您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 电工电气 > 光伏零部件 > 控制器 > 戴安控制器-将离子色谱升级为无化学试剂型
技术参数 1.淋洗液发生器浓度范围:0.1-100mM 2.淋洗液发生器流速:0.01到3.00 mL/min 3.抑制器电流范围:0-150mA 4.连续再生捕获柱(CR-TC)电流范围:24V 5.操作温度范围:4-40℃ 主要特点 1.* RFC-30是为Dionex原有型号仪器设计的可独立的控制器。RFC-30可电解发生淋洗液、控制抑制器(AES?和SRS?)、并可控制CR-TC捕获柱,使其成为RFIC。 2.电解发生淋洗液可进行等度淋洗或梯度淋洗。 3.独立仪器(不必软件),允许在仪器上控制 4.* 电解淋洗液发生器提供阴离子分离需要的氢氧化物淋洗液和阳离子分离所需的甲磺酸淋洗液。 5.前面板控制易于使用,提供常规和简便的操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 仪器介绍 无试剂控制器可以用于现有的DX-120,DX-320,DX-500,或DX-600离子色谱系统,能使你使用过程更为方便,更加节省并将其简化为无试剂离子色谱(RFIC)。 无试剂IC具有强大的功能,它是戴安公司“只加水”淋洗液发生技术、电解抑制技术和连续再生抑制捕获柱(CR-TC)技术的结合,RFIC减少了实验中的各种可变因素消除了各种潜在的污染,提供了稳定的基线,更高的灵敏度和分辨率,最大的重现性。RFIC技术极大地减少了IC系统复杂性,使你将注意力更集中在应用和实验结果上。RFIC技术仅由戴安公司提供。
Dionex Corporation was founded in 1975 with the goal of helping chemists become more productive by providing them with products that eliminate repetitive, time-consuming tasks. At the time, Dionex was developing ion chromatography (IC), an innovative analytical technique that enabled chemists to quickly separate, isolate, and identify ionic components of chemical mixtures. Since then, the scope of Dionex technology has expanded to include a broad range of techniques, including IC, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) including capillary and nano LC, AAA-Direct,accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), automation, and on-line process analys
To maintain the highest possible level of quality, Dionex has established quality standards for every phase of our operation. All Dionex products are designed, developed, and manufactured under a registered ISO 9001 Quality System. We also encourage customer comments and collect them from every possible source. These comments give us a reading on customer satisfaction and provide the information we need to continue finding ways to improve the quality of our products and services.
Innovation and quality have made Dionex a leader in the worldwide separations industry. Our expertise allows us to work closely with chemists, biochemists, and other customers in various markets. We actively seek new technologies to help our industry. Customer satisfaction is the foundation for our continued growth and strong financial condition. And it is the organizing principle for all of our operations, from R&D and manufacturing, to sales and customer support.
As more chemists use our products, the range of customer needs expands, and so does the range of systems and services that we offer to meet those needs. Our products are used extensively for chemical analysis, sample preparation, and laboratory automation in the environmental, proteomics, life science/biotechnology, chemical, petrochemical, power generation, pharmaceutical, and electronics industries. Our customers include many of the world's largest companies, government agencies, research institutions, and universities.
Dionex headquarters are located in Sunnyvale, California, in the heart of the dynamic high-technology community known as Silicon Valley. Our sales and service offices are located throughout the United States and our technical center is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dionex International subsidiaries are located in Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, with distributors in dozens of countries worldwide. Our corporate headquarters are located at:
Tel: +1 408 737-0700
Fax: +1 408 730-9403
Dionex Corporation
1228 Titan Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
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