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211 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
energetic evolution:
the line of atomic absorption spectrophotometers were designed to utilize the maximum energy of the single beam optical system. this allowed us to build a smaller, less expensive and more sensitive instrument. background correction was achieved by in-serting the deuterium lamp directly after the hollow cathode lamp and using variable giant pulse.
the 200 series atomic absorption spectrophotometers are the culmination of more than 25 years of success and experience as a manufacturer of spectroscopy instruments.
the 200 series aa’s are powerful, compact and cost effective solutions to all atomic analyses. it has been designed to meet the performance and flexibility your laboratory requires now and in the future.
standard features:
the 200 series aa’s are shipped ready for use. all operating conditions are
pre-loaded in the internal computer, including lamp settings, secondary wavelengths, and alternate methods of analysis for over 60 elements by flame, furnace, or hydride techniques.
the three lamp turret has individual controls for alignment and standby mode to keep lamps warm. direct report generation to a printer or data linking to the optional buck analyst software package is easily done using the parallel and rs232c ports.
analytical performance:
the 200 series aa’s are high energy, microprocessor controlled single beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer. solid state electronics and simple optics provide the basis for our superior stability and sensitivity. the ebert mount monochromator and user-se-lectable bandwidth give the system maximum flexibility. our short-path dynamic nebulizer/burner configuration is highly efficient. an inert needle, precisely positioned in a high flow venturi, delivers sample to the corrosion proof impact bead. this results in a tremendously high nebulization effect for all types of sample matrices.
cost effectiveness:
the 210/211 is designed for minimal maintenance. the burner assembly is easily accessible for quick cleaning. the microprocessor uses stateof-the-art components and is machine assembled for quality and reliability. with the best performanceto- price ratio in the market, the 210/211 is truly an affordable instrument that will maximize your return on investment.
fully integrated safety interlocks for gas pressure sensor, drain line trap and ignitor insures safe operation of the 211aas
unique furnace design:
the model 220 gf accessory is the latest technology in ppb level analyses by graphite furnace aa. this fully integrated design uses an innovative, unique technology in a compact powerful furnace module. the quick-mount design permits rapid change over between furnace and flame heads.
the unique power supply in our furnace is capable of generating temperatures up to 3000°c in less than a second! this ultra-fast heating rate provides superior sensitivity in refractory elements and carbide-forming metals. the on-board firmware gives the analytical chemist full control of all aspects of the analysis. gas flows (external, internal, mini-internal and auxiliary are standard), data collection (integrated, real-time, or absorbance area) and electronic parameters for the hollow cathode lamps and the various background correction routines can all be programmed by the operator for maximum results.
the stabilized-temperature graphite furnace aa (stgfaas) procedure insures the highest accuracy & reproducibility.
the 210/211 can initiate multistep sequences with alternate gas purging for fully optimized stgfaas.
system integration:
the integration of the controlling software with the furnace module is comprehensive, and methods development time can easily be cut in half by using our protocols to refine an analytical method.
the model 220as random-access auto-sampler will fully automate your analytical operations without the need for an external pc to control the system. by incorporating a sample id table within the software, complete data handling can be done internally.
onboard software:
on-board microprocessing the completely integrated firmware found in the 210/211 gives absolute control of operation and data manipulation. from setting lamp parameters to optimizing calibration curves and furnace temperature/time programs; the internal firmware provides access to all of the system settings.
accusys 211:
the accusys 211 aas is the next evolution of the highly successful 210vgp, incorporating a series of sophisticated automatic functions and safety features into the high-sensitivity, interference-free design of buck’s unique “stable-beam” optical system. the proprietary non-flame ignition system and automatic controls make the accusys-series instruments the aas of the new millennium.
• unique non-flame ignitor provides the safest instrument start-up
• simple 3 button operation for fully automatic gas controls, ignition and gas switchover
(air to nitrous oxide)
• analytical parameters are displayed when method files are loaded from the 211’s built-in methods library
• fully integrated safety interlocks for gas pressure sensors, burner head type, uv flame sensor, drain line trap and power failure insures safe operation of the 211 aas
• upgradable to the model 220gf back-mounted graphite furnace for ppb/ppt trace level analyses
• allows superior detection limits for hydride metals compared to graphite furnace aas, typically in the 100-500 ppt.
