艾特负压风扇-F系列(玻璃钢) 的主要优点
1. FRP玻璃钢材质,具有耐腐蚀、抗酸碱的特性,同时大降低了金属的共鸣,延长使用寿命;
2. 机翼式设计铝铸风叶,其排风功效比冲压成型的铁制风叶高出许多;
3. 配备高性能PK多V皮带,避免运转时滑落及噪音问题;
4. 铸铝风叶与玻璃钢外框提供终身保修;
5. 每小时用0.75~1度电,排风量为40000~45000M3,排风性能是
6. 完全密封型高效率的电机能适用各种场所;
7. 烤漆保护网更耐用且易于清洁;
8. 独有新型马达/轴承支撑将空气阻力降低到最低,还提供4方位的牢固支撑。
公司继承了Aerotech集团50多年的行业经验和技术,致力于设计、制造、销售、安装负压排气扇和蒸发式水濂降温系统,为客户改善工厂高温、通风不良、闷热的室内环境。公司自成立以来,一直坚持创新、品质、专业、信誉的理念,不断努力,并始终站在客户的立场提供高品质、高效率的产品及全方位的服务- “客户至上,服务第一”。
Aeratech(FoShan) Ventilation equipment Co.,Ltd, founded in 2001, located at the worldwide industrial manufacturing center-where is nearby the Greater Pearl River Region. building area 16500㎡, is a new product research & develop base which belong to Aerotech Group in USA. Originated from Aerotech’s decades of history &technical, Aeratech is specialized in the field of designing, manufacturing, selling, installing, the exhaust Fan &Evaporative Cooling Ventilation System, can improve the high temperature, bad- aerated, swelter inner environment. We insist our principles of innovation, quality, profession and creditability from the beginning. Always stand customer position,offering high quantity, high efficiency ventilation system and top service –"Customer the first, Service the best".