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上海汇分科技有限公司专业销售Santovac 5Santovac 5

上海汇分科技有限公司专业销售Santovac 5

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:Santovac 5
  • 生 产 地:进口
  • 访问:205次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

Appearance: Light yellow clear liquid
Composition: 100% five ring polyphenyl ether
CAS #2455-71-2
Odor: Odorless to slight phenolic
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santovac® 5 diffusion pump fluid

polyphenyl ether pump fluid

appearance: light yellow clear liquid
composition: 100% five ring polyphenyl ether
cas #2455-71-2
odor: odorless to slight phenolic
boiling point @ 760 mm hg: 889° f (476° c)
pour point: 40° f (5° c)
specific gravity @ 25/25° c: 1.195-1.201

1000.0 cs @ 27° c (80.6° f)

363.0 cs @ 40° c(104° f)

13.1 cs @ 100° c(212° f)

1.2 cs @ 260° c(500° f)

vapor pressure: 4x10
-10 torr @ 25° c
flash point: 288° c
auto ignition temperature: 590° c (1094° f)

santovac 5, a five ring polyphenyl ether, provides an outstanding vacuum with low vapor pressure in electron microscopes and is resistant to oxidation when it is abused in the diffusion pump, such as exposure to air when hot. indeed it was designed for vacuums approaching uhv levels without the use of a liquid nitrogen trip of any type. when new, santovac 5 is pure polyphenyl ether (ppe). the only elements in the pure ppe base fluid are oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. and therefore, santovac 5 is a 100% pure ppe. for further information about diffusion pumps and diffusion pump fluids generally, read the article "inside a vacuum diffusion pump".

however, since it is a hydrocarbon fluid, the molecular species from the fluid, in the presence of the ionizing radiation from the electron beam, will cause polymerization, contributing to the overall contamination of the column. for many users of electron microscopes, another alternative would be to use one of the perfluorocarbon based diffusion pump fluids, such as fomblin® or krytox®.

for electron microscopes, santovac 5 is the most widely used diffusion pump fluid, it probably is the very best that can be used for most users, since the product exhibits excellent molecular weight, low reactivity, and outstanding vapor pressure characteristics. before switching, be sure to discuss this with the manufacturer or other agency servicing your column instrument. not all models necessarily are identical and the same for different markets. so good advice for one market might not be the best advice for another. but in general, for example, for jeol instruments, any instrument taking lyon-s® diffusion pump fluid, could be switched over to santovac 5 without difficulty, but you could be sure that the fluid charge would last much longer between fluid changes, therefore at any given time the state of the fluid in a given instrument should be better, the vacuum better and the state of cleanliness of the vacuum better.

use of santovac 5 in gcms applications:
the same reasons why santovac 5 is such a good choice for an electron microscope application, the same reasons would apply for gs-ms applications as well.

use as an o ring lubricant:
santovac 5 fluid can, at times, be the recommended lubricant for "o" rings.

thermal stability:
santovac 5 fluid is thermally stable to approximately 466°c (870° f).

se-lection of high vacuum grease:
this is an often times over-looked topic, but if you are using santovac 5 diffusion pump fluid in your vacuum system, then the ultimate in both compatibility and performance will always be to use santovac 5gb high vacuum grease.

exporting from the usa:
santovac 5 is a "controlled material" in the sense that for shipment to certain countries, an export license is required. this product is classified under fluids and lubricating materials of the export administration regulations, u.s. department of commerce; eccn #: 1c006.b1.

santovac 5


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