您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 商务服务 > 会展服务 > 五金建材建筑展 > 2017年中东迪拜五大行业展BIG5
1, the Middle East, dubai exhibition five industries beginning in 1980, the exhibition has a long history and wide impact and influence in the Middle East is big, high brand awareness and good market effect.
2, the last show a total of 4 days, a total of 2586 exhibitors and more than 73500 exhibitors audience, influence, 90% of the exhibitors agree that the exhibition effect is very good, and offered to take part in the next exhibition.
3, the last exhibition was held at the dubai world trade center in the Middle East exhibition five industries account for its full ten pavilions and Al Multaqua pavilion and just put into use bell pavilion and dubai international exhibition center in the makeshift outdoor pavilion.
越南国际建筑、 建材及家居产品展(VIETBUILD ) 是越南建设部与越南各省市政府联合举办、 规模最大、 最专业的建材行业国际性展览会。
2018年越南国际建筑、 建材及家居产品展VIETBUILD
2018年越南国际建筑、 建材及家居产品展VIETBUILD是越南建设部与越南各省市政府联合举办、 规模最大、 最专业的建材行业国际性展览会。
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