您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 行业设备 > 塑料机械 > 吸塑机 > 恒纬全自动翻转模杯盖碗成型机
In the sheet sending device and tensile device using servo motor.
This machine is fully automatic and it can help plastic products manufacturer to save manpower and reduce the production cost.
This machine is very quickly and suitable for advanced production line.
This machine has mould memory function.
Apply to PVC, PET, PP, PS, HIPS, PLA plastic sheet forming, such as the production of various kinds of cup, bowl, dish, cover, box products such as: milk cup, jelly cup, disposable drink cup, Bowl of instant noodles. The production process is the plastic sheet by heating to a certain temperature, with positive pressure forming, and then by the turn-over device send to cup stacking , counting, and tidy sending out. http://xisujixie.com
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