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KIMAX® melting point capillary tubes are used to determine the point at which a solid sample turns to liquid.
· Tubes are 100 mm long when supplied with both ends open, so that approximately 90 mm will remain after sealing
· Tube length insures that the open end will extend well above the bath’s surface to prevent the bath liquid from entering the tube
· 34502-99 and 34507-99 have a smaller I.D. than 34500-99 and are designed from requirements contained in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
· Packaged with 100 tubes per vial and 20 vials per case
· Manufactured from 51 expansion borosilicate glass conforming to USP Type I and ASTM E438, Type I, Class B requirements
Part Number34505-99
NameMelting Point Capillary
OD (mm)1.5-1.8
Length (mm)90
Wall Thickness (mm)0.2
FeatureSealed at one end
Case Qty2000
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