系统使用范围广泛,适合场所:1. 工业方面:注塑、压注、橡胶、喷涂、电镀、丝印、玩具、电子、家电、鞋类、印刷、食品加工、纺织、制衣、漂染、洗衣房等厂房和车间;
2. 农业方面:养鸡场、养猪场等蓄牧业场地、园艺业及温室种植园;
3. 其它:有污染性气体或气味浓烈、粉尘较小的场所以及需排气与换气的场所。
1. 节能:耗电量少,只需传统空调的10%左右;
2. 环保:不含氟里昂(CFC);
3. 投资回报率高,2~3年内收回所有成本;
4. 能将室内的浑浊、闷热及有异味的空气替换排出室外;
5. 有效控制室内环境,在室内产生不同的风速,造成凉风效应,舒适、清爽;
6. 减少传染性疾病,让工作人员在一个更加舒适安全放心的环境下工作;
公司继承了Aerotech集团50多年的行业经验和技术,致力于设计、制造、销售、安装负压排气扇和蒸发式水濂降温系统,为客户改善工厂高温、通风不良、闷热的室内环境。公司自成立以来,一直坚持创新、品质、专业、信誉的理念,不断努力,并始终站在客户的立场提供高品质、高效率的产品及全方位的服务- “客户至上,服务第一”。
Aeratech(FoShan) Ventilation equipment Co.,Ltd, founded in 2001, located at the worldwide industrial manufacturing center-where is nearby the Greater Pearl River Region. building area 16500㎡, is a new product research & develop base which belong to Aerotech Group in USA. Originated from Aerotech’s decades of history &technical, Aeratech is specialized in the field of designing, manufacturing, selling, installing, the exhaust Fan &Evaporative Cooling Ventilation System, can improve the high temperature, bad- aerated, swelter inner environment. We insist our principles of innovation, quality, profession and creditability from the beginning. Always stand customer position,offering high quantity, high efficiency ventilation system and top service –"Customer the first, Service the best".