您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 教学型叶绿素荧光仪PAM-210
pam-210 —— 一台不仅仅是用于教学的荧光仪
调制叶绿素荧光技术尽管在科研上得到了广泛且成功的应用,但由于仪器昂贵,因此在很长一段时间里并没能用于教学实验。为此,schreiber教授专门设计了一台为本科生教学用的调制荧光仪——pam-210(也叫teaching-pam)。这台仪器的基本功能与pam-2100相同,其电脑操作软件也采用pamwin,同时还具有强大的单机操作功能。因此,pam-210不仅在教学应用上取得了成功,在科研领域也得到了成功应用。 schreiber教授专为利用pam-210进行教学实验写了一本《叶绿素荧光基础实验指南》,我司已将该书翻译成中文,供国内学者参考。 | ![]() |
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测量光:红色发光二极管(led),650 nm,标准强度0.04 μmol m-2 s-1par;调制频率32hz或8 khz,自动转换。
光化光:红色led,665 nm,最大连续光强1800 μmol m-2 s-1par
饱和脉冲:红色led,665 nm,最大连续光强3500 μmol m-2 s-1par
远红光:led,730 nm,最大强度10 w m-2。
信号检测:pin-光电二极管,带短波截止滤光片(λ>710 nm);选择性锁相放大器(专利设计)。
1. bannister p, lord jm, comparative winter frost resistance of plant species from southern africa, australia, new zealand, and south america grown in a common environment (dunedin, new zealand). new zealand journal of botany, 2006. 44: 109-119.
2. pieruschka r, schurr u, jensen m, wolff wf, jahnke s, lateral diffusion of co2 from shaded to illuminated leaf parts affects photosynthesis inside homobaric leaves. new phytologist, 2006. 169: 779-788.
3. shalygo nv, kozel nv, effect of bengal rose sensitizer on activity of the photosynthetic apparatus of green barley leaves journal of applied spectroscopy, 2006. 73(2): 301-304.
4. 肖月娥, 陈开宁, 戴新宾, 陈小峰, 许晓明, 太湖中2种大型沉水被子植物适应低光能力的比较. 植物生理学通讯, 2006. 42(3): 421-425.
5. bannister p, maegli t, dickinson kjm, halloy srp, knight a, lord jm, mark af, spencer kl, will loss of snow cover during climatic warming expose new zealand alpine plants to increased frost damage? . oecologia, 2005. 144(2): 245-256.
6. blouin m, zuily-fodil y, pham-thi a-t, laffray d, reversat g, pando a, tondoh j, lavelle p, belowground organism activities affect plant aboveground phenotype, inducing plant tolerance to parasites. ecology letters, 2005. 8(2): 202-208.
7. slapakauskas v, ruzgas v, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of different winter wheat varieties (triticum aestivum l.). agronomy research, 2005. 3(2): 203-209.
8. zapata jm, guéra a, esteban-carrasco a, martín m, sabater b, chloroplasts regulate leaf senescence: delayed senescence in transgenic ndhf-defective tobacco. cell death and differentiation 2005. 12: 1277-1284.
9. kasuga m, miura s, shinozaki k, yamaguchi-shinozaki k, a combination of the arabidopsis dreb1a gene and stress-inducible rd29a promoter improved drought- and low-temperature stress tolerance in tobacco by gene transfer plant cell and physiology, 2004. 45(3): 346-350.
10. morant-manceau a, pradier e, tremblin g, osmotic adjustment, gas exchanges and chlorophyll fluorescence of a hexaploid triticale and its parental species under salt stress journal of plant physiology, 2004. 161(1): 25-33.
11. kudoh s, imura s, kashino y, xanthophyll-cycle of ice algae on the sea ice bottom in saroma ko lagoon, hokkaido, japan. polar biology, 2003. 16: 86-97.
12. kudoh s, kashino y, imura s, ecological studies of aquatic moss pillars in antarctic lakes 3. light response and chilling and heat sensitivity of photosynthesis. polar bioscience, 2003. 16: 33-42.
13. motohashi r, ito t, kobayashi m, taji t, nagata n, asami t, yoshida s, yamaguchi-shinozak k, shinozaki k, functional analysis of the 37 kda inner envelope membrane polypeptide in chloroplast biogenesis using a ds-tagged arabidopsis pale-green mutant. the plant journal, 2003. 34(5): 719-731.
