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产品名称: DLI系列数据记录仪
产品型号: DLI系列
The Series DLI LCD Data Logger gives instant remote readings of temperature, humidity, or atmospheric pressure. The large, back-lit LCD and 8-button keypad provide convenient access to current data and recorder setup as well as memory and battery levels. The wall-mountable data logger can store at least 87,000 readings per channel. The easy to use DL700 software makes creating permanent records, performing data calculations, and graphing of data simple. The DLI can easily be started and stopped from a PC or delayed to start up to six months in advance. It can also stop recording at a specified time or after a certain number of readings have been taken.
RTD 传感器: Range: -328 to 1562°F (-200 to 850°C); Probe Accuracy: ±0.09°F (±0.05°C) for -328 to 500°F (-200 to 260°C), ±0.5°F (±0.3°C) for 500 to 1562°F (260 to 850°C); Resolution: 0.01°F (0.01°C).
热电偶传感器: Internal Range: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C); Accuracy: ±0.9°F (±0.5°C) internally and for types J, K, T, E, and N, ±3°F (±2°C) for types R, S, and B; Resolution: 0.2°F (0.1°C) internally and for types J, K, T, E, and N, 0.9°F (0.5°C) for types R, S, and B.
温度/湿度传感器: Range: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C), 0 to 95% RH; Accuracy: ±0.9°F (±0.5°C) for 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C), 3% RH; Resolution: 0.2°F (0.1°C), 0.1% RH.
温度/湿度/压力 传感器: Range: -40 to 302°F (-20 to 60°C), 0 to 95% RH, 0 to 30 psia;
精度: ±0.9°F (±0.5°C), ±3% RH, ±1.0% FSR @ 77°F (25°C); Resolution: 0.1°F (0.05°C), 0.1% RH, 0.002 psia.
尺寸: 174,762 readings (DLI-R), 131,071 readings per channel (DLI-T, DLI-H) and 87,381 readings per channel (DLI-P).
采样方法: Stop on memory full or continuous recording.
采样速度: Selectable from 2 sec to 24 hrs.
计算机配置: Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows® ME, Windows NT®, and Windows® XP operating system, one free USB port.
电源: User replaceable, 9V lithium battery. Optional AC adapter.
电池寿命: 1 year with display off, 30 days with continuous display usage (approx).
接口: USB port (interface cable required).
封装: Black anodized aluminum case.
重量: 16 oz (440 g).
认证: CE, model DLI-R not CE approved.
深圳市德威达科技有限公司 (Shenzhen Deweida Technology Co., Ltd.)是从事自动控制系统开发和仪器仪表等机电产品销售的高科技专业公司。 公司人员有着多年的工业自动控制和楼宇自动控制经验 ,技术力量雄厚。公司代理品牌有 美国 DWYER、ANDERSON、MERCOID、ITT、德国BECK、新加坡TELASIA等,产品涉及压力、流量、液位物位、风速、温湿度、阀门、气体检测、燃烧、数据采集等,广泛应用于工业自动化、暖通空调、楼宇自控、电厂、石油、化工、水处理,锅炉、压缩机、冷冻制冷设备、食品、医药、纺织、造纸、电子、环保、洁净工程等领域。
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