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提供者:江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司    发布时间:2021/8/4   阅读次数:314次 >>进入该公司展台
 安科瑞 于洋
       【摘 要】暴雨季节,路灯漏电安全事故更容易发生,引起足够的重视。本文从路灯安全现状、标准条文和实际应用的角度阐述了路灯线路安装剩余电流保护器(RCD)的必要性,并介绍了安科瑞电气有限公司的产品解决方案。


  0 引言








  剩余电流动作保护器 ( Residual Current Operated Protective Devices,RCD) 是种漏电保护装置,被广泛地应用在低压配电系统中,是低压电网防止电击事故、电气设备漏电损坏和电气火灾的防护措施,在国内外低压电网中获得了广泛的应用。

  1 路灯用电安全的现状













1 current situation of electric safety of street lamps

  1) the street lamp facilities are seriously damaged

  with the rapid development of the city, there are more and more municipal construction such as road reconstruction and subway construction. Cables are often cut and damaged due to non-standard and uncivilized construction by the construction unit, resulting in exposed cables; In addition, there are potential safety hazards by damaging the street lamp door, resulting in exposed and damaged lamp lines.

   2) the insulation treatment process of cable joint is backward

   the street lamp line has the characteristics of long power supply radius, scattered load and many joints, and the joint treatment processes are diverse, so it is impossible to achieve standardized installation. Most areas use traditional tape winding, and some areas use insulation puncture, heat shrinkable sleeve, potting glue, etc. there are many disadvantages. This kind of joint is easy to enter water or mix water vapor, which will gradually damage the insulation strength of the cable over a long time, resulting in failure and great hidden dangers in operation.

   3) protective appliances of end lamps become one of the accident sources

   according to the requirements of code for construction and acceptance of urban road lighting engineering (cjj89-2012), the phase line of each lamp shall be equipped with a fuse as the protective appliance of the lamp. Generally, this protective appliance is fixed or hung in the lamp post access door without any waterproof and moisture-proof measures. However, the lamp post is in a high-temperature and humid environment, and its wiring terminal is particularly easy to rust, resulting in increased contact resistance, When the current passes through, it generates heat, thus burning the wiring terminal, burning the lamp line, and the phenomenon of "hitting the rod" occurs from time to time.

   4) the electrical protection sensitivity of street lamps is not high

   at present, TN-S system is adopted for street lamp distribution, with long power supply line and large impedance. In addition, due to the influence of grounding resistance at fault point, the single-phase grounding current is relatively small. Air switches are mostly used in the lines in street lamp box transformer, which may not be able to quickly remove the fault. In case of leakage, the power supply cannot be cut off timely and automatically, which is prone to leakage of lamp pole or line. A design institute has conducted a test. The live wire bumped the pole at the end of 900m (5 * 25) cable, the short-circuit current was measured as 148A, and the 63A plastic shell switch at the front tripped after 42s.

  5) urban waterlogging has become a common phenomenon

  with the pace of urbanization, the construction of urban drainage network can not keep up with the expansion of urban area. When it comes to rainstorm weather, ponding will occur in many road sections. If the damage point of street lamp cable, street lamp cable joint and protective appliances of lamps are flooded, the surrounding waters may be charged.

   in addition, at present, the installation height of the lamp door of the lamp pole is generally 40cm above the ground. However, due to different standards during construction or the rise of the road in the later stage caused by road reconstruction, the height of the lamp door from the ground is generally less than 40cm. In severe weather such as rainstorm, rain will pour back into the lamp pole, the ponding will soak the cable joint or the cable at the ponding will be damaged, resulting in the surrounding water area and electrification, There is a risk and potential safety hazard that pedestrians are knocked down by step voltage.

Therefore, how to take anti electric leakage measures to prevent personal electric shock and various hazards caused by electric leakage is an urgent problem to be solved.

  2 相关国家标准的规定

  1)《GB 50054-2011 低压配电设计规范》第5.2.18 规定:





  2)《CJJ 45-2015 城市道路照明设计标准》第6.1.5条规定:


  3)《GBT 13955-2017 剩余电流动作保护装置安装和运行》

  其中第4.4条 “应安装RCD的设备和场所”中的4.4.1 d类“安装在户外的电气装置”,路灯作为室外的用电设备,应该配备剩余电流动作保护装置。

  3 ASJ系列剩余电流继电器

  安科瑞电气提供的ASJ系列剩余电流动作继电器可与低压断路器或低压接触器等组成组合式剩余电流保护装置,适用于交流 50Hz,额定电压 400V 及以下的 TT 和 TN 系统配电线路,用来对电气线路进行接地故障保护,防止接地故障电流引起的设备损坏和电气火灾事故,也可用来对人身触电危险提供间接接触保护。




  4 小结






本信息由注册会员:江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司 发布并且负责版权等法律责任。

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