• does not require hydrogen gas.
• easy installation and removal for changing back to flame operation.
• four order of magnitude dynamic range using the model 210/211 system for highest accuracy over a wide range of sample concentrations minimizing dilutions and errors.
• inert tubing gives rapid equilibration time allowing typical throughputs of 50 samples per hour with reproducibilities of better than 2% at the 500 ppt level
instrument specifications:
wavelength range: 190 to 900nm, accuracy ± 0.2nm, precision ± 0.1nm
monochromator / optics: 250mm ebert mount, 600 lines/mm grating, 0.2-0.7-2.0nm bandpass
hollow cathode lamp supply: triple hcl power supply; 3 to 75 ma peak in normal mode, 3 to 750ma in giant pulse mode. the 205 has a two lamp design.
background correction: deuterium - in-line (see-through) configuration, pulsed illumination, hot cathode, variable frequency, corrects from 190-350nm (0.7nm slit). variable giant pulse - self-reversing hcl currents up to 750 ma with pulse time from 10 to 200 microseconds, corrects from 190-900nm. the 205aas does not feature d2 background correction
burner / nebulizer: polypropylene spray chamber with pre-mix burner and high efficiency adjustable nebulizers (ss), titanium burner heads for air/acetylene, argon/hydrogen and nitrous oxide/acetylene operation.
microprocessor: computer control by 80c188 chip, 8/16 bit operation, 12/24 mhz clockspeed; non-volatile sram storage of >200 method files.
integration / response range: user se-lectable times from 0.5 to 10 seconds for continuous (flame) and transient (furnace, hydride) signals.
calibration: automatic, weighted least squares fit to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th order functions,
up to 8 points.
display: 16-line backlit liquid crystal display for all text and graphics
output modes: lcd display, ieee-488 parallel port for dot-matrix printer, rs-232 serial port
dimensions / weight: 39"l x 11"w x 12"h; 50 lbs (81 lbs shipping weight)
power supply: 100-240 vac operating range, 50/60 hz ac, <150 watts
