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The only items of motor vehicle equipment that are subject to the FMVSS are:
1. Tires
2. Rims
3. Brake Hoses
4. Brake Fluid
5. Seat Belt Assemblies
6. Lighting Equipment
7. Glazing (i.e., glass and glass-plastic laminates used as windshield, window, moon roof, sun roof, partition, etc.)
8. Motorcycle Helmets
9. Child Seats
10. Compressed Natural Gas Containers (used as part of a vehicle’s fuel system, and not for the purpose of transporting compressed natural gas).
11. Platform Lift Systems for the Mobility Impaired
12. Rear Impact Guards for Trailers
13. Triangular Reflective Warning Devices
The only items of motor vehicle equipment that are subject to the FMVSS are:
1. Tires
2. Rims
3. Brake Hoses
4. Brake Fluid
5. Seat Belt Assemblies
6. Lighting Equipment
7. Glazing (i.e., glass and glass-plastic laminates used as windshield, window, moon roof, sun roof, partition, etc.)
8. Motorcycle Helmets
9. Child Seats
10. Compressed Natural Gas Containers (used as part of a vehicle’s fuel system, and not for the purpose of transporting compressed natural gas).
11. Platform Lift Systems for the Mobility Impaired
12. Rear Impact Guards for Trailers
13. Triangular Reflective Warning Devices
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