【产品说明】 失活的牙质片层用作骨重吸收培养基。这些片层以5 mm直径的牙质薄片形式提供(正常厚度为0.3 mm)。每批培养基均经过检测以确保被有功能的破骨细胞重吸收。另可提供预重吸收的样品片层以便于体外重吸收功能鉴定。 【简介】 牙质片层以50片一包形式供应,包装于已消毒的旋转盖封容器内。该片层通过紫外线杀菌并且只能在无菌环境(如层流柜)中打开。 【储存】 该产品可在室温下储存。如果容器不打开且片层保持干燥,在保质期内不会出现变质。 【应用】 该产品被设计利用“骨切片检测”以实现体外骨重吸收量化(1,2),在“骨切片检测”中,培养的破骨细胞在矿化的底层挖掘出真正的骨重吸收间隙。从该检测的第一个表述开始,在过去的16年间(1,2),该检测已被广泛地应用于研究许多因素对骨重吸收的影响且是当今体外骨重吸收研究使用最广泛的方法(3-8)。 骨切片检测能与从实验动物(包括小鼠、大鼠、鸡、兔和猫)的骨分离的破骨细胞同时使用。它已被广泛用于研究通过直接分离于骨或培养自骨髓培养基的人破骨细胞重吸收 (4)。 该领域当今主要优势之一是通过RANK配基的增加从外周红细胞诱导破骨细胞形成的技术的发展(9)。利用这项技术,大量功能性破骨细胞能被激活,被激活的功能性破骨细胞将在包括骨位点重吸收的牙质片层在内的矿化底层挖掘出重吸收间隙。重吸收很容易被反射光显微镜方法而量化(3,4,6,8)。 【参考文献】 1. Boyde A, Ali N N and Jones S J (1984) Resorption of dentine by isolated osteoclasts in vitro. Br. Dent. J. 156:216-220. 2. Chambers T J, Revell P A, Fuller K and Athanasou N (1984) Resorption of bone by isolated rabbit osteoclasts. J. Cell Sci. 55:383-399. 3. Walsh C A, Beresford J N, Birch M A, Boothroyd B and Gallagher J A (1991) Application of reflected light microscopy to identify and quantitate resorption by isolated osteoclasts. J. Bone Miner. Res. 6:661-671. 4. Walsh C A, Carron J A and Gallagher J A (1996) The isolation of osteoclasts from human giant cell tumours and long-term marrow cultures. In 'Human Cell Culture Protocols' Ed. G.E. Jones, Humana Press Inc. pp 233-262. 5. Arnett T R and Dempster D W (1987) A comparative study of disaggregated chick and rat osteoclasts in vitro: Effects of calcitonin and prostaglandins. Endocrinology 120:602-608. 6. Sato M and Grasser W (1990) Effects of bisphosphonates on isolated rat osteoclasts as examined by reflected light microscopy. J. Bone Miner. Res. 5:31-40. 7. Boyde A (1991) Pitfalls in pit measurement. Calcif. Tissue Int. 49:65-70. 8. Tamura T, Takahashi N, Akatsu T, Sasaki T, Udagawa N, Tanaka S and Suda T (1993) New resorption assay with mouse osteoclast-like multinucleated cells formed in vitro. J. Bone Miner. Res. 8:953-960. 9. Itonaga I, Sabokbar A, Neale S D, and Athanasou N A (1999) 1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and prostaglandin E3 act directly on circulating human osteoclast precursors. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 264:590-595. |