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标题SHP-2 (Full-Length) Homogeneous Assay Kit


提供者:上海笃玛生物科技有限公司    发布时间:2024/1/23   阅读次数:33次 >>进入该公司展台
 SHP-2 (Full-Length) Homogeneous Assay Kit


The Homogeneous full length SHP-2 Assay Kit is a complete assay system designed to measure full length SHP-2 activity for screening and profiling applications. Using this kit, only two simple steps on a microtiter plate are needed to analyze the full length SHP-2 activity level. At the first step, the SHP-2 enzyme is preincubated with SHP-2 Activating Peptide to activate the enzyme. At the second step, the fluorogenic substrate, DiFMUP, is added in the mixture and the enzymatic activity releases DiFMU fluorophore that can then be measured using a fluorescence reader.

Materials Required But Not Supplied

Fluorescent microplate reader capable of reading exc/em=360 nm/455 nm
Adjustable micropipettor and sterile tips


Useful for studying enzyme kinetics and HTS applications.

Supplied As

Kit comes in a convenient 96-well format, with all the reagents necessary for 100 fluorescent SHP-2 activity measurements. In addition, the kit includes purified full length SHP-2 enzyme for use as a positive control.


One year from date of receipt when stored as directed.




Mammalian PTPases can be subdivided into two broad categories: transmembrane receptor PTPases and intracellular PTPases. SHP-2 (PTPN11) is one of the 2 closely related mammalian intracellular PTPases whose sequences encode 2 tandem SRC homology 2 (SH2) domains located at the N-terminal side and a single PTPase catalytic domain at C-terminus. In the inactive state, the N-terminal SH2 domain interacts with the PTP catalytic domain and blocks access of potential substrates to the active site. Upon binding to target phospho-tyrosyl residues, the N-terminal SH2 domain is released from the PTP domain, and the enzyme is activated by relieving this autoinhibition. SHP-2 is widely expressed in most tissues and plays a regulatory role in various cell signaling events that are important for a diversity of cell functions, such as mitogenic activation, metabolic control, transcription regulation, and cell migration.


SHP2, CFC, NS1, BPTP3, PTP2C, PTP-1D, SH-PTP2, SH-PTP3, MGC14433, SH2, SH 2, SH-2, SHP, shp


SHP-2 (Full-Length) Homogeneous Assay Kit







关键词:生化试剂盒  抗体  




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