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The Agilent Performance Signal Generator series offers accurate characterization of products and eliminates the need of an external amplifier for testing high power devices. The PSG series provides 14 dBm at 40 GHz (option 1EA), reducing overall equipment and test costs. The superior level accuracy of the PSG series (+/- 0.7 dB) reduces test uncertainties and improves production throughput. Standard products have phase noise performance of -85 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and -110 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset and a 10 GHz carrier. The PSG provides improved performance with option UNJ of -98 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and -110 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset and a 10 GHz carrier. Because the new PSG series guarantees accurate evaluation of devices, errors can be pinpointed early on in the design process thus resulting in a reduced development time. 特性 ·Fast pulse from 500MHz to 3.2GHz with Option HE6 ·Widest frequency range (250 kHz to 40 GHz) with 0.01 Hz frequency resolution - standard ·Highest power available (+9/+14) at 40 GHz with excellent level accuracy (0.7 and 0.9 dB) ·SSB phase noise less than -110 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset at 10 GHz carrier ·Optional SSB phase noise less than -98 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset at 10 GHz carrier ·Long warranty 1-year standard and 5-year optional ·Digital Sweep functions (list and step) with capability of calibrating every point at the test port using the user flatness correction ·Easy frequency extension to 110 GHz with Agilent’s 83550 Series ·AM, FM, phase, and pulse modulation ·Dual internal modulation generators with sine, square, triangle, positive/negative ramp, Gaussian Noise, Uniform Noise, Swept Sine, Dual Sine up to 1MHz rates ·Internal pulse generator 14 MHz max PRF |
主要品牌: HP/Agilent(惠普/安捷伦)、T E K(泰克)、FLUKE(福禄克)、ADVANTEST(爱德曼)、 Anrilsu(安立)、R/S(罗德&施瓦茨)、MARCONI(马可尼)、Panasonic(松下)、KENWOOD(健 伍)、MEGURO(目黑)、LEADER(利达)、KlKUSUI(菊水)、MlNOLTA(美能达)等世界著名品牌。
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