您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 专用仪器仪表 > 其他专用仪器仪表 > PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix A25742 A25777
PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix is a pre-formulated, optimized, universal 2X master mix for real-time PCR workflows. Coupled with user-supplied primer sets and template, PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix is designed to amplifiy targets for accurate gene expression analysis.
PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix features include:
• A dual hot-start mechanism for excellent specificity
• Highly reproducible CTs over a broad dynamic range
• Inclusion of UDG to help prevent carryover contamination
• Stability of pre-assembled reactions for up to 72 hours
• Compatibility with most real-time qPCR instruments
Exceptional specificity with dual hot-start mechanism
Specificity is paramount in obtaining high-quality data in SYBR® Green reactions and can be enhanced through control of the Taq DNA polymerase at lower temperatures before stringent primer binding. PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix uses the Dual-Lock™ Taq DNA polymerase enzyme that combines two unique hot-start mechanisms to help control its activity and to prevent undesirable early activity of the polymerase at low temperatures. In an experiment evaluating 24 different primer sets, PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix generated single melt curves 100% of the time, consistent with highly specific amplification.
Tight reproducibility in CTs over a wide dynamic range
PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix demonstrates excellent reproducibility over a wide dynamic range for a variety of targets tested (see figure). In addition, this master mix provides efficient amplification over 6 logs of sample input. Unlike competitor mixes that can exhibit inhibition at high cDNA inputs and low correlation coefficients over a dynamic range experiment, PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix efficiency is maintained over the full dynamic range to help deliver maximal confidence in data quality (see figure).
UDG included for carryover contamination control
The inclusion of uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) and dUTP in the PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix enables the degradation of any previously amplified PCR products, helping prevent contamination of subsequent qPCR reactions and possible false positives.
Stability of pre-assembled reactions
The tight control of the Dual-Lock™ Taq DNA polymerase in PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix enables reactions to be assembled up to 72 hours prior to cycling without impacting data (see figure). This consistency allows users to have confidence and flexibility in the use of PowerUP™ SYBR® Green Master Mix across numerous workflow scenarios1.
Broad instrument compatibility
PowerUp™ SYBR® Green Master Mix can be used in either standard or fast cycling mode and is compatible with all Applied Biosystems® real-time PCR instruments2. It is also compatible with the Bio-Rad IQ™5 and CFX96™ / CFX384™ systems, Roche LightCycler® LC480, and Stratagene® MX3005P® systems. For optimal results, recommended primer concentrations are 300–800 nM.
Detection Method: | SYBR |
For Use With (Equipment): | 7500 Fast System,7500 System,7900HT System,QuantStudio™ 12k Flex,QuantStudio™ 3,QuantStudio™ 5,QuantStudio™ 6,QuantStudio™ 7,StepOne™,StepOnePlus™,ViiA™ 7 System |
Reaction Speed: | Fast or Standard |
PCR Method: | qPCR |
Sample Type (General): | DNA |
Number of Reactions: | 500 reactions |
Polymerase: | Dual-Lock™ Taq DNA Polymerase |
Product Line: | PowerUP™,SYBR® |
Product Size: | 5 mL |
Shipping Condition: | Wet Ice |
2.美国Wheaton 匀浆器、组织研磨器、双侧壁细胞培养瓶、悬浮细胞培养瓶、细胞用搅拌器、安培瓶等玻璃仪器、培养箱,搅拌器等。
3.美国kimble 蓝盖瓶、匀浆器、离心管,巴氏吸管等玻璃仪器;
4.加拿大Labplas 的无菌采样袋、均值袋;
5.美国Nalgene 过滤装置、塑料广口瓶、放水桶、低温冰盒、低温标签、记号笔、离心管、冻存管、便携液氮罐、无菌培养基瓶、手动真空泵等。
6.美国ABI PCR板、PCR管、PCR盖子、八连排管、膜等。
7.德国Brand 移液器,电动移液器,瓶口分配等
8.德国艾本德eppendorf 移液器、分配器等
9.法国Hyphen Biomed 的出血、凝血类试剂 ;
10. 德国Chemvck 防腐隔膜泵、无油泵、真空泵、蠕动泵等
11. 瑞士Keller 小型快速玻璃珠灭菌器、玻璃珠等
12. 美国Millpore 细胞电阻仪、超滤管、膜、针头滤器等
13. 美国 BioSpec研磨珠均质器、手持匀浆机等
14. 自产镍洛合金接种环、接种针、核酸染料、通用水试剂培养基等。实验室 蓝盖瓶 218012458 218012955 218013651
具有显著 特性的 DURAN ® 实验室玻璃瓶己赢得市场好评多年。经过不断发展和提高,DURAN GROUP在原有产品的基础上推出了一系列设计精良的优质产品。为用户提供两种选 择,一种是单
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix 4444963 4444965
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix 4444963 4444965
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