迪索仪器有限公司DSA Instruments Co.,Ltd 迪索仪器公司总部设在北京,是一家专业的进口科学仪器代理公司。我们提供的仪器集中在通用类、生化、微生物、组织病理、化学、制药、材料学、半导体等领域。供应商来自美国、欧洲、日本等国家。 请随时与我们国内的公司保持联系:
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E-mail: infodsa@vip.sina.com
一、实验室常用仪器: 1、台式冷冻高速离心机 2、水浴摇床 3、空气摇床 4、冷冻循环水浴; 5、冻干机 6、微波消解仪 7、培养箱 8、CO2培养箱 9、植物生长箱 10、恒温恒湿箱 11、纯净氢气发生器; 12、纯净氮气发生器; 13、纯净空气发生器; 14、纯净零空气发生器; 15、厌氧手套箱; 16、烘箱 17、真空烘箱 18、马弗炉 19、数字式生物显微镜 20、数字式解剖显微镜 21、荧光显微镜 22、倒置显微镜 23、超净工作台 24、生物安全柜 25、均质器 26、超声波破碎仪 27、旋转蒸发仪 28、磁力加热搅拌器 29、流化床干燥器 30、熔点仪 31、行星式球磨仪 32、颚式破碎仪 33、杯振式研磨仪 34、圆盘式研磨仪 35、液压仪 36、折光仪 37、旋光仪 38、真空泵 39、筛振仪 40、PCR仪 41、火焰分光光度计 42、紫外可见分光光度计 43、荧光分光光度计 44、高压灭菌锅 45、脉动灭菌锅 46、超声波清洗器 47、自动洗瓶机 48、超纯水器 49、酸度计 50、电导仪 51、溶氧仪
二、食品饮料微生物仪器: 1、厌氧培养箱 2、全自动菌落计数仪 3、自动抑菌圈仪 4、自动菌落涂板器 5、自动细菌鉴别系统 6、样品拍打器 7、培养基制备仪 8、培养基自动分装仪 9、生物发酵罐 10、牛奶成分分析仪 11、牛奶定量分析仪 12、牛奶用离心机 13、痕量O2/CO2气体分析仪 14、水果纤维分析仪 15、旋风磨 16、微生物取样器 17、凯氏消解器 18、自动凯氏定氮仪 19、纤维萃取仪 20、脂肪萃取仪 21、氧弹式量热计 22、脂类氧化稳定性测试仪 23、饮料中酒精含量测定仪 24、啤酒测试仪器 25、喷雾干燥器
三、材料分析化学仪器: 1、S-3000激光粒度分析仪; 2、纳米粒度仪 3、A500纳米粉末粒度仪; 4、LabScan实验室用在线粒度仪; 5、德国PilotScan在线粒度仪; 6、气体吸附仪/蒸汽吸附仪 7、BET比表面积分析仪 8、厌氧手套箱 9、胶体稳定性仪 10、自动动态接触角仪 11、自动旋滴/表面张力仪 12、热分析仪/热膨胀仪 13、CHONS元素分析仪 14、高压反应釜 15、超临界萃取仪 16、自动样品熔融炉 17、重熔炉 18、测氯仪 19、磁悬浮天平 20、高速成像分析仪 21、EasyChem非连续流动注射分析仪 22、ToxScreen在线水中有毒污染物分析仪 23、EasyChem Plus自动水质分析仪 24、Micromac在线水质分析仪 25、流动微量量热仪
四、组织病理类仪器: 1、旋转切片机 2、冷冻切片机 3、振荡切片机 4、超薄切片机 5、滑动式切片机 6、组织包埋机 7、组织脱水机 8、自动染色机 9、自动装片机 10、摊片机 11、烘片机 12、精子质量分析仪 13、冰冻蚀刻机 14、其他配套仪器
五、石油测试仪器: 1、重油燃烧特性分析仪,IP ST-B 14; 2、XRF荧光定硫仪,ASTM D7039; 3、在线XRF荧光定硫仪,ASTM D7039; 4、自动石油馏程测定仪,ASTM D86,D850,ISO 3405,IP 123; 5、石油产品减压蒸馏仪,ASTM D1160,ISO 6616;ASTM D2892 ,D5236; 6、数字式针入度仪(沥青用),ASTM D5; 7、沥青加热损失测定仪,ASTM D6,D1754; 8、自动软化点仪,ASTM D36,IP 58; 9、Tag自动闪点仪,ASTM D56; 10、Cleveland自动闪点仪,ASTM D92,IP 36; 11、Pensky Martens自动闪点仪,ASTM D93,IP 34; 12、Abel自动闪点仪,IP 33,IP170; 13、自动倾点仪,ASTM D97; 14、自动延展度测试仪,ASTM D113,D5976; 15、铜腐蚀测试仪,ASTM D130; 16、铜腐蚀和银腐蚀测试仪(航煤),ASTM D130,IP227; 17、电子控制润滑油测试仪,ASTM D217,IP50; 18、雷德法饱和蒸汽压测定仪(汽油),ASTM D323,IP69; 19、燃油胶质测定仪(喷射蒸发法),ASTM D381,IP131; 20、低温运动粘度浴,ASTM D445,IP71; 21、Ramsbottom残碳测定仪,ASTM