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新闻:Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.
Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.Facebook Inc. is close to announcing a first crop of news shows for its video platform Watch that will likely include content from Fox News and CNN, capping months of turbulent talks and several strategy shifts by the social-media company, people familiar with the matter said.
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