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A口信令分析仪,A接口协议分析仪 MPA7300

A口信令分析仪,A接口协议分析仪 MPA7300

  • 价 格: 电议元
  • 型号:
  • 生 产 地:GN Nettest 丹麦
  • 访问:297次
  • 发布日期:2009/11/2(更新日期:2012/1/6)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

  • 详细内容
  • 公司简介

mpa7300 mpa7200 mpa7100

厂家 gn nettest官网介绍  详细介绍 pdf

包含所有主要的电信协议:ss7, dass2, dpnss, btnr167, gsm, etsi q931, inap 等等.

所 配 模 块

mpa7300multi processor *22 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *1-
mpa7300multi processor *3  
mpa7300multi processor *12 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *12 mbit/s balanced quad link *1
mpa7200multi processor *22 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *5pci link interface *1
mpa7200pci controller *22 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *6-
mpa7100multi processor *12 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *1 
mpa7100multi processor *12 mbit/s unbalanced quad link *1-








◆中文操作界面仿真设计 提供友好的人机交互界面,系统操作简单易学。


操作系统microsoft windows2000
cpupentium 400mhz
缓存1gbyte disk on the mpu

used for acceptance testing, detailed trouble shooting, daily maintenance and performance analysis of telecoms networks and switches.多达10种协议同时分析。easy to use multi-link instrument with true multi-protocol analysis capability for up to ten protocols simultaneously.

ability to store 1gb of data with 1ms resolution, filter trigger and perform sequence recording for easy analysis.协议分析协议分析功能捕获发出的信号单元并以解码的形式显示。the protocol-analysis function captures signaling units and displays them in decoded form. the captured signaling units in the log are time-stamped with a resolution of 1 millisecond. the mpa 7300provides full correlation of signaling information recorded from all connected signaling links. different protocol desc-riptions may be associated with the various signaling-link interfaces. national protocol desc-riptions can easily be customized. automatic error recognition the unique mpa 7300 expert system automatically recognizes all invalid signaling messages and sequences (all valid messages and sequences are contained in the protocol desc-ription). in case of a signaling error (syntax error, messages out of sequence or timeout between two messages), the collected events will be stored with an error message in the log.滤波器in this context, filtering means controlling which signaling messages/sequences and alarms are stored in the event log. an event recognizer in the mpa 7300 is a mechanism that allows the user to look for individual signaling messages and alarms with a specific content – e.g. isup release messages with cause 17 “user busy”. sequence recognizers are used to capture a complete sequence of events forming a meaningful transaction – e.g. a telephone call or a service 800 in transaction. both event recognizers and sequence recognizers can be used as filter conditions. the user can se-lect from a wide range of predefined “click-and-go” events and sequence recognizers. up to 500 concurrent calls/transactions can be followed by a sequence recognizer.触发类型the mpa contains two trigger types: one start trigger for enabling (open) storage of events and one stop trigger for disabling (close). an event recognizer can be se-lected as start trigger. a timing offset or event-number offset can also be specified before the event recognizer.

  • replacement for the successful etp-71 protocol analyser
  • used for acceptance testing, detailed trouble shooting, daily maintenance and performance analysis of telecoms networks and switches
  • easy to use multi-link instrument with true multi-protocol analysis capability for up to ten protocols simultaneously
  • incorporates a windows® gui with pentium processor, 10.4" screen and remote control capability
  • includes all major telecoms protocols such as ss7, dass2, dpnss, btnr167, gsm, etsi q931, inap etc
  • ability to store 1gb of data with 1ms resolution, filter trigger and perform sequence recording for easy analysis

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北方思源电子技术中心,自1990年开始经营闲置通用电子仪器设备。为全国各地厂商、学校及电子爱好者提供了上万台仪器,得到广大用户的青睐。真正的做到了质优价廉和优质的售后服务以及测量方面的技术咨询。售出的仪器7~9成新。价格为原值的5%~40%。经过专业技术人员逐台进行校准,保证各项功能均达到使用要求。仪器自售出之日保修一年!为用户提供良好的售后服务,竭诚满足用户的要求。为了方便用户,我公司备有以下公司的现货:美国泰克、惠普;日本松下、日立、岩崎、菊水;德国R/S;英国马可尼;荷兰飞利浦等各种仪器上千台供您挑选。 仪器种类有:模拟示波器、数字存储示波器、取样示波器、立体声示波器、矢量示波器、多通道示波器、高灵敏度示波器、慢扫描示波器、逻辑示波器、教学演示示波器、双线示波器、记忆示波器、频谱分析仪、傅立叶频谱分析仪、动态信号分析仪、调制度测量仪、音频分析仪、逻辑分析仪、无线电综测仪、合成信号源、函数信号源、脉冲信号源、高频信号发生器、微波信号源、抖动分析仪、抖动测量仪、高频扫频仪、低频扫频仪、晶体管图示仪、电子管测试仪、集成电路测试仪、耐压测试仪、功率计、失真仪、频率计、微波频率计、直流稳压电源、交流稳压电源、万用电桥、毫伏表、电工表、标准电阻箱、标准电容箱、标准电感箱、多位数字万用表、调压器、彩电信号发生器、彩显信号发生器、进口示波器高频探头、电流探头等各种仪器。






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