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MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S 100GB转25GB模块转换头

MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S 100GB转25GB模块转换头

  • 价 格: 985元
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:中国大陆
  • 访问:0次
  • 发布日期:2021/4/13(更新日期:2025/2/12)

北京四季畅想科技有限公司 第9

  • 电话:13910098771
  • 手机:13910098771
  • 联系人:向先生(联系我时,请说明是在易推广看到的,谢谢!

NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 Extended Temperature,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 (Single Pack)NVID
  • 详细内容
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 NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 Extended Temperature,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 (Single Pack)NVIDIA.Mellanox迈络思交换机NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤适配卡HCA卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机电源NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤网卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机连接线NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤模块 InfiniBand交换机IB线缆等整机及配件批发TEL:13910098771

DynamiX QSA28 - QSFP28 to SFP28 Adapter

NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E (Extended Temperature), QSFP28 to SFP28 adapter, enables a smooth cost-effective connection between a single lane transceiver/cable and a quad lane port. The QSA28 provides the option to connect an SFP28/SFP+/SFP transceiver or cable to a QSFP28 port of an Nx100Gbps switch or network interface card (NIC).

The QSA28 should be installed into a QSFP28 port, and is intended to either connect a switch QSFP28 port to a NIC SFP28 port, or connect a NIC QSFP28 port to a switch SFP28 port. For example, an SFP28-based cable can be connected to a 100GbE ConnectX-4 NIC and to the 32 x 100GbE SN2700 Ethernet switch. The QSA28 conforms to the SFF-8402 for the SFP28 side and to SFF-8665 for the QSFP28 standards and is thoroughly tested to meet strict quality requirements. The adapter has a QSFP28 form factor with a receptacle for SFP28 transceiver/AOC/DAC connector. The QSA28 provides a solution for integrating systems using different vendors' equipment, since it is vendor agnostic and provides a direct path to the SFP unit's memory. The QSA28 interoperates with all major optical module and direct attach copper cable vendors.

Its design ensures minimum loss on the conversion path between the QSFP28 cage and the SFP28 receptacle. The RF (high speed data) channel of the SFP28 receptacle is connected to lane 1 of the QSFP28 connector. The three remaining RF channels on the QSFP28 connector are not connected. DynamiX QSA28 is qualified for 10GbE SFP+ and 1GbE SFP transceivers meeting the Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver Multi-source Agreement (MSA).


  • Industry-leading price and performance

  • Trouble-free installation and network bring-up

  • Compliant to industry standards

    • QSFP28 MSA SFF-8665

    • SFP28 MSA SFF-8402

  • Low insertion loss

  • Registered US patent 7,934,959

  • Matched impedance

  • Secure latching mechanism

  • Built-in EEPROM for product identification

  • RoHS compliant

  • SFF-8636 compliant I2C management interface

NVIDIA  MAM1Q00A-QSA_E,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 Extended Temperature,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 (Single Pack)NVIDIA.Mellanox迈络思交换机NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤适配卡HCA卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机电源NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤网卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机连接线NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤模块 InfiniBand交换机IB线缆等整机及配件批发

NVIDIA  MAM1Q00A-QSA-SP Ethernet Cable Adapter 40Gb/s to 10Gb/s QSFP to SFP+ (Single Pack)40G转10G QSFP/SFP+光纤模块对转换头MAM1Q00A-QSA_E,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 Extended Temperature,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 (Single Pack)NVIDIA.Mellanox迈络思交换机NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤适配卡HCA卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机电源NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤网卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机连接线NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤模块 InfiniBand交换机IB线缆等整机及配件批发

Dynamic QSA - QSFP+ to SFP+ Adapter

NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA-SP, QSFP+ to SFP+ adapter, enables a smooth cost-effective connection between a single lane transceiver/cable and a quad lane port. The QSA provides the option to connect an SFP+/SFP transceiver or cable to a QSFP+ port of an Nx40GbE switch or network interface card (NIC).

The QSA should be installed into a QSFP+ port, and is intended to either connect a switch QSFP+ port to a NIC SFP port or connect a NIC QSFP+ port to a switch SFP port. For example, an SFP-based cable can be connected to a 40GbE ConnectX-3 NIC and to the 48 x 10GbE SX1012 Ethernet switch.

The QSA conforms to the SFF8418/8419 for the SFP side and to SFF-8436 for the QSFP+ standards and is thoroughly tested to meet strict quality requirements. The adapter has a QSFP+ form factor with a receptacle for SFP+ transceiver/AOC/DAC connector. The QSA provides a solution for integrating systems using different vendors' equipment, since it is vendor agnostic and provides a direct path to the SFP unit's memory. The QSA interoperates with all major optical module and direct attach copper cable vendors.

Its design ensures minimum loss on the conversion path between the QSFP+ cage and the SFP receptacle. The RF (high speed data) channel of the SFP receptacle is connected to lane 1 of the QSFP+ connector. The three remaining RF channels on the QSFP+ connector are not connected. The QSA is qualified for 10GbE SFP+ and 1GbE SFP transceivers meeting the Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceiver Multi-source Agreement (MSA).


  • Industry-leading price and performance

  • Trouble-free installation and network bring-up

  • Compliant to industry standards

    • QSFP+ MSA SFF-8436

    • SFP+ MSA SFF-8418/8419

  • Low insertion loss

  • Registered US patent #7,934,959

  • Matched impedance

  • Secure latching mechanism

  • RoHS compliant

  • SFF-8636 compliant I2C management interface for reading the SFP transceiver

NVIDIA  MAM1Q00A-QSA-SP Ethernet Cable Adapter 40Gb/s to 10Gb/s QSFP to SFP+ (Single Pack)40G转10G QSFP/SFP+光纤模块对转换头MAM1Q00A-QSA_E,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28_E Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 Extended Temperature,NVIDIA MAM1Q00A-QSA28-S Ethernet Cable Adapter 100Gb/s to 25Gb/s QSFP28 to SFP28 (Single Pack)NVIDIA.Mellanox迈络思交换机NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤适配卡HCA卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机电源NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤网卡NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思交换机连接线NVIDIA.Mellanox英伟达.迈络思光纤模块 InfiniBand交换机IB线缆等整机及配件批发TEL:13910098771

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