您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 其他电线、电缆 > 紫外线强度检测仪
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紫外线的应用很广泛,如紫外线杀菌消毒,紫外线理疗,紫外线荧光分析和鉴别侦破,紫外线曝光光刻等。紫外线的破坏作用在某些场合是非常危险的。如文物书画,橡胶塑料,在长期照射下会发生老化,紫外线还会伤害眼睛,皮肤和花木等等。ZQJ-254紫外线强度检测仪能测量各种环境中的紫外线辐照剂量。 #用途 可广泛适用于测量各种场合的紫外辐射强度,对从事生物、化学、医疗、卫生、食品、侦破、考古部门和对测量滤色片及石英玻璃片的紫外线透过率,是生产灯泡和玻璃制品厂等单位的必备的检测仪器。 #技术指导 ⑴ 量测强度宽:0.1-30000(uwcm2) ⑵ 紫外线范围:200×320nm(中心波长254nm) ⑶ 放大器采用集成块测量值稳定可靠 ⑷ 外形尺寸:200×150×85mm重量1公斤 ⑸ 电 源:1.5v1号电池2节 ⑹ 工作环境条件:温度(0-40℃相对湿度≤80%),无强电电磁场干扰。 ⑺ 仪器准确度:15±%(253.7nm) 重复性:优于±5% As it is well known,the ultraviolet rays can be widely applied to disinfection,physical treatment,detdctive discrimination and exposure optical carving etc. Otherwise,it can strongly damage something such as historical relic books and drawing,rubber products and plastics which will ba ageing after the radiation in the long time period. The ultraviolet rays is harmful to eyes,sin and rlowers etc. Model ZQJ-254 ultraviolet Intensity meter can measure the radiation dose of ultraviolet rays in the various enviroment. #APPLICATIONS: This meter can be widely applied to measure the radiation intensity of ultraviolet rays in the various enviroment. To the divisions which are engaged in biology, chemistry, medecine,sanitation, food, detective work, archaeology and to the factories of lamp production and glass production in which the ultraviolet transminssion rate of filter plate and quartz glass plate are measured meter is a necessary for often use purposes. #TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: ⑴ intensity range measured 0.1-30000(uwcm2) ⑵ measured range of ultraviolet rays 200-320 nm central wavelength 254nm ⑶ amplifier is constructed by collector block and the measured values are stable and reliable ⑷ size 200×150×85mm weight 1kg ⑸ supply(battery)2×1.5v 1#battery ⑹ temerature of work enviroment 0-40℃ relative humidity≤80% Without disturbation due to strong magnetic and electric field ⑺ precision ±15%(2253.7nm) repetation better than ±15% |
产品涉及生命科学、化学化工、医学制药、食品环境等多学科。公司主要为科研院所、高等院校、卫生检验检疫部门、环境保护部门,制药、食品、饮料、石油化工、水产检测, 化装品,涂料, 质检部门、医疗检验,生物等企业的实验室提供服务。
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