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Plasmid DNA and viral RNA were imaged in a liquid environment by dynamic force microscopy (DFM) and fine structures of DNA
with heights of 1.8270.66nm were obtained in topographical images. In simultaneously acquired phase images, DNA could be imaged
with better contrast at lower imaging forces. By splitting the cantilever oscillation signal into lower and upper parts, the contribution of
the adhesion between tip and sample to the topographical images was eliminated, resulting in better signal-to-noise ratio. DFM of the
single stranded RNA genome of a human rhinovirus showed loops protruding from a condensed RNA core, 20–50nm in height. The
mechanical rigidity of the RNA was determined by single molecule pulling experiments. From fitting RNA stretching curves to the
Worm-Like-Chain (WLC) model a persistence length of 1.070.17nm was obtained
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