14. pshibytko nl, kalitukho ln, kabashnikova lf, effects of high temperature and water deficit on photosystem ii in hordeum vulgare leaves of various ages russian journal of plant physiology, 2003. 50(1): 44-51.
15. beer dd, larkum awd, photosynthesis and calcification in the calcifying algae halimeda discoidea studied with microsensors. plant cell and environment, 2001. 24(11): 1209-1217.
16. eckert m, kaldenhoff r, light-induced stomatal movement of se-lected arabidopsis thaliana mutants. journal of experimental botany, 2000. 51(349): 1435-1442.
17. shi l-x, lorkovi zj, oelmüller r, schröder wp, the low molecular mass psbw protein is involved in the stabilization of the dimeric photosystem ii complex in arabidopsis thaliana. the journal of biological chemistry, 2000. 275(48): 37945-37950.
18. christen g, stevens g, lukins pb, renger g, larkum awd, isolation and characterisation of oxygen evolving thylakoids from the marine prokaryote prochloron didemni febs letters, 1999. 449(2-3): 264-268.
19. jones rj, hoegh-guldberg o, larkum awd, schreiber u, temperature-induced bleaching of corals begins with impairment of the co2 fixation mechanism in zooxanthellae. plant cell and environment, 1998. 21: 1219-1230.
20. salih a, hoegh-guldberg o, cox g. bleaching responses of symbiotic dinoflagellates in corals: the effects of light and elevated temperature on their morphology and physiology. in proceedings of the australian coral reef society 75th anniversary conference. 1997. heron island: the university of queensland, brisbane.
21. schreiber u, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic energy conversion: simple introductory experiments with the teaching-pam chlorophyll fluorometer. 1997, effeltrich, germany: heinz walz gmbh.
泽泉科技有限公司是一家致力于引进欧美高科技产品并提供系统解决方案的高科技公司。泽泉科技不仅向用户提供仪器设备的选型、采购、安装调试、技术培训和售后支持等服务,还向用户提供系统解决方案及集成服务。 公司由陆地环境部、水环境部和系统集成部组成。陆地环境部主要提供植物、土壤、气象和环境领域需要的仪器,并提供气象监测、节水灌溉、生态监测站等项目的系统解决方案;水环境部主要提供海洋和淡水研究中需要的仪器,并提供近岸、水上(浮标型)和移动型(水下机器人)监测/预警系统的系统解决方案;系统集成部主要为专业用户提供定制个性化服务。 |
迄今,我们已经与30多家国际著名生态,植物仪器研发制造商达成了代理协议,负责其产品在中国大陆和香港地区的技术销售和售后服务,逐步形成了SPAC土壤-植物-大气循环体全系列的产品结构,方便了国内专业用户的实验需求。针对德国WALZ公司PAM系列产品,围绕PAM脉冲-振幅-调制荧光技术在植物光合作用研究领域的应用,我们建立了“德国WALZ公司中国技术服务中心”,每月定期在全国范围内举办实验培训班,提供国内外最新的文献支持和交流,在国内也得到了广大用户的大力支持和认可。 |
公司成立于2000年,总部位于上海,并在北京和成都设有分部。公司员工全部具有本科以上学历,其中技术人员均具有博士或硕士学历。同时依托各地合作伙伴将业务领域扩展到全国。取得以上成绩的原因,就在于泽泉科技不仅向中国生命科学研究与应用领域提供品质良好的仪器,并且在售前售后提供了一系列增值服务和强有力的技术支持。泽泉的团队由几十位具有生化、生理、生态、农学、海洋学、环境保护等行业技术背景及市场经验,又熟悉产品特性与应用的专业人士组成,具有丰富的生态仪器领域技术服务经验。与此同时,我们为了更好的提供专业服务,我们与国内诸多权威研究机构建立了合作实验室,其中包括:“中科院植物所生态联合实验室”,“北京林业大学植物生态联合实验室”,“中科院地理所土壤重金属污染调查联合实验室”,“新疆生态地理所植物生态联合实验室”等多个技术支撑单位。 |
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