操作者进入槽内更替。本机B型可使受测物加温从RT~85℃,使受测物温度比水温高而产生一负压力,使测试更精确
This device may be used to test the lights of automobile and autobikes,the function of rain sweeper, weather strip,the panel of autobikes, the guiding devlce of the missiles in national defense system,and the cone shaped cap of radar.It may also be used to test the rainproot function of the equipment used in aviation industry.
1:The water flow gage is adjustable It is generally suitable of 10cm/h and it can meet the requirements of maximum rainfall of 35mm/m that may happen in the forthcoming 20 years.
2:The unique water dispenser may steadily contrlo the flow of rainfall and the pressure.
3:R,S may be separately controlled and therefore,it may be replaced without the necessity of havintg the operator enter the tank to do the work.B type of this machine may heat the item for test from RT~85℃Celsius degrees,thus a negative pressure may be generated because of the fact that the temperature of the item being tested is higher than that of the water,This will make the more precise(MIL.STD)
INSIDE DIMENSION :1000 × 1000 × 1000(W×D×H)mm
OUTSIDE DIMENSION:1450 × 1300 × 2000(W×D×H)mm
Related Standards :
JIS : D0203,D5500
SAE : J575e
CNS : 7138
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