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技术参数: 灵敏度:0.5 μg Chl/L 测量光频率:2,4,8,16,32,64Hz 光化光频率:64Hz 饱和光频率:64Hz 饱和光闪光间隔:1ms~10s 饱和光最大光强:>8000 μmol·m-2·s-1 定时:1s~8h 适用温度:<0℃~>40℃ 电源:115/230V,50/60Hz,0.64/0.32A 电压浮动范围:士10 |
1. 韩志国, 雷腊梅, 韩博平, 2006. 角毛藻光合作用对连续强光照射的动态响应. 热带亚热带植物学报 14: 7-13.
2. Topchiy NM, Sytnik SK, Syvash OO, Zolotareva OK, 2005. The effect of additional red irradiation on the photosynthetic apparatus of Pisum sativum Photosynthetica 43: 451-456.
3. MacKenzie TDB, Johnson JM, Cockshutt AM, Burns RA, Campbell DA, 2005. Large reallocations of carbon, nitrogen, and photosynthetic reductant among phycobilisomes, photosystems, and Rubisco during light acclimation in Synechococcus elongatus strain PCC7942 are constrained in cells under low environmental inorganic carbon. Archives of Microbiology 183: 190-202.
4. MacKenzie TDB, Campbell DA, 2005. Cyanobacterial acclimation to rapidly fluotuating light is constrained by inorganic carbon status. Journal of Phycology 41: 801-811.
5. Kolb CA, Schreiber U, Gademann R, Pfundel EE, 2005. UV-A screening in plants determined using a new portable fluorimeter Photosynthetica 43: 371-377.
6. Bruyant F, Babin M, Genty B, Prasil O, Behrenfeld MJ, Claustre H, Bricaud A, Garczarek L, Holtzendorff J, Koblizek M, Dousova H, Partensky F, 2005. Diel variations in the photosynthetic parameters of Prochlorococcus strain PCC 9511: Combined effects of light and cell cycle. Limnology and Oceanography 50: 850-863.
7. Bélanger M-C, Viau AA, Samson G, Chamberland M, 2005. Determination of a multivariate indicator of nitrogen imbalance (MINI) in potato using reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Agronomy Journal 97: 1515-1523.
8. Villareal TA, 2004. Single-cell pulse amplitude modulation fluorescence measurements of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 40: 1052-1061.
9. Ryu J-Y, Song JY, Lee JM, Jeong SW, Chow WS, Choi S-B, Pogson BJ, Park Y-I, 2004. Glucose-induced expression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes in the dark Is mediated by cytosolic pH in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 25320-25325.
10. Regel RH, Brookes JD, Ganf GG, 2004. Vertical migration, entrainment and photosynthesis of the freshwater dinoflagellate Peridinium cinctum in a shallow urban lake Journal of Plankton Research 26: 143-157.
11. Nybakken L, Bilger W, Johanson U, Björn LO, Zielke M, Solheim B, 2004. Epidermal UV-screening in vascular plants from Svalbard (Norwegian Arctic). Polar Biology 27: 383-390.
12. Mock T, Valentin K, 2004. Photosynthesis and cold acclimation: molecular evidence from a polar diatom. Journal of Phycology 40: 732-741.
13. MacKenzie TDB, Burns RA, Campbell DA, 2004. Carbon status constrains light acclimation in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. Plant Physiology 136: 3301-3312.
14. Ryu J-Y, Suh K-H, Chung Y-H, Park Y-M, Chow WS, Park Y-I, 2003. Cytochrome c oxidase of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 protects photosynthesis from salt stress. Molecules and Cells 16: 74-77.
15. Davey MS, Suggett DJ, Geider RJ, Taylor AR, 2003. Phytoplankton plasma membrane redox activity: effect of iron limitation and interaction with photosynthesis. Journal of Phycology 39: 1132-1144.
16. Rodriguez M, Jr, Sanders CA, Greenbaum E, 2002. Biosensors for rapid monitoring of primary-source drinking water using naturally occurring photosynthesis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 17: 843-849.
17. Miyake C, Yonekura K, Kobayashi Y, Yokota A, 2002. Cyclic electron flow within PSII functions in intact chloroplasts from spinach leaves Plant Cell and Physiology 43: 951-957.
18. Jeong SW, Choi SM, Lee DS, Ahn SN, Hur Y, Chow WS, Park Y-I, 2002. Differential susceptibility of photosynthesis to light-chilling stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) depends on the capacity for photochemical dissipation of light. Molecules and Cells 13: 419-428.
19. Gervais F, Riebesell U, Gorbunov MY, 2002. Changes in primary productivity and chlorophyll a in response to iron fertilization in the Southern Polar Frontal Zone. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 1324-1335.
20. Markstädter C, Queck I, Baumeister J, Riederer M, Schreiber U, Bilger W, 2001. Epidermal transmittance of leaves of Vicia faba for UV radiation as determined by two different methods. Photosynthesis Research 67: 17-25.
21. Kolb CA, Käser MA, Kopecký J, Zotz G, Riederer M, Pfündel EE, 2001. Effects of natural intensities of visible and ultraviolet radiation on epidermal ultraviolet screening and photosynthsis in grape leaves. Plant Physiology 127: 863-875.
22. Bilger W, Johnsen T, Schreiber U, 2001. UV-excited chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for the assessment of UV-protection by the epidermis of plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 52: 2007-2014.
23. Burchard P, Bilger W, Weissenbock G, 2000. Contribution of hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids to epidermal shielding of UV-A and UV-B radiation in developing rye primary leaves as assessed by ultraviolet-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Plant Cell and Environment 23: 1373-1380.
24. Brookes JD, Ganf GG, Oliver RL, 2000. Heterogeneity of cyanobacterial gas-vesicle volume and metabolic activity Journal of Plankton Research 22: 1579-1589.
25. Barnes PW, Searles PS, Ballaré CL, Ryel RJ, Caldwell MM, 2000. Non-invasive measurements of leaf epidermal transmittance of UV radiation using chlorophyll fluorescence: field and laboratory studies. Physiologia Plantarum 109: 274-283.
26. Ivanov B, Kobayashi Y, Bukhov NG, Heber U, 1998. Photosystem I-dependent cyclic electron flow in intact spinach chloroplasts: Occurrence, dependence on redox conditions and electron acceptors and inhibition by antimycin A. Photosynthesis Research 57: 61-70.
27. Geel C, Versluis W, Snel JFH, 1997. Estimation of oxygen evolution by marine phytoplankton from measurement of the efficiency of Photosystem II electron flow. Photosynthesis Research 51: 61-70.
28. Bilger W, Veit M, Schreiber L, Schreiber U, 1997. Measurement of leaf epidermal transmittance of UV radiation by chlorophyll fluorescence. Physiologia Plantarum 101: 754-763.
29. Schreiber U, Neubauer C, Schliwa U, 1993. PAM fluorometer based on medium-frequency pulsed Xe-flash measuring light: A highly sensitive new tool in basic and applied photosynthesis research. Photosynthesis Research 36: 65-72.
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迄今,我们已经与30多家国际著名生态,植物仪器研发制造商达成了代理协议,负责其产品在中国大陆和香港地区的技术销售和售后服务,逐步形成了SPAC土壤-植物-大气循环体全系列的产品结构,方便了国内专业用户的实验需求。针对德国WALZ公司PAM系列产品,围绕PAM脉冲-振幅-调制荧光技术在植物光合作用研究领域的应用,我们建立了“德国WALZ公司中国技术服务中心”,每月定期在全国范围内举办实验培训班,提供国内外最新的文献支持和交流,在国内也得到了广大用户的大力支持和认可。 |
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