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ProMinent Emergency Drinking Producing

ProMinent Emergency Drinking Producing

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:德国
  • 访问:236次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)


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The whole system consists of 3 standard 40” containers
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General Description

The whole system consists of 3 standard 40” containers that can be normally transported by

trucks or ship to the catastrophe region and connected in 30-40 hours in site for ready to

produce the drinking water.

The raw water used by the system can be seawater, brackish water or other dirty natural water.

The system can be operated continuously, and produces from 600 m3 per day (standard version) to

1000 m3/day (enlarged version) drinking water with WHO’ quality.

The system works with a “switch on and run” mode, the fully automatic operation means that

skilled operator is not necessary .

The system can be transported either by net power or by an emergency diesel generator at

380/400v, 50Hz AC with a total power consumption of 300kWh.

2 Highlights of The System:

The first container – the pre-treatment system of the raw water.

The system features as:

In view of the evil circumstance of the catastrophe region, mainly the traditional sand

filtration technique is used as usual in this case. It is, however, possible to use the micro- or

ultra-filtration techniques in the container if the customer wishes.
To guarantee a smooth operation of the sand filter, an on-line self-washing guard filter has,

before the sand filters, been installed. Therefore the system is widely applicable to various raw

water, e.g. a heavy SS polluted sea water;
A fully automatic PLC controller allows the system ”switch on and run” without a skilled

All pre-treatment equipments in the container such as the on-line self-washing guard filter, the

sand filters, the air driven valves, air compressor and control cabinet are so installed and

fixed firmly that it can be transported in a critical condition;
All materials used for the sea water contact parts of the pre-treatment system are 316L stainless

steel or PVC.
All chemical dosing units are automatically operated and the storage tanks of the chemicals are

reliably protected.
The pre-treatment container has the size of 2590 x 12190 x 2440 (HWD : mm) as the standard 40”

The inside of the container is air-conditioned during operation.
The power requirement of the pre-treatment container is 45kWh.
The total gross weight of the pre-treatment system including the container itself is 18500kg.

The second container – the sea water desalination system and the concerned accessories.

The system features as:

5μsafe filter unit is used to prevent solids above 5μfrom entering the RO module.
Dosing unit: Anti-scale, Hydrochloric acid, Reductant, Sodium hydroxide. All chemical dosing

units are automatically operated and the storage tanks of the chemicals are reliably protected.
The SWRO container is equipped with a set of high-pressure pump and a set of energy recovery

Each parallel of membrane module is arranged as one passage, 8 pieces of pressure vessel are

required, 6 membrane modules are installed in each of them.
Automatic cleaning system and rinsing unit are also equipped in the container.
Instrumentation: ORP, pH & conductivity sensors, flow meter, pressure gauge, sampling devices are

suitably arranged on the RO system.
Control : automatic controlled by PLC system.
The container has the size of 2590 x 12190 x 2440 (HWD : mm) as the standard 40”container.
The inside of the container is air-conditioned during operation.
The power requirement of the pre-treatment container is 132kWh.
The total gross weight of the SWRO system including the container is 18000kg.

The third container – the Post- treatment system and the concerned accessories.

The system features as:

Backwashing tank with level control.
Fresh water tank with level control.
Circular disinfectant dosing unit is operated automatically to keep the produced water always

safe and fresh.
Circular pump unit.
Control: automatically controlled by PLC unit.
The container has the size of (HWD) 2590 x 12190 x 2440 (mm) as the standard 40”container.
The inside of the container is air-conditioned during operation.
The power consumption of the pre-treatment container is 5kWh.
The total gross of the post-treatment system including the container is 35000kg. The carrying

weight is 8000kg.

Prefab Material used to connect the containers:

The optional parts:

Automatic water output supplying system
A steady pressure output water supplying system is also available on request
Automatic diesel power generator
An auto diesel driven power generation system that can power this emergency drinking water

producing system is also available and can be delivered on request.

3 Basic Technical Data

Raw water requirement:
TSS<100mg/l ,TDS<40000mg/l ,COD<8Mg/L
Producing Water Quality:
Produced water is equal to/higher than WHO’s drinking water standards.
Drain Water:
The brine amounting to 46m3/hr contains no harmful materials, therefore is allowed to drain

directly into the open sea and diffused immediately, thus there is no any influence on the

Power Supply:
Total required power is about 250Kwh, 380/400V, 50Hz.
Foundation requirement:
There is no particular requirement is needed to place this system. A sand or concrete based plat

place on which the containers can firmly supported is enough.
Size :
All the three containers’ is the same size of (HWD) 2590 x 12190 x 2440 (mm) as the standard


4 On Site Installation

No needs for building or time consuming civil works.
One day for installation to connect containers through the prefab pipes and cables.

5 Operation and Maintenance

Truly automatic controlled by PLC allows the system run in the “Switch on and run” mode,

therefore there is no particular need for the specialist to operate this emergency drinking water

producing system.
The design of three-container type makes system maintaining easy and simple.
Cleaning for RO support with our guidance.
ambient temperature: 5-40℃
Raw water temperature: 5-30℃

6 Transportation

Whole system consists of three standard containers therefore it can be easily transported as

normal container by truck or ship. No special conditions are required.

主要产品精密计量泵和各种加药装置,水处理设备,传感器与测量控制仪表,成套海水淡化装置,成套泳池水处理装置,臭氧发生装置,二氧化氯发生装置,纯净水设备,干粉投加机,膜处理设备,各种机械过滤装置和消毒装置。普罗名特流体控制(中国)有限公司是跨国集团--德国普罗名特流体控制有限公司(ProMinent Dosiertechnik GmbH) 在中国的总部。公司于1994年3月15日在大连经济技术开发区注册。公司业绩遍布水处理、废水处理、食品、 饮料、造纸、纺织、印染、电镀、化学液体添加和化工等行业。





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