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RLBE 2018上海第六届养生品牌博览会(美丽来自养生而非抽脂整容)

RLBE 2018上海第六届养生品牌博览会(美丽来自养生而非抽脂整容)

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:15次
  • 发布日期:2018/1/22(更新日期:2018/1/22)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

高端养生食品 养生驻颜食品
  • 详细内容
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RLBE 2018上海第六届养生品牌博览会

RLBE 2018 the 6th Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo



Directed by:

世界养生协会  全球养生长寿协会  

World Health Association

      Global Health and Longevity Association

中国健康协会  上海市健康产业促进会  

China Health Association  

Shanghai Health Industry Promotion Association

巴马生态养生协作联盟   恩施州硒产业发展联合会  

Bama Eco-Health Care Alliance

      Enshi Selenium Valley Industrial Park Enterprise Association



Organizer: Shanghai Xichun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.


Exhibition Time: June 27-29, 2018


Exhibition Address: Shanghai New International Exhibition Center (No.2345 Longyang Road)



Exhibition Introduction


The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 explicitly put forward the implementation of the strategy of "Healthy China" to improve the national health policy and provide all-round full-cycle health services for people. "Healthy China" is no longer just a slogan. It has risen to a high level of national development strategy. We shall adhere to prevention first, advocate healthy and civilized way of life, and implement food safety strategy to promote the orderly development of health industry. The "Healthy China" strategy also clearly states: by 2030, the total scale of the regimen industry will reach 16 trillion. According to relevant reports, now Chinese families invest less than 5% in regimen living! From the view of development trend, regimen industry will enter an accelerated period of development,and trillions of regimen industry are thriving.


Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo (abbr.: RLBE) will uphold its usual fine style, relying on "Healthy China" strategic decision-making, professional technical support, strong marketing channels for enterprises to build a "high-quality, efficient, high-lever regimen brand trading platform ". The 6th Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo will be transferred to Shanghai New International Expo Center. The exhibition area will be expanded to 20000 square meter, further laying the “Shanghai Regimen Living Brand Expo” in East China's leading position in the industry.


By 2018, everyone should change his mindset and shift the focus to prevention, to create an age where everyone can enjoy regimen Living!



Exhibition Scope

养生品牌食品类: 高端滋补、养生黑食、五谷养生、养生饮品、富硒养生、酵素养生。

Regimen brand food categories: high-end nourishing,regimen black food, whole grains, regimen drinks, selenium regimen, enzyme regimen.

Regimen brand supplies and services: regimen products, regimen institutions, regimen advice, OEM service providers.



Audience Source


1, Green regimen food chain and operating counters, regimen pavilion, health management chain, private clubs, community supermarket chains and convenience stores, supermarkets, department stores, regimen food wholesale market.


2, Franchisers, agents, distributors, application providers, trading companies with strong reputation and sales network terminal as well as special supply center for regimen food and groups will be invited to visit and negotiate procurement, etc.


3, The technical personnel and senior managers etc.of the import and export trading companies, industry associations, cadres’ sanitarium, nursing homes, sanatoriums, scientific research institutions and the nutrition and health food production enterprises.


4, E-commerce platform, micro-business team, direct marketing agencies, distribution agencies and other procurement groups.


5, Customer service institutions, trade service organizations, gift shops, and important group purchase units, etc.

Exhibition procedures


1,Exhibitors should fill in the "Exhibition Application Form" and stamp the official seal before scanning or faxing it to the organizing committee. And the participating fee will be remitted to the designated account of the organizing committee within 3 days. The booth allocation shall be arranged in the order of payment to the account. The booths are limited, first-served basis.



2. All exhibitors must be legitimate operators in China and no entity or individual shall be allowed to carry fake and inferior products to the exhibition otherwise, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to cancel the qualification of exhibitors.


如欲订“RLBE 2018”展位和了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方式。

If you are interested in subscribing to the “RLBE 2018” and knowing more information, please contact us through the contact details below:

地址/Add:  上海市浦东新区龙阳路2345号

No.2345, Longyang Road, Pudong New Area,Shanghai
电话/Tel:  86-21)80312708        联系人/TO:赵宇辉  15921037084         邮箱/E-mail: 1228409427qq.com










上海熙春展览服务有限公司 Xichun Shanghai Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd 一、公司简介:上海熙春展览服务有限公司是一家极具活力与创新力的公司,其拥有一支具备丰富的展览筹划经验及展览组织经验的专业队伍。为参展企业提供展前﹑展中﹑展后一系列服务。在展览会已成为企业营销主流渠道的今天,我们深知服务是我们立足的根本。所以我们一贯秉承高品质的理念以及精益求精的精神为目标,切实从客户的角度出发,理解﹑满足客户对参展的需求。让服务更专业,让客户更满意。成长因为有你,向上因为有梦,前进中的上海熙春展览服务有限公司将会锐意进取,熙春的明天也必将越来越好。二、企业理念:以德为本,诚信为先,开拓进取,与时俱进。三、企业精神:诚信、双赢、卓越、创新四、企业宗旨:服务第一、客户第一五、营销理念实现客户愿望,就是践行自己的愿望,实现自己的愿望,必须践行客户的愿望六、管理理念:管理是严肃的爱,更是浓厚的情。七、人才理念有德有才破格用,有德无才培养用,无德有才限制用,无德无才坚决不用八、服务范围:展览展示服务,企业形象策划,市场营销策划。




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