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HV-1000 Micro Vickers Hardness Tester adopts LCD screen to display. By mean of control keys, HV or HK hardness scales, testing forceduration time can be selectedbrightness of light source can be adjusted without steps. With measuring microscope, it may test out the length values of diagonals D1D2, then press the keys to input the length values,the hardness values will be displayed on the LCD screen. Operation is easy.
Usage Range:
Heat treated layer, carbonized layer, hardened hard layers, superficial coating, steels, non-ferrous metal, microthin shaped components.
HV-1000 Micro Vi
HV-1000 Micro Vickers Hardness Tester adopts LCD screen to display. By mean of control keys, HV or HK hardness scales, testing forceduration time can be selectedbrightness of light source can be adjusted without steps. With measuring microscope, it may test out the length values of diagonals D1D2, then press the keys to input the length values,the hardness values will be displayed on the LCD screen. Operation is easy.
Usage Range:
Heat treated layer, carbonized layer, hardened hard layers, superficial coating, steels, non-ferrous metal, microthin shaped components.
ckers Hardness Tester adopts LCD screen to display. By mean of control keys, HV or HK hardness scales, testing forceduration time can be selectedbrightness of light source can be adjusted without steps. With measuring microscope, it may test out the length values of diagonals D1D2, then press the keys to input the length values,the hardness values will be displayed on the LCD screen. Operation is easy.
试验力 Testing Force | 10g 0.098N、25g 0.245N、50g 0.49N、100g 0.98N 、 200g 1.96N、300g 2.94N、500g 4.9N、1000g 9.8N |
最小测量单位 Min Measuring Unit | 0.5μm |
总放大倍数 Magnification of Microscope | 100X(观察, For Observation )400X(测量, For Measurement) |
加荷方式Loading Method | 自动(加荷、保荷、卸荷), Automatically load, keep, unload |
仪器尺寸Overall Dimension | 405×290×480mm (长×宽×高, L X W X H) |
仪器重量 Net Weight | 25kg |
试件最大高度 Max Height of Specimen | 65mm |
电源Power Supply | AC220V±5%,50~60Hz |
执行标准Carried Standard | GB/T4340.2国家标准GB/T4340.2 Chinese Standard, JJG151检定规程 JJG151 Inspection Rule |
X-Y试台 X-Y Testing Table | 尺寸Dimension:100×100 mm 最大移动Max. Travel Range: 25×25mm |
标准配件 附件 Standard Accessories | 物镜40x、10x,微氏压头,测量目镜10x,标准硬度块(2),薄形试台、圆柱体试台、平口试台,水平仪,电源线,辅助工具等 Objectives 40x10x, Vickers Indenter, Microscope 10x, Standard Hardness Brocks: 2 pcs, Thin Specimen Testing Table, Column Testing Table, Forcipate Testing Table, Lever, Power Cable, Assistant Tools, etc |
Usage Range:
Heat treated layer, carbonized layer, hardened hard layers, superficial coating, steels, non-ferrous metal, microthin shaped components.
试验力 Testing Force | 10g 0.098N、25g 0.245N、50g 0.49N、100g 0.98N 、 200g 1.96N、300g 2.94N、500g 4.9N、1000g 9.8N |
最小测量单位 Min Measuring Unit | 0.5μm |
总放大倍数 Magnification of Microscope | 100X(观察, For Observation )400X(测量, For Measurement) |
加荷方式Loading Method | 自动(加荷、保荷、卸荷), Automatically load, keep, unload |
仪器尺寸Overall Dimension | 405×290×480mm (长×宽×高, L X W X H) |
仪器重量 Net Weight | 25kg |
试件最大高度 Max Height of Specimen | 65mm |
电源Power Supply | AC220V±5%,50~60Hz |
执行标准Carried Standard | GB/T4340.2国家标准GB/T4340.2 Chinese Standard, JJG151检定规程 JJG151 Inspection Rule |
X-Y试台 X-Y Testing Table | 尺寸Dimension:100×100 mm 最大移动Max. Travel Range: 25×25mm |
标准配件 附件 Standard Accessories | 物镜40x、10x,微氏压头,测量目镜10x,标准硬度块(2),薄形试台、圆柱体试台、平口试台,水平仪,电源线,辅助工具等 Objectives 40x10x, Vickers Indenter, Microscope 10x, Standard Hardness Brocks: 2 pcs, Thin Specimen Testing Table, Column Testing Table, Forcipate Testing Table, Lever, Power Cable, Assistant Tools, etc |
试验力 Testing Force | 10g 0.098N、25g 0.245N、50g 0.49N、100g 0.98N 、 200g 1.96N、300g 2.94N、500g 4.9N、1000g 9.8N |
最小测量单位 Min Measuring Unit | 0.5μm |
总放大倍数 Magnification of Microscope | 100X(观察, For Observation )400X(测量, For Measurement) |
加荷方式Loading Method | 自动(加荷、保荷、卸荷), Automatically load, keep, unload |
仪器尺寸Overall Dimension | 405×290×480mm (长×宽×高, L X W X H) |
仪器重量 Net Weight | 25kg |
试件最大高度 Max Height of Specimen | 65mm |
电源Power Supply | AC220V±5%,50~60Hz |
执行标准Carried Standard | GB/T4340.2国家标准GB/T4340.2 Chinese Standard, JJG151检定规程 JJG151 Inspection Rule |
X-Y试台 X-Y Testing Table | 尺寸Dimension:100×100 mm 最大移动Max. Travel Range: 25×25mm |
标准配件 附件 Standard Accessories | 物镜40x、10x,微氏压头,测量目镜10x,标准硬度块(2),薄形试台、圆柱体试台、平口试台,水平仪,电源线,辅助工具等 Objectives 40x10x, Vickers Indenter, Microscope 10x, Standard Hardness Brocks: 2 pcs, Thin Specimen Testing Table, Column Testing Table, Forcipate Testing Table, Lever, Power Cable, Assistant Tools, etc |
★ 德国ELGO直线磁栅尺、数显
★ 英国NEWALL球栅尺、VULCAN球栅尺数显
★ 德国ZOLLER对刀仪、EZset对刀仪;瑞士URMA对刀仪、PWB对刀仪
★ 日本三丰Mitutoyo各种量具(卡尺、高度规、高度尺、高度计、千分尺、百分表、千分表、杠杆表、厚度计、深度尺、磁性表座)
★ 日本三丰Mitutoyo量仪(高度仪、投影仪、工具显微镜、硬度计、粗糙度仪)
★ 瑞士TESA各种量具(卡尺、千分尺、高度尺、百分表、千分表、杠杆表等)
★ 日本PEACOCK牌测试工具(如:百分表、千分表、厚度表、杠杆表、深度表)
★ 日本SK牌测试针规、EISEN牌测试针规
★ 日本SONY高度规、Nikon高度规、显微镜、日本PEAK各规格放大镜 ★ 日本CITIZEN西铁城精密线性电感量仪、电子探规、电子式测微计、信号指示量表、卧式内径测量仪
★ 瑞士TRIMOS高度仪、TESA高度仪
★ 台湾万濠《Rational》投影仪、二次元影像测量仪、工具显微镜、三座标、光栅尺
★ 台湾精展GIN 正弦磁台、冲子成型器、万向磁性座、V型块、砂轮成型器、钨钢块规、高速钢块规、陶瓷块陶
★ 国产显微硬度计、显微镜、量块、针规、螺纹量规、针规
★ 国产精密花岗石平台、量表座、推拉力计、比测台
人才观: 品德至上,敬业为本
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