您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 矿业金属探测仪 > 金属探测器TS53
This unit is a very effective tool in detecting mini bomb in letters. Without causing any damage to the letters and the parcels, this unit can be used to determine whether there is any potential suspectablemetallic object hidden in these letters or parcels. This unit will give alarm whenever it detects themetallic object. It can be used to prevent terrorist activities and ensure the safety for the important departments and organs.
Weight: about 17.5kg
Path size: 400(W) X 70mm(H)
Detection sensitivity: 8 grades
Alarm tonality: 8 grades
Max.sensitivity: aluminum foil test card - 0.1mm(thickness) Xφ10mm
(When the test card slides through the testing gutter, the unit will give alarm )
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