您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 其他清洗、清理设备 > 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washer
> LAB 500 C
Steelco Laboratory Glass Washers are at the forefront of knowledgeresearch guaranteeing the user testedconsistently effi cient washing results. Steelco offers a large range of machines, basketsinserts which have been specially developed to meet the user needs.
Steelco Laboratoy Glass washers are designedconstructed to comply with the latest EuropeanUK guidelines on decontamination.
EN61010-1,EN61010-2-040,EN61326,directive 98/37/EEC,directive 06/95/EEC,and 92/31/EEC93/68/EEC.
> Steelcotronic Control System, with its auto-diagnostic checking constantly monitorsdisplays current cycle status and
alarms. It allows the user to optimise the washing processto personalise on board programmes in the machine.
> The Mechanical action is one of the main elements for effective cleaning during the washing process. Steelco has customised
the washing pumpscircuits of each model ensuring high fl ow rate combined with effective spray pressure.
> Up to four liquid dispensing systems are included for detergent dosing.
> Inner cabinet, washing armstank filters made of high quality 316 stainless steel.
> External cabinet made of 304 stainless steel.
> Construction system with total removal of angles.
> Self cleaning tank with rounded edges.
> Three water connections are available, cold, warmDI water. Between each cleaningdisinfection phase water is
drainedfresh water is introduced for the next phase. Boiler for pre-heating of DI water option is available. The triple
water fi ltering system enables residue to be capturednot recirculatedsaves the pump life.
> Double wall constructionexcellent insulation reduce heat losspower consumption.
> Large capacity of water softener for a continuous supply of softened water available.
> Water purifi cator system available.
> LAB 500 C is specially designed for laboratories with limited
space.A powerful fi ltering air drying system is a feature of this
under bench laboratory glassware washer.
Washingair drying on 2 levels, normally seen on large
machines, has been incorporated into this small model.
Key features
- HEPA fi ltered forced air drying system with adjustable time and
temperature setting, helps to ensure completely dry, inside and
outside, of all the glassware.
- RS 232 port is provided with printer connection for monitoring
and validating washing phases.
- Led displayfi ve adjustable washing programs for laboratory
glassware. LCD display40 programs for laboratory are
available as optional.
- Telescopic bearing rails grant to the user an easy loading/
unloading of the glassware.
- The optional built-in water softener provides optimal cleaning
effectivenessprevents scale.
- WashingDI rinse temperature are fully adjustable up to 93°C.
Temperature is monitored by two independent sensors.
- Standard steam condenser helps to eliminate vapors from
entering into the laboratory.
- Heavy washing pump ensures high fl ow rate combined with
effective spray pressure.
- Washing injection systemdrying on two levels.
- Inner cabinet, washing armstank fi lters made of high quality
316L stainless steel.
- Triple water fi ltering system ensures that residue is captured and
not recirculatedsaves the pump life.
- Two automatic liquid dispensers are standard. One more
dispensers is available.
- Steelco LAB 500 C accepts a variety of interchangeable standard
and injection baskets used even in LAB 500.
> Connections
Electrical connection 400 Vac 3 N+T / 50Hz
Power 5600 W
Pump power 550 W
Noise 56 dBA
Permitted room temperature +5°C / +40°C
Dryer blower 150 m3/h
Dryer heating 2000 W
实验室器皿专业清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套专业清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了重要的角色。
C711 | |
C712 | 上层车架,30位试管、烧瓶,mm130/170h-¢mm.6 |
C713 | 上层车架,18位试管、烧瓶,mm75/110h-¢mm.6 |
C714 | 上层车架,12位试管、烧瓶,mm130/170h-¢mm.6 |
C723 | 上层车架,121位试管+18位烧瓶 |
C715 | 下层车架,36位试管、烧瓶,mm75/110h-¢mm.6 |
C716 | 下层车架,30位试管、烧瓶,mm130/170h-¢mm.6 |
C717 | 下层车架,12位试管、烧瓶,mm75/110h-¢mm.6 |
C718 | 下层车架,12位试管、烧瓶,mm130/170h-¢mm.6 |
C719 | 下层车架,120移液管 |
C720 | 下层车架,2捆移液管、吸管等,最长300mm |
C61 | 28位广口瓶清洗假 |
C97 | 30个盘子清洗架 |
C71+ C87 | 清洗网筐 220x150x50hmm |
C65+ C67 | 清洗网筐 400x120x70hmm |
C72+ C67 | 清洗网筐 400x120x120hmm |
C63+ C64 | 清洗网筐 120x120x120hmm |
C68+ C77 | 清洗网筐 1/4圆 220x220x100hmm |
C69+ C77 | 清洗网筐 1/4圆 220x220x130hmm |
C70+ C77 | 清洗网筐 1/4圆 220x220x140hmm |
C62 | 清洗网筐 480x250x60hmm |
C66 | 清洗网筐 240x250x60hmm |
清洗消毒机 | LAB500 | LAB500C | LAB500D | LAB500CD | DS500 | DS500DRS |
车架 | 两层 | 两层 | 两层 | 两层 | 一层 | 一层 |
容积 | 170L | 170L | 170L | 170L | 150L | 150L |
显示 | LED | LED | LED | LED | LCD | LCD |
清洗程序 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 40 | 40 |
蒸汽冷凝器 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 |
电加热单元 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 | 含 |
进水口 | 双进口 | 三进口 | 双进口 | 三进口 | 三进口 | 三进口 |
热风干燥 | 无 | 98%DOP过滤,初级 | 无 | 98%DOP过滤,初级 | 无 | F级和HEPA双级 |
清洗剂泵 | 2个 | 2个 | 2个 | 2个 | 2个 | 2个 |
软化水装置 | 无 | 无 | 内置 | 内置 | 内置 | 内置 |
编号 | 型号 | 指标 |
1 | 22 LIQ 不含磷 22 PF 不含磷粉末 | 碱性清洗剂,玻璃器皿、不锈钢器械清洗 |
26 Mineralacid (无机酸) | 酸性中和剂,碱性清洗后中和保护 | |
2 | 21 LIQ 带有活性氯 21 Solid 粉末 | 弱碱性清洗剂,玻璃器皿、不锈钢器械清洗 |
25 Organacid (有机酸) | 酸性中和剂,碱性清洗后中和保护 |
北京瑞德迈普技术开发有限公司下设医疗分部与科学仪器部.我们引进和开发最优秀的适合于中国国情的仪器设备。 公司现已成为瑞士和英国若干公司的中国独家代理商。 我们的宗旨是:用我们的经验和服务不断选择和开展适合中国市场的仪器设备,使用户享受当今世界上日新月异的高科技成果。 代理以下公司的产品:意大利SEDLOO公司、瑞士BORER公司,德国steripower公司,英国BROWNE公司,德国TOSI公司,德国MELAG公司,珠海黑马公司,英国pps公司、英国Hansatech公司、清洗消毒产品: 全自动清洗消毒机,清洗剂和消毒剂系列产品,高温高压灭菌器,清洗效果检测卡,无接触型手消毒器生理生态产品: 光合作用仪;叶面积仪;叶绿素仪;氧电极;叶绿素荧光仪;植物光谱仪等 生物分子生物实验室产品: 基因扩增仪,离心机,冷冻高速离心机,紫外透射分析仪,核酸/蛋白凝胶图像分析管理系统
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