产品名称: PTGD系列压差表
产品型号: PTGD系列
The Series PTGD Differential Pressure Piston-Type Gage can be used to measure the pressure drop across filters, strainers, pump performance testing, and heat exchanger pressure drop monitoring. Its simple, rugged design possesses weather and corrosion resistant gage front with a shatter resistant lens. The Series PTGD contains a piston-sensing element which provides different differential pressure ranges with full-scale accuracies of ±2%. Constructed with aluminum or 316SS and available with two 1/4" female NPT end connections, the Series PTGD provides over-range protection rated to 3000 psig (200 bar) or 6000 psig (400 bar) depending on model. Standard models come with in-line connections. Back or bottom connections are also available.
介质: Compatible gases and liquids.
材质: Gage Body: Aluminum or 316 SS; Piston: Aluminum or 316 SS; Spring: 302 SS; Seals: Buna-N (standard); PTFE, Ceramic Magnet; Dial Case: Nylon 6 30% glass filled gage case.
Window: Acrylic.
精度: ±2% FS ascending.
耐压: 3000 psi (206 bar) for aluminum body; 6000 psi (413 bar) for SS body.
尺寸: 2.5" (63 mm) or 4.5" (115 mm).
安装方向: Mount in any position.
过程连接: 1/4" female NPT end connections standard; 1/4" female NPT back or bottom connections available. All styles available with 1/4" BSP.
重量: Aluminum: Aluminum: 2.5" 0.88 lb (399 g); 4.5" 1.35 lbs (612 g); Stainless Steel: 2.5" 1.75 lbs (794 g); 4.5" 2.3 lbs (1.04 kg). 1-9/32
深圳市德威达科技有限公司 (Shenzhen Deweida Technology Co., Ltd.)是从事自动控制系统开发和仪器仪表等机电产品销售的高科技专业公司。 公司人员有着多年的工业自动控制和楼宇自动控制经验 ,技术力量雄厚。公司代理品牌有 美国 DWYER、ANDERSON、MERCOID、ITT、德国BECK、新加坡TELASIA等,产品涉及压力、流量、液位物位、风速、温湿度、阀门、气体检测、燃烧、数据采集等,广泛应用于工业自动化、暖通空调、楼宇自控、电厂、石油、化工、水处理,锅炉、压缩机、冷冻制冷设备、食品、医药、纺织、造纸、电子、环保、洁净工程等领域。
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