D524,IP14; 22、自动氧化安定性测定仪(汽油和航油),ASTM D525,D873,IP40; 23、自动润滑脂落点测定仪,ASTM D566,D2265,IP132; 24、水中惰性矿物油的抗锈测定仪,ASTM D665,IP135; 25、润滑油的发泡性能测试仪(单槽),ASTM D892,IP146; 26、润滑脂氧化安定性测定仪(氧弹法),ASTM D942,IP142; 27、惰性矿物油的氧化特性测定仪,ASTM D943,IP157; 28、润滑脂和油的蒸发损失测定仪,ASTM D972,IP183; 29、抗冻液的冰点测定仪,ASTM D1177; 30、润滑脂的漏失量测定仪,ASTM D1263; 31、润滑脂的水洗特征测定仪,ASTM D1264; 32、液化石油气的饱和蒸汽压测定仪,ASTM D1267,IP161; 33、机械制冷剂在玻璃器皿中的腐蚀测定仪,ASTM D1384; 34、石油和合成油的水分离特性测定仪,ASTM D1401; 35、轻汽油的相对密度测定仪(热压法),ASTM D1657; 36、湿度箱中金属防锈剂的生锈特性测定仪,ASTM D1748,IP366; 37、润滑脂的辊压稳定性测定仪,ASTM D1831; 38、液化石油气的铜片腐蚀测定仪,ASTM D1838; 39、氧化稳定性测定仪(蒸汽轮机油RBOT和汽车马达用油TFOUT),ASTM D2272,D4742; 40、燃油蒸馏时的稳定性测定仪,ASTM D2274,IP388; 41、惰性矿物油的氧化安定性测定仪,ASTM D2440; 42、自动浊点测定仪,ASTM D2500; 43、自动浊点和倾点测定仪,ASTM D2500,ASTM D97; 44、液压油液压稳定性测定仪,ASTM D2619; 45、润滑油的破乳化性测定仪,ASTM D2711; 46、旋转薄膜烘箱(泥青测试),ASTM D2872,EN12607; 47、热喷雾下制冷剂的铝合金腐蚀测定仪,ASTM D4340; 48、润滑油的高温发泡特性测定仪,ASTM D6082; 49、柴油的冷滤点测定仪,ASTM D6371,IP309; 50、自动冷滤点测定仪,ASTM D6371,IP309,EN116; 51、制冷剂的高温稳定性测定仪,CEC C-21-T-00 52、润滑油的老化特性测定仪(Baader),DIN51554; 53、润滑油的加热损失测定仪(Noack法),DIN51581; 54、轻质油的腐蚀和氧化稳定性测定仪,FTMS 791-5308; 55、航空燃料油的银腐蚀测定仪,IP227; 56、热过滤测试仪,IP375; 57、便携式辛烷值测定仪 58、PPT 25150 / 45150倾点仪,ASTM D5985; 59、自动油气管道模拟分析仪 60、光学絮凝测试仪 61、气体氢化反应釜 62、高温旋转粘度仪 63、液体导热仪 64、SFlow-850自动运动粘度测定仪,ASTM D445,D446; 65、TV2000AKV自动运动粘度浴,ASTM D445,D446; 66、1000型高温高压粘度计 67、VM-900塑料中的水分测定仪,ISO15512; 68、Aquatest 2010库仑法KF水分仪,ASTM D4928,IP386; 69、P700在线雷德法饱和蒸汽压测定仪, ASTM D323,D4953,D5482,D5191; 70、P800LT在线冰点测定仪,ASTM D2386,IP16; 71、P820在线浊点测定仪,ASTM D2500,IP219; 72、W-700UV TOC、COD测定仪 73、W-800UV在线水中油测定仪 74、在线冷滤点仪 75、在线浊点仪 76、6250碳硫分析仪 77、282氧氮分析仪 78、140总无机碳(TIC)分析仪 79、总SO2/H2S分析仪 80、500A自动沥青含量测定仪 81、230型分子量测定仪 82、204型在线VOC分析仪(水中) 83、1200型在线H2S分析仪(防爆型),ASTM D4084-82,D4468-85,D4045-81; 84、1700型在线总硫分析仪,ASTM D3031,D4084-82,D4468-85,D4045-81; 85、2700EX型在线CO2分析仪 86、Voyager 便携式GC 87、Lovibond PFX190自动石油比色计,ASTM D156, D1500, D6045, E 308; JIS K2580; 88、熔融指数仪 89、毛细管流变仪 90、石油标准物质 91、卡尔费休(Karl Fischer)标准试剂 92、标准运动毛细粘度管 93、HPLC、GC毛细管柱 六、涂料测试仪器:
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