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  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:BioG-Micom
  • 生 产 地:韩国
  • 访问:761次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:1900/1/1)


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A. Features

The size of vessel can be decided upon the working volumes of real media and we provide interchangeable vessels that are convenient to scale up vessel among the various size of vessels such as 1L, 5L, 7L and 10L.
This system can be employed for batch fermentation, fed-batch fermentation and continuous fermentation with microprocessor that displays Temp, pH, DO, agitation and peristaltic pumping controls of fermentation procedure on the control panel.
Agitation motor speed controlled by Dissolved oxygen rate in the DO mode automatically.
Software produces real time data, graphics and also provides data logging function and analysis of every single phase of fermentation process.
Computer controls and data control (input and retrieve) : Time length of collecting data is longer than normal data recorder. Data conversion function with excel file and it reads efficient data collection from fermentation process. Reduce monitoring time.
pH, DO offset : A operating instant of pH can be setting up by user, which resolve any control problem’s are occurred. User can choose feeding time so as to have stability and controllability. DO value from Dean band lead to certain point of feeding.
User can choose feeding time so as to have stability and controllability. DO value from Dean band lead to certain point of feeding.
B. Specification ;

Standard Accessories
1. Control System (BIOG-Micom)

Intergrated microprocessor controller
Digital Display : Agitation (rpm), pH, DO, Temperature, Peristaltic pump On/Off time, DO control rate
pH control : PID, maintained within 2 ~ 12 pH of setpoint selectable dead band of 0.01 pH
pH resolution : 0.01 pH,
pH control accuracy : 0.05 pH
DO control : 0 ~ 100% (display 0~200%)
DO accuracy : 1%
Temp. control : PID, 8 ~ 80℃
Temp. accuracy : ±0.1℃
Agitation control : PID, 50 ~ 1,200rpm
Anti-foam control : Conductivity, Auto/Manual/Stop, On/Off time setting (0 ~ 99 sec)
Peristaltic pump : Acid, Base, Anfi-foam, Feed
Pump control : Auto/Manual/Stop, On/off time setting (0 ~ 99sec)
DO control Mode : Automatic agitation speed control (DO mode),
DO control rate : 0 ~ 9 step
pH Calibration : 7 pH, 4 pH, 10pH
DO Calibration : 0 %, 100%
Foam sensitivity : user control
Status : Motor, Heater, Cooler, Acid/Base/Feed/Anti-foam peristaltic pump On/Off
Communication : RS-232C
DO stat-fed-batch fermentation : automatic feeding of nutrient by DO value
2. Vessel – T1.5 W1 SINGLE
Total Volume : 1.5ℓ( working volume 1ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 130mm, Vessel height 220mm (1:1.7)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
3. Vessel – T3W2.5ℓ SINGLE
Total Volume : 3ℓ( working volume 2.5ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 130mm, Vessel height 220mm (1:1.7)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
4. Vessel – T5W3ℓ SINGLE
Total Volume : 5ℓ( working volume 3ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 145mm, Vessel height 300mm (1:1.2)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
5. Vessel – T7W5ℓ SINGLE
Total Volume : 7ℓ( working volume 5ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 170mm, Vessel height 310mm (1:1.8)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
6. Vessel – T10W7ℓ SINGLE
Total Volume : 10ℓ( working volume 7ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 190mm, Vessel height 355mm (1:1.8)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
7. Vessel – T1.5 W1 DOUBLE
Total Volume : 1.5ℓ( working volume 1ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 130mm, Vessel height 220mm (1:1.7)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
8. Vessel – T3W2.5ℓ DOUBLE
Total Volume : 3ℓ( working volume 2.5ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 130mm, Vessel height 220mm (1:1.7)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
9. Vessel – T5W3ℓ DOUBLE
Total Volume : 5ℓ( working volume 3ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 145mm, Vessel height 300mm (1:1.2)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
10. Vessel – T7W5ℓ DOUBLE
Total Volume : 7ℓ( working volume 5ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 160mm, Vessel height 330mm (1:1.7)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
11. Vessel – T10W7ℓ BOWL
Total Volume : 10ℓ( working volume 7ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 190mm, Vessel height 355mm (1:1.8)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
12. Vessel – T14W10ℓ BOWL
Total Volume : 14ℓ( working volume 10ℓ)
Vessel size : Inside diameter 190mm, Vessel height 500mm (1:2.6)
Vessel material : Borosilicate glass
13. Vessel Parts
Top Plate : pH, DO, Anti-foam, Temperature, Inoculation, Sampling, Feeding etc.
Air Condenser : Pyrex glass, 150mm
Silicon tube : ID2mm x OD5mm (10 m)
Ring Sparger
Vessel glass packing
Vessel port packing
14. Agitation (top drive)
Easy couple or uncouple of shaft. Motor speed control based on the setting RPM parameter.
Automatic agitation motor speed control by DO value.
Drive motor : High torque magnetic DC motor, 60W, 220V, 60Hz
Agitation speed : 50 ~ 1200rpm
Driving type : Top drive, Single mechanical seal
Drive coupling : Direct coupling, Easily uncoupled for removal of vessel
Speed encoder : Magnetic hall sensor
Foam impeller : Foam breaking impeller
Impeller : Six blades, disc turbine impeller, 2ea
Baffle : Vertical four plates
15. Aeration
Sparger : Removable ring sparger(SUS316L)
Inlet filter : 0.2 µm filter interchangeable and repeatedly autoclavable
Air Flow Meter : Ratio meter with needle valve for flow rate adjustment
Air flow rate : 0 ~ 10 nl/min
Air pressure . : 0 ~ 2 kg/㎠
16. pH electrode with cable
pH Electrode : Mettler Toledo or Hamilton
Sterilization : Autoclavable
Holder : 12Φ, SUS 316L
Range : 2~12
Control : PID, maintained within 0.01 pH of setpoint Selectable deadband of 0.01pH also available via keypad
17. Dissolved oxygen electrode with cable
D.O Electrode : Mettler Toledo or Hamilton
Measuring principle : polarographic type
Sterilizing Temp. : 121℃ for 30 min
Holder : 12Φ, SUS 316L
18. Anti-foam electrode
Measuring principle : Conductivity type
Material : SUS 316L/Teflon
19. Micro tubing pump (Peristaltic pump)
pH control : Two peristaltic pump for acid and base reagent bottle.
Anti-foam agent feeding : One peristaltic pump for anti-foam agent bottle.
Nutrient feeding : One peristaltic pump for nutrient reagent bottle.
Control : Four pumps each assignable to a wide variety of functions for control of acid, base, foam, and feed
Motor speed : 14.4 rpm
Flow rate (ml/min) : 0.3㎖(0.5mm), 0.72㎖(0.0.8mm), 3.06㎖(1.6mm), 11.3㎖(3.2mm), 22.9㎖(4.8mm)
Silicone tube size : 0.5 ~ 4.8 mm
Pump model : Watson Malow 102R
20. Reagent Bottle
Reagent bottle : Pyrex (250㎖), PTFE filter 0.2㎛, Diameter 25mm
Acid, base, anti-foam, feed bottle
C. Optional Accessories
1. Air Compressor
Device to supply air into fermentor system. 100% oil-free compressed air.
Air purification can be done by using oil-free air compressor because oil does not contact to piston ring.
Air Flow : 30 L/min
Power : 1/2 HP, 10A
Compressing Method : one stage pressure method
Cooling : Air cooling
Exterior dimension : 1,160(L) x 407(W) x 842(H)/mm
Pressure : 7.5 ~ 9.9 kgf/㎠
2. Fermentor control software
BioG series Fermentor Control Program - BioStation 3.0 - is the reliable fermentation processing system that monitors and controls of operating the unit under the Windows 98/Me/2000 environments.

Real time & multi data trends function : Providing real time data & trends. Multi trends graphs.
Reliability of system : Provides reliable control system with communication in any hazard computer cases.
Graph Screen : Gives real time data as a graphs for rpm, temp, DO and pH. Press each button of rpm, temp, D.O and pH to give you multi data trend graphs.
View Excel : Displays and saves date, time, rpm, temperature, DO. Displays data based on data saving periods between 10 seconds and 1800 seconds (30minutes)
3. Chiller
Cooling system for fermentor temperature control
Built in microprocessor control
Size : 480W x 410D x 940H /mm, Refrigeration : 1/4 HP X 2
Cooling Tank

韩国百特伦公司是一家通过ISO 9001,14001认证的企业,公司成立于1958年,公司产品覆盖生物产业从实验室,中试,到大规模生产的各个环节。主要产品有发酵罐,冻干机,真空浓缩仪和离心机。





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