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标题mirPremier® microRNA分离试剂盒


提供者:上海笃玛生物科技有限公司    发布时间:2024/8/7   阅读次数:19次 >>进入该公司展台


Sigma mirPremier microRNA分离试剂盒可以快速、有效地从不同的生物学来源样本,包括哺乳动物细胞培养物、动物组织、植物组织、微生物培养物中纯化和富集miRNA和其他小分子RNA,且无需进行任何有害的有机萃取。microRNA (miRNA) 属于小分子RNA,长度大约为21个核苷酸(nt),通过各种方式调节着基因表达,包括翻译抑制、mRNA切割和脱腺苷化。此外,如果您关注信使RNA和其它大分子RNA,这种试剂盒还可用于分离总RNA。


mirPremier® microRNA分离试剂盒已被用于:

  • 以来源于可食用植物葡萄的类外泌体纳米颗粒(EPDEN)提取含miRNA 的总RNA 。[1]
  • S.sirkka S. napiecekS. arctica中分离小分子RNA。[2]
  • 从冷冻大鼠肝脏中分离miRNA用于miRNA 分析。[3]


  • 旨在提高各种生物学来源的miRNA和其它小RNA分子的分离效率
  • 在30分钟内为下游应用实现快速而的miRNA提取和浓缩
  • 可以提取不含大RNA的高纯度miRNA
  • 不涉及危险的有机提取


mirPremier is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
  1. Can the mirPremier® microRNA Isolation Kit be used to isolate small RNAs from purified total RNA?

    We have used to the kit to purify in vitro transcribed small RNAs with great success, but have not done so with purified total RNA. Here are the steps we would recommend trying with purified total RNA:1. Prepare a lysis mix with 0.7 vol. Small RNA Lysis Buffer (M1070) and 0.3 vol. Binding Solution (L8042).2. Add 500 ul of lysis mix with 50 ul total RNA and mix thoroughly.3. Spin at 14000 rpm for 5 min to precipitate large RNA.5. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube.6. Add 610 ul (1.1 vol.) 100% ethanol to the supernatant and mix well.7.Transfer the mixture to a binding column and spin 1 min to bind. Repeat the binding step with the remaining mixture.8. Wash the column first with 700 ul 100% ethanol, and then with ethanol-diluted wash Solution 2.9. Dry the column and elute small RNA.

  2. Has the mirPremier® microRNA Isolation Kit been tested on sperm cells?

    We have not tested mirPremier microRNA Isolation Kit  with sperm cells.

关键词:稳定性强  特异性强    灵敏度